1. Write a program to compute the area and perimeter of a rectangle. Test the same with
the rectangle of width 3 inches and a height of 5 inches. (a=w*h , p=2*(b+h))
2. Write a program that converts Centigrade to Fahrenheit. Given F=9.0/5.0 *C + 32.
3. Write a program to calculate volume of a sphere. Given V= 4.0/3.0*22.0/7.0*r^3
4. Write a program to add 8% sales tax to a given amount.
5. A C program contains the following statements.
# include<stdio.h>
void main()
int x,y,u=15; float z;
Write a printf function for each of the following algebraic expression.
a) 2*y-z b) x/y – y/z + u c) x+4y d) sqrt(z-y) e) x+y+z
f) sqrt(+z) with minimum filed width 10 characters. g) 2xy-5z with minimum 2 decimal places
where as minimum width of 12 characters. h) x^2+y^2.
6. A C program contains the following variable declared.
int x=6782, y= - 12312, z= - 45678;
long ix= 987654321;
signed sx= -3333;
unsigned ux= 444;
Give the output resulting from each of the following printf() statement.
a) printf(“\n%d,%d,%d”,x,y,z);
b) printf(“\n %4d %4d\n\n %+8d %-8d”,x,y,x,y);
c) printf(“\n %+-4ld %0ld\n\n%11ld %+11ld %-11ld”,ix,ix,ix,ix,ix);
d) printf(“\n %4d %8d”,ux,ux);
e) printf(“\n %8d %08d \n%8d %0d”,sx,sx,sx,sx);
f) printf(“\n +%15d %08d\n%15ld %08ld”,ux,ux,ix,ix);
7. A C program contains the following variable declaration.
Char b= ‘P’,p= ‘Q’, g= ‘R’
Show the output resulting from each of the following printf() statement.
a) printf(“\n %c%c%c”,b,p,g);
b) printf(“\n %2c%2c%2c”,b,p,g);
c) printf(“\n %4c%4c%4c”,b,p,g”);
d) printf(“\n b=%c p=%c g=%c”,b,p,g);
8. A C program contains the following variable declaration.
Float x=10452.4, y=1.2345, z=40;
Show the output resulting from each of the following printf() statement.
printf(“\n %f %f %f”,x,y,z);
a) printf(“\n %2f %2f %2f”,x,y,z);
b) printf(“\n %7f %7f %7f”,x,y,z);
c) printf(“\n %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f”,x,y,z);
d) printf(“\n %+7f %+7f %+7f”,x,y,z);
e) printf(“\n %-7f %-7f %-7f”,x,y,z);
f) printf(“\n %07f %07f %07f”,x,y,z);