




for the

Public Housing Agency of the

City of NAME



NAME, Executive Director

Date Issued: DATE, 2014

Due Date: DATE, 2014

The Public Housing Agency (PHA) of the City NAME, hereby invites qualified independentcontractors to submit bids for consulting services to produce, in accordance with the requirements of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program ofthe Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), a RAD Physical Condition Assessment (RPCA) foreach property described herein.

Scope of Work

Example description (note should be PCA specific).

The PHA currently has 316 units of public housing units that are divided into two AMPs (AMPs 1 and 2).Last year, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approved a pre-RAD Section 18Disposition application for the 180 units that had comprised AMP 3. Disposition of these AMP 3 unitstook effect in July of 2013. A condition of the approval of this AMP 3 disposition was that the PHA shall,within 6 months, make application for repositioning of the remaining 316 units that comprise AMPS 1and 2 through the RAD program. The PHA has done that and anticipates receiving approval of the RADapplications soon. The PHA was granted 180 replacement vouchers under the AMP 3 Section 18Disposition and he PHA has agreed to utilize residual receipts generated from the operations of thedisposed AMP 3 properties to support the RAD conversion of AMPs 1 and 2.

In the RAD program, PHAs may apply to convert the type of assistance currentlybeing received at one or more specific properties to a long-term, Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment(HAP) contract. A primary provision of RAD is to provide PHAs with access to debt financing to address aparticular property's immediate and long-term capital needs through rehabilitation. To quality, PHAsmust submit a detailed budget based in part on a PCA for each property. Given the goal of using theAMP 3 properties to provide financial support for the AMP 1 and 2 properties, PCAs will also be requiredfor AMP 3 properties as part of the scope of work.

The PHA’s properties have undergone various levels of modernization over the years. The list ofproperties for which PCAs are required is shown below. There are 30 properties in total. The chosenfirm must generate a separate PCA report for each of these propertiesin conformance with all of HUD's requirements as part of the RAD program. In addition, the chosen firmwill be required to populate the HUD online RAD tool that was designed for this purpose for the RADprogram. The PCA report must include the following sections:

i.Comparison of Traditional and Green Requirements

ii.Energy Audit

iii.Utility Consumption Baseline

The complete scope of work and contractor qualifications are detailed in the attached RAD statement ofWork (see Attachment A). This scope of work will need to be completed for all of the listed properties bvDATE. Each firm must demonstrate its ability to meet the deadline for the PCA scope ofwork in their proposal submission.

Description of Proposed Properties

The PHA is seeking technical assistance to produce the required PCAs as defined under HUD RADguidelines for the following specific properties (AMPs 1, 2 and 3) within its portfolio:

AMP 1: Multifamilv Housing

Address / Project Name / 1BD / 2BD / 3BD / 4BD / 5BD / Total
7810 Vine / 15 / 20 / 25 / 13 / 5 / 78
15 / 20 / 25 / 13 / 5 / 78

Method of Solicitation

The PHA is soliciting competitive proposals from qualified firms with documented track record ofproviding the required services through a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Proposals should demonstratedetailed plans on how the Respondent intends to provide the required services in a manner that willresult in the successful and timely completion of the service(s). In addition, the proposal shalldemonstrate the Respondent's capacity and readiness to perform the Scope of Work immediately uponexecution of a contract with the PHA. The proposal shall include evidence of the Respondent's previousexperience and qualifications relative to the provision of such services. Once selected, the successfulRespondent will enter into a firm fixed-priced contract agreement with the PHA to perform the requiredscope of work.

Qualifications Statement

The Respondent's completed proposal shall include:

  1. A general description of the Respondent including the nature of the business or organization, abrief summary of its history, its size and organizational structure. The description should includean identification of any subcontractors proposed to be used by Respondent and their expertise.
  2. The name, title(s) and contact information for the individual(s) authorized to negotiate andcontractually bind Respondent. Proposals MUST be signed by an official authorized tocontractually bind the Respondent.
  3. The name, title(s) and contact information for the individual(s) who may be contacted by the PHAfor purposed of clarification or the provision of additional information as necessary.
  4. The name, title(s) and contact information for the individual(s) to be assigned to work withthe PHA, including their current position with the organization. The PHA reserves the right at anytime to request Contractor to remove and/or replace any assigned staff from the PHA properties.
  5. Examples of three (3) residential project sites Respondent hasworked on in the past threeyears, that best demonstrate Respondent's ability to provide therequested services. These descriptions should include a description of the project, the timeframe over which services were performed, and a client references. The PHA will evaluate and score each complete proposal based on the criteria outlined below. Responsesmay receive a maximum score of one hundred (100) points subdivided as follows:

The PHA only contracts with vendors that are qualified to perform the work at the sole discretion ofthe PHA. The PHA reserves the right not to award a contract to anyone at the sole opinion and discretionof the PHA.

Criteria / Points
Experience with similar RAD inspections/ / 25
Capability to meet the required inspection schedule / 20
Qualifications of Firm/Staff / 25
Cost / 20
Michigan based firm and inspection staff / 10
Total Points / 100


The PHAmay, from among a range of proposals, select an offer of services that best meets its needs andrequirements. It is further desired that the RFP process will ensure cost competitiveness amongrespondents. The PHA urges all interested parties to carefully review the requirements of this RFP.Written proposals containing the requested information will serve as the primary basis for finalselection. The PHA may, at its sole discretion, interview any number of respondents prior to selection.

All proposals will be reviewed by the PHA based upon the evaluation criteria contained in this RFP. The PHA will select the top firm based upon its proposals and ranking, the results of reference checks, thefee proposal (not necessarily the lowest pricing) and the effectiveness of the presentation, for those inthe competitive range, during the interview process. If a selection is not made through the initial reviewprocess, The PHA may elect to interview its top choices of Consultants in order to determine whichConsultant will provide the best services for the Project.

The PHA reserves the right to conduct negotiations with one or more respondents if, in the sole opinion of the PHA that method will provide the greatest benefit tothe PHA.

The PHA anticipates the selection of a consultant based on the following schedule:

RFP Issued and Available
Final Day to submit written questions (email or fax acceptable)
The PHA issues responses to questions
Proposals due by 4:00pm EST
Selection of top ranked firm no later than this date

Only written questions (including emails and faxes) received by the PHA by 3:00PM on Monday, DATE will be addressed. Any question or answer that materially impacts the information contained inthe RFP will be clarified by a written addendum or amendment, which will be sent to all that initially received the RFP. If an addendum or amendment materially impacts the information in the RFP andthere is not enough time for an adequate response, the submission date for the proposals will beextended.

Contract Requirements

The successful Respondent will enter into a contract withthe PHA using a form acceptable to the PHA.

Contractors are responsible for compliance with the PHAcontract and ail applicable local and federalregulations by themselves and by any subcontractors.

Federal Wage Guidelines

Some funds used for this project are derived from federal funds. Thus, certain regulatory requirementswill be included in the contract for these properties, including but not limited to Federal WageGuidelines.

Insurance Requirements

Contractors must obtain the minimum insurance requirements, including workers' compensation

insurance and show evidence of such coverage.

  1. General Liability -$2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and propertydamage.
  2. Automobile Liability -$1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage
  3. Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the State of Michigan and Employer's LiabilityInsurance
  4. Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions Liability) - $2,000,000 per occurrence

The General Liability and Automobile Liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain the following provisions:The PHA as additional Insured.

Proposal Submittal


Proposal must include all copies of the PHAbid documents as attached and executed by the contractor.

Proposals are to be submitted in writing to:




Proposals received later than the date and time specified will be rejected or deemed non-conforming.

The PHA assumes no responsibility or liability for late delivery or receipt of responses.

All questions or request for documents pertaining to this quotation shall be addressed to the


By submitting a bid, the bidder is agreeing to abide by all terms and conditions listed herein, including those terms and conditions within HUD Handbook 7460.8 Rev. 2, Procurement Handbook for PublicHousing Agencies, dated 2/2007 and HUD Table 5.1, Mandatory Contract Clauses for Small PurchasesOther Than Construction and if attached; HUD 5370EZ, Davis Bacon or HUD Wage Decision.

The PHA Reserves the Right to:

  • Reject any or all bids, to waive any informalities in the solicitation process, or to terminate the solicitation process at any time, if deemed by the PHA to be in its best interest.
  • Terminate a contract awarded pursuant to this solicitation at any time for its convenience upondelivery of a 30-day written notice.
  • Determine the days, hours and locations that the successful bidder shall provide the items orservices called in for this solicitation.
  • Reject and not consider any bid that does not, in the opinion of the PHA, meet the requirementsof this solicitation, including but not necessarily limited to incomplete bids and/or bids offeringalternate (not including "or equal" items) or non-requested items or services.
  • To make an award to the same bidder (aggregate) for ail items; or to make an award to multiple bidders for the same or different items.

Bidder's Responsibility: Each bidder shall carefully review and comply with ail instructions providedherein, or provided within any named attachments or addenda.

Expense Associated with Proposal Submission: All expenses involved with the preparation and

submission of proposals to PHA shall be borne by the Offeror.

Attachment A

Statement of Work and Contractor Qualifications