City Council Minutes

July 3, 2007

S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh, E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici, J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, L.Sloan, D.Thiele.
M. Phair
Also In Attendance:
A. B. Maurer, City Manager
D. H. Edey, City Clerk


A.1. Call to Order

Mayor S. Mandel called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.

Councillors M. Phair and L. Sloan were absent.

Opening Prayer

Rev. Dr. Don Mayne, Secretary, Interfaith Centre for Education and Action, led the assembly in prayer.

A.2. Adoption of Agenda

Moved J. Batty – J. Melnychuk:

That the July 3, 2007, City Council meeting agenda be adopted with the following changes:

a. Additions:

P.2. Economic Development Opportunity – Private

b. Referral:

F.4. Bylaw 14587 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 14380 – Arterial Roads for Development

That Bylaw 14587 and the June 26, 2007, Transportation and Public Works Committee report be referred to Administration for appropriate advertising and return to City Council.

Amendment Moved D. Thiele – E. Gibbons:

That the following item be added to the agenda:

P.4. Bill 46 – Verbal Update, to be discussed in private, pursuant to sections 21, 23 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act


For the

Amendment: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.

Motion, As Amended, to Adopt Agenda, put:

That the July 3, 2007, City Council meeting agenda be adopted with the following changes:

a. Additions:

P.2. Economic Development Opportunity – Private

P.4. Bill 46 – Verbal Update, to be discussed in private, pursuant to sections 21, 23 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

b. Referral:

F.4. Bylaw 14587 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 14380 – Arterial Roads for Development

That Bylaw 14587 and the June 26, 2007, Transportation and Public Works Committee report be referred to Administration for appropriate advertising and return to City Council. / Transportation
Due: Aug. 28/07


For the Motion

as Amended: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.

A.3. Adoption of Minutes

Moved T. Cavanagh – M. Nickel:

That the following meeting minutes be adopted:

·  June 19, 2007, City Council

·  June 18, 2007, City Council

·  June 11, 2007, City Council Public Hearing

·  June 7, 2007, Special City Council


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.

A.4. Protocol Items

Donate-a-Ride (K. Krushell)

On behalf of City Council, Councillor K. Krushell thanked the students and staff of Norwood Chinese School for their recent fundraising initiative for Donate-a-Ride. Located in Westmount Junior High, the school teaches Mandarin and Cantonese to approximately 150 children.

Principal Kevin Drew, Executive President Wendy Luong, VIce-Presidents Thuong Nash and Theresa Dam, and Secretary Yuet Chan of Norwood Chinese School presented a cheque for $604.60 for Donate-a-Ride.

Hard of Hearing Award (S. Mandel)

On behalf of City Council, Mayor S. Mandel congratulated City staff upon recently receiving the Community Development and Community Relations National Award from the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association at its 2007 conference. The award recognized the City of Edmonton for being the first City in the country to automatically provide Community Access Realtime Translation, or CART, services at major civic events.

The following project staff were recognized: Betty Loree, Project Manager, Communication Access for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Citizens Pilot Project, Anne Dingwall, Diana O’Donaghue, Jill Wright, Karen Whitehead, Liz Talavia and Staff Sgt. Laurence Riel.

Annual CEMA Awards (D. Thiele)

Edmontonian Arnim Joop, founder, publisher and editor of The Albertaner (a monthly newspaper for German-Canadians in Alberta) recently received an award from the Canadian Ethnic Media Association (CEMA) in the category of Best Opinion Piece or Editorial.

Mr. Joop’s winning editorial was a story about the hardships of Filipinio domestic workers abroad, and it’s the third time since 1997 that he has been honoured by CEMA. A copy of the winning editorial was distributed to Members of Council and a copy was filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

On behalf of City Council, Councillor D. Thiele congratulated Mr. Joop and presented the CEMA award to him, as he had been unable to attend the CEMA award ceremony.


B.1. Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items

Council selected the following items for debate: E.1., E.3., E.4., E.5., E.9., E.10., E.11. and private items P.2. and P.4.

Moved T. Cavanagh – D. Thiele:


D.1. Feasibility and Costs of Burying Overhead Lines

That the revised due date of August 28, 2007, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Aug. 28/07


E.2. Community Services Advisory Board - Recommendations for Community Investment Operating Grant Three-Year Program Priorities and Guidelines for 2008-2010

That the 2008-2010 Community Investment Operating Grant Program Priorities and Guidelines as outlined in Attachment 1 of the May 29, 2007, Community Services Advisory Board report 2007CAAB06 be approved. / CSAB

E.6. Community Services Department Budget Adjustment - Allocation of Additional 2007 Family and Community Support Services Funds

That the Community Services Neighbourhood and Community Development Program 2007 Operating Expenditure budget be increased by $348,613 to correspond with the increase in the 2007 provincial grant revenue budget. / Community Svcs.

E.7. Edmonton Arts Council 2007 Community Investment Program Festival Seed Grant Recommendations

That the 2007 Community Investment Program Festival Seed Grant recommendations, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the June 13, 2007, Edmonton Arts Council report 2007EAC006, be approved. / EAC

E.8. Expropriation of Property Located on Fort Road

That Administration take all steps required by the Expropriation Act, including the use of a Section 30 Agreement if warranted, to expropriate an 863.31 square-metre portion of the property legally described in Attachment 2 of the June 13, 2007, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2007PW3713. / AMPW

E.12. Revisions to City Policy C462A - “Establishment and Operation of Business Revitalization Zones in Edmonton

That City Policy C462B - Business Revitalization Zone Establishment and Operation (Attachment1 of the June 5, 2007, Planning and Development Department report 2007PDP111) be approved. / Planning & Dev.


P.3. Event Opportunity

1.  That the recommendation included in Attachment 1 of the June 11, 2007, Office of the City Manager report 2007CMO043 be approved.
2.  That this report remain private pursuant to section 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act / City Manager


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.


F.1. Bylaw 14612 - A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to construct, finance, and assess Concrete Curb Crossing Local Improvement

F.3. Bylaw 14636 - Community Investment Grant Bylaw Amendment No. 1

F.5. Bylaw 14571 – Water Efficient Fixtures Bylaw

F.6. Bylaw 13900 - Edmonton Salutes Committee Bylaw

Moved B. Anderson – M. Nickel:

That Bylaw 14612 be read a first time. / Corporate Svcs.

That Bylaws 14636, 14571 and 13900 be read a first time.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.

D. H. Edey, City Clerk, answered Council's questions.

Amendment Moved B. Anderson – M. Nickel:

That in Bylaw 14571 – Water Efficient Fixtures Bylaw, the effective date be changed from “June 1, 2008” to “January 1, 2008.”


For the

Amendment: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.

Moved B. Anderson – M. Nickel:

That Bylaws 14636, 14571, as amended, and 13900 be read a second time.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.

Moved B. Anderson – M. Nickel:

That Bylaws 14636, 14571, as amended, and 13900 be considered for third reading.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.

Moved B. Anderson – M. Nickel:

That Bylaws 14636, 14571, as amended, and 13900 be read a third time.
Amendment to Bylaw 14571
Effective date changed to January 1, 2008 / Distribution List


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.

Moved D. Thiele – M. Nickel:

F.3. Bylaw 14636 - Community Investment Grant Bylaw Amendment No. 1
1.  That a new “Arts and Museum Building Operating Grant” be established for arts and museum organizations to cover costs associated with maintaining clean, well lighted, heated and secure facilities on an ongoing basis, with funding from an increase in the tax levy.
2.  That funding for this grant be provided as a service package in the amount to not exceed
$1 million through the City’s 2008 budget process.
F.5. Bylaw 14571 - Water Efficient Fixtures Bylaw
That Administration propose to the Provincial Government changes to the Municipal Government Act or Safety Codes Act that would allow the City to have higher standards for the Water Efficient Fixtures outlined in Bylaw 14571 than currently required under the Building Codes Standards.
F.6. Bylaw 13900 - Edmonton Salutes Committee Bylaw
That City Policy C473C, Appointment of Members of Council to Civic Agencies, be approved as outlined in Attachment2 of the May 17, 2007, Office of the City Manager report 2007CMC028. / Item F.3.
Corporate Svcs.
Due: Dec. 3/07
Item F.5.
Item F.6.
City Manager


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.

F.2. Bylaw 14575 – Election Bylaw Amendment No. 2

Moved M. Nickel – D. Thiele:

That item F.2 be dealt with now.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair, L. Sloan.

D. H. Edey, City Clerk, answered Council's questions.

Councillor L. Sloan entered the meeting.

Moved D. Thiele – E. Gibbons:

That Bylaw 14575 be read a first time.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, L. Sloan, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair.

Moved D. Thiele – E. Gibbons:

That Bylaw 14575 be read a second time.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, L. Sloan, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair.

Moved D. Thiele – E. Gibbons:

That Bylaw 14575 be considered for third reading.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, L. Sloan, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair.

Moved D. Thiele – E. Gibbons:

That Bylaw 14575 be read a third time. / Distribution List


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Cavanagh,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici,
J.Melnychuk, M.Nickel, L. Sloan, D.Thiele.

Absent: M. Phair.


C.1. Edmonton Weavers Guild (J. Batty/M. Phair)

The Edmonton Weavers Guild, a local non-profit group, received a letter on June 26, 2007, that their lease with the City of Edmonton in the Prince of Wales Armouries will be terminated on September 30, 2007.
The group serves a membership of approximately 140 members and has no capacity to lease elsewhere.
We would like Administration to review the leasing situation of the Edmonton Weavers Guild and provide a recommendation on whether the City of Edmonton is able to provide leasing support to this organization.
Included in Administration’s report should be a comparison of this group’s situation to the other groups located in the Prince of Wales Armouries that also are being asked to vacate.
This report should come back to the August 21, 2007, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting. / AMPW
TPW Committee
Due: Aug. 21/07

C.2. Westmount Fitness Club (S. Mandel)

My office has been in touch with this group for some time regarding its capital funding needs. The group demonstrates a clear need but has no capacity to repair and maintain their leased City building.
I would like Administration to review the financial situation of the Westmount Fitness Club and provide a recommendation on whether Council should provide capital support to this organization to fund capital replacements.
Included in Administration’s report should be an analysis of the following:
·  Overall value of service provided to the citizens of Edmonton by this not-for-profit group.
·  Level of support required.
·  Level of support that can be justified.
·  Comparison of this group’s situation to other similar community-based, not-for-profit groups.
·  What, if any, policy recommendations need to be established to support these community groups.
The report should return to the August 20, 2007, Community Services Committee meeting. / Community Svcs.
CS Committee
Due: Aug. 20/07


E.1. Supplementary Capital Budget Adjustments - Delayed, Recosted and New Capital Projects

Moved T. Cavanagh – E. Gibbons:

That the supplementary budget adjustments for cash flowing, project transfers and new projects be approved as presented and summarized in Attachment 1 of the June 13, 2007, Corporate Business Planning Department report 2007CBP029.

A. B. Maurer, City Manager; and P. Tarnawsky, General Manager, Corporate Business Planning Department, made a presentation and answered Council's questions. J. Tustian, General Manager, Corporate Services Department; R. Ducharme, General Manager, Transportation Department; and R. Malysh, Corporate Business Planning Department, answered Council's questions.

Mayor S. Mandel vacated the Chair and Deputy Mayor M. Nickel presided. Mayor S. Mandel left the meeting.

W. D. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department; and A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered Council's questions.

Mayor S. Mandel re-entered the meeting. Deputy Mayor M. Nickel vacated the Chair and Mayor S. Mandel presided.

W. D. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department; P. Tarnawsky, General Manager, Corporate Business Planning Department; A. B. Maurer, City Manager; R. Malysh, Corporate Business Planning Department; and J. Hodgson, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered Council's questions.