In honor of Public Health Week 2017, SPH is hosting the 12th Annual Research Poster Symposium and Student Poster ContestApril 3-9, 2017 in the SPH Classroom Building. The poster session is an opportunity to showcase the accomplishments of SPH graduate studentsas well as provide an opportunity to learn more about the School’s many research, service, outreach and educational initiatives.

Awards will be given for the top three student research posters.*

The top two winning entries will also be invited to compete for a slot in the Annual Delta Omega Student Poster Session to be held during APHA’s Annual Conference (Atlanta, Georgia, November 4-8, 2017).

Acceptable topics for poster presentations include those representing the range of on-going SPH activities including:

•Research •Outreach •Practice

Students are asked to contact their faculty advisors regarding the content of posters.

*Only the top 2 posters are eligible to compete in the Delta Omega Contest.


Students interested in submitting an abstract for poster presentation are asked to completed he Abstract Entry form ( to Linnae Hutchison () by February 28, 2017. Notice of poster acceptance will be given by March 3, 2017.

A Poster “How-To” Workshop will be held Wednesday February 22, 2017 (noon-1PM, Room 108, SPH Classroom Building) for students to offer guidance in preparing and presenting posters. Examples will be provided.

NOTE: We realize many of you have posters already prepared. We encourage you to submit these provided they are current (i.e., created after April 2016). Guidelines for new posters are included in this packet.

Eligibility: Students submitting their posters for judging in the research poster contest portion of the symposium must be current SPH students. The students must be first author and the poster must be current (created after April 2016). In addition, projects must have appropriate IRB or IACUC clearance. For class or practicum projects without IRB clearance, the posters are eligible for display only but are not eligible for judging.

Summary of Key 2017 poster participant deadlines:

February 28, 11:59PMAbstracts due

March 22 NoonPoster Workshop, SPH Classroom Building

March 3Notices of Acceptance sent out to applicants

March 20Posters sent to SPH Communications for Printing

March 30, 9AM-4PMPosters set-up by students in classroom hallway

April 3, 4PM-5:30PMPoster presentations, 3-5 minutes (Attendance is required)

April 4PMTop 3 students are notified of placement in contest

April 6th, 4PMAwards Ceremony for students placing in top 3, SPH Classroom Building

April 12, NoonPosters removed from classroom building (top 3 retained by SPH for posting)


Poster Setup: Thursday, March 30th from 9AM to 4PM in the Classroom Building (push pins and board assignments will be provided). Posters will remain on display during Public Health Week. Participants are asked to remove posters on Monday April 12th before noon. If you are unable to set up or remove your poster, please notify Linnae Hutchison () and the Office of Research will set up/remove/store as requested. Posters not set up by 10AM on Friday March 31st will be ineligible for judging.

Poster Presentation: Participants are required to attend the poster walk through/judging session on Monday April 3rd from 4PM-5:30PM. During this time, the judges will walk through the exhibit. Students should plan to stand by their respective posters and provide a 3-5 minute overview as judges walk through the poster session. Attire is business casual.

Judging: Posters will be judged by members of the SPH Research Committee beginning Friday March 31st— Monday April 3rd 5:30PM. As noted above, students should be prepared to provide 3-5 minute overview of their posters and respond to questions as judges walk through on Monday April 3rd from 4PM-5:30PM. This presentation requirement is part of the overall scoring criteria and attendance is required.Awards will be announced Thursday April 6th. First, second, and third place winners will be notified in advance by Tuesday April 4th to request their attendance at the award event along with advisors, respective Department Head, and collaborators.

General Guidance:

Display Board: Posters will be displayed on the stand-alone bulletin boards (provided by SPH). The board dimensions are 69 inches tall X 58 inches wide.

Poster Size: The standard poster size is approximately 40 inches tall X 56 inches wide (this is the standard size printed by HSC graphics). Examples of professionally printed posters are available at

Poster Printing: Poster printing services are now available to individuals participating in the poster presentation and contest via the SPH Communications Department at Questions regarding cost can be directed to Linnae Hutchison at .
Posters must be submitted by March 20th for printing at SPH.

Font Type: Use simple to read fonts such as Ariel, Helvetica, Geneva, or Times Roman. Be consistent throughout poster presentation.

Title: The banner across top should include the title, author(s), and affiliations. The title should be readable from 10-15 feet away. Letters in title should be 84 to 86 point font; authors and affiliations can use smaller font sizes. SPH and TAMU seals are recommended for inclusion in the banner and are available for download at

Other (style/content):

Use bulleted lists or short phrases. Left justify text. Avoid jargon.Support text with photos, tables, or figures.

Use of Color: Use of color is encouraged but overuse can be distracting. Be consistent in use of color.

Photos/Images: Use light backgrounds with darker photos and dark backgrounds with lighter photos.


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