PO BOX 185




October 17, 2012

  1. Meeting was called to order by Bob Gurgall at 7:05 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Present: Bob Gurgall, Paul Dani, Ray Charlier, Myrna Malone, Barb Kell, Assessor: John Anderson, Deputy Treasurer: Jan Ducat.
  3. Visiting: Gerald Kell, Clancy Kell, Caroline Arduin, Jane Triest, Beth Bertolini, Diane Lesperance, Ray Gurgall, Bob Haelterman, Sue Haluska.
  4. Approval/Additions to Agenda: A motion to accept the agenda was made by Paul Dani, supported by Ray Charlier. Motion carried 5-0.
  5. Guests:
  1. Assessor: John Anderson said all of the appraisals in the county have been completed. He will have the numbers for the next meeting. Register of Deeds stopped sending the property transfer reports by e-mail to Barb so Bob DesJarlais will be getting a scanner so he can e-mail reports of property sales to the Township.
  2. Rod Miller from WE Energies came back to discuss renewal of their franchise to provide electricity to Meyer Township. He reminded the Board that the franchise was nonexclusive and revocable. Paul Dani pointed out that WE Energies is not ATC. A motion to grant a thirty year franchise to WE Energies was made by Barb Kell, supported by Ray Charlier. Motion carried 5-0. Bob Gurgall read the ordinance as prepared by WE Energies. A motion to adopt the ordinance as written was made by Barb Kell, supported by Myrna Malone. The motion carried 5-0 by roll-call vote. A motion to pass a resolution for the clerk to publish the ordinance in a newspaper circulated in the area was made by Barb Kell, supported by Ray Charlier. Motion carried 5-0. Rod Miller asked that we send the completed documents along with the publishing fee for reimbursement to him.
  1. Public Comment: Bob Haelterman stated that Number 43 road was getting rough again. Bob Gurgall will talk to the County Road Commission. Beth Bertolini stated that November 7th there will be a food drive at Fazer’s for the local food pantry. Caroline Arduin asked about the sewer bill for the IXL Museum. It is only open during the summer and it does bring people into the town. Dani asked if it was in the Sewer Ordinance to give seasonal rates. Jane Triest asked if the Township could help with the prize money for the house judging this Christmas since the Township used to do it. FOL will use residents from Pinecrest to do the judging again. The county work van has also been reserved to help put up the large decorations at the pavilion. Ray Charlier asked what FOL is doing to raise funds. Jane stated that they have been doing concessions at the Trappers’ Convention and have also done Gold Medals. Ray Charlier stated that other organizations raise their own funds. Jane stated that they have substituted a tractor-drawn wagon for a horse-drawn one for a considerable savings. She also stated that until the formation of the Festival of Lightsthe Township did the judging and paid the prizes for the house decorating contest. A motion to give FOL $100.00 for advertising and $100.00 for prizes was made by Paul Dani, supported by Ray Charlier. Motion carried 5-0.
  2. Consent Items: The payment to USDA for the sewer loan was not listed in the Sept-Oct bills. Malone stated that she hadn’t entered it yet as it was an electronic transfer, not a check. She will enter it. Kell stated that most of the accounts have been transferred to the Norway Bank branch in Powers. A motion to accept the regular September meeting minutes, special meeting minutes, Bills, Sewer report, Treasurer’s report, Clerk’s report, and EDC report was made by Charlier, supported by Dani. Motion carried 5-0.
  3. Action Items: The deeds have been signed and turned over to the Board from the EDC. ATCwill be going through Meyer Township. Any e-mails or calls from citizens will get into the system. Bob Gurgall stated that they would avoid going over houses wherever possible. The person to contact is Neil Palmer at , fax 262-821-9204, or phone 262-821-5088. Bob talked to the Road Commission about a reduced speed limit on Kluba Road. They said that they felt cutting trees and brush would help with visibility. They normally don’t put speed limits on dead-end roads. Gurgall stated that he took a ride down Kluba Road and there are hidden driveways on either side of the hill. The EDC approved the expenses for Paul Sircha and a reimbursement form was turned in.A motion to pay Paul Sircha $200.00 for the bill he paid for the EDC plus mileage to Menominee was made by Dani, supported by Charlier. Motion carried 5-0. Diane Lesperance gave an update on the Red Brick building. The County Board is hoping to get bids for demolition. Profits from the sale of foreclosed property will be used to cover the cost. The Blight Reduction Grant will not even be looked at until February but she will apply for it in case they don’t get it torn down this fall.They want to know about matching funds. There is a small amount of asbestos found in some of the joint compound. The ad for bids were for hauling to Waste Management in Menominee, but there may be landfills closer that can take the material at a cost savings. Diane Lesperance would like to get it settled before January when the board changes. She will recommend giving the land back to the Township with the stipulation that if the Township sells the land the profit will go to the County. If someone wanted to build there now, the foundation is still good. Diane stated that it was too bad that the building got to this point but it’s not too late for someone to buy it. When accepting a bid for demolition the County will be looking at their qualifications as well as the price. Dani asked if there was a cornerstone. Lesperance stated that she wasn’t aware of one. It was stated that the well was in the basement and it was open so would need to be covered. Bob Gurgall said that he called again about the Point reimbursement and that he was told they’d fallen behind but he would know by Monday.
  4. Board Comment: Barb Kell stated that the annual audit was finished. The reports needed to be signed and returned to the accountant. She commented that there were more unpaid summer property taxes than usual. Malone gave an update on the FEMA documents. The ordinance has been published and goes into effect 30 days after publication. The resolution is on the agenda for the next County Board meeting. Once it is signed they can be faxed to FEMA. Malone also asked for reimbursement for a trip to Marquette for election training on the new things for this year. A motion to pay Malone for mileage to Marquette was made by Dani, supported by Kell. Motion passed 5-0. Gurgall stated that there was a meeting for CUPPAD in Menominee on October 26th for any interested Board members. Dani stated that Vicki Bertolini is having a Halloween party at the Community Center for the kids and is looking for volunteers. Bob Whitens asked for the Center for the first weekend in February for the Trappers’ convention. It’s been growing every year.
  5. Public Comment: Bob Haelterman asked if the Township Board could do whatever it wanted with the deeds from the EDC. He was told the ordinance on the land usage would have to be changed first.Caroline Arduin stated that the IXL has no outside income. The building is not rented out like the Sportsmen’s Club and the American Legion. Gurgall stated that it promotes the town and has minimum usage. Caroline stated that it is entirely different from other places. It is run by a non-profit board and belongs to the people. She asked each Board member how they felt. All agreed that the museum is great for the community and uses the sewer system minimally. The Sewer Ordinance will have to be looked into. She also asked about enforcing the blight ordinance. Barb Kell stated that first a citizen needs to write a report and bring in photos, and then the Board will issue a letter to complain. Caroline said that there are people employed by the Township.They should be cleaning up around the community property. Dani stated that if he saw it he would write a report. Charlier pointed out that a person has a right to know who is complaining about their property. Gurgall says he talks to people before making a formal complaint.She also complained about the road leading to the brush dumpsite and the dumpsite and asked if it could be fenced off. Dani stated that it could not. If people don’t have a place to dump brush they will just dump it anywhere. She said that it should be fenced in then. Kell said we want a fence but we don’t have the money. People are dumping things other than brush there. People can’t get turned around in there. It needs to be pushed back again. Things are being dumped along the old boat landing road. Dani said that if it is a county road it should be addressed by the County Road Commission. It could be made a seasonal road. Bob Smith has picked up stuff down there. It was suggested that the road be closed off. It was suggested that when employees see something amiss or destroyed they should report it and fix it. Ray Gurgall stated that younger people don’t respect other people’s property. Caroline was concerned that if new trees are planted in the cemetery they won’t survive if they aren’t watered. Kell stated that the Township has a tank for watering. The trees will be planted in front where other trees died off. Caroline said the trees need trenches around them to hold the water. She felt that if Board members weren’t working for the Township maybe there should be a change. People have families here and they want it to be decent. Jan Ducat stated that there is still nothing on ditching West 3rd Street. Bob Gurgall said the road may need to be pulverized and then chip-sealed. Ray Gurgall stated that the young people need to learn from the older people. He also says that the Board needs to listen to the people more. We should go back to having other boards under the Township Board. Then the Board would just have to oversee them. The Board was asked why they didn’t mow the grass by the Red Brick building. Kell stated that it now belongs to the County so it’s not our property. Dani stated that he thought the land would be deeded back to the Township until the special meeting. Beth Bertolini said that the no sledding sign at the park looks good.
  6. Adjournment: There being no further business before the board a motion to adjourn at 9:00p.m. was made by Barb Kell, supported by Paul Dani. Motion carried 5-0.


The above minutes were:



On (Date): ______


Myrna Malone, ClerkBob Gurgall, Supervisor