Press r e l e a s e

FISCAL 2013/2014

Report on the first half:

Positive development for Bertrandt

(Ehningen, 14 May 2014) The Bertrandt Group performed well in the first half of fiscal 2013/2014.The technology company generated revenues of EUR 414.0 million in the period under review (previous year EUR 375.4 million),equivalent to an increase of 10.3 percent.Operating profit climbed to EUR41.1 million in the first six months (previous year EUR37.2 million*)and post-tax earnings came to EUR28.7 million (previous year EUR26.5 million*).The number of employees rose by 935 over the same period last year (10,260 employees as at 31 March 2013).

Demand for development work remains stable

The global automobile industry was on an expansionary course in early 2014. This growth was supported especially by the markets in the United States, Western Europe and China. Moreover, investments in R&D are high at present, creating opportunities for external development partners to provide tailored services to manufacturers and suppliers.

Owing to this overall positive environment the Bertrandt Group was able to continue its growth trajectory. “The wide array of models and variants, new technologies and the increased outsourcing of engineering services mean that the complexity in the automotive and aviation sectors continues to grow”, CEO Dietmar Bichler said when commenting on the disclosure of the six-month results. “Trends, for instance, towards increased comfort, safety, connectivity and environmentally friendly mobility solutions call for overarching technical know-how and interlinked thinking in product development. Our engineers’ and technicians’ know-how, which covers a broad range of vehicle variants, enables us to offer our customers flexible engineering services”, Bichler added.

All of the Group’s divisions – Digital Engineering, Physical Engineering and Electrical Systems/Electronics – achieved growth over the previous year. In the first six months of fiscal 2013/2014 revenues rose by 10.3 percent to EUR 414.0 million (previous year EUR 375.4 million). Operating profit climbed to EUR41.1 million (previous year EUR37.2 million*), and post-tax earnings came to EUR28.7 million (previous year EUR26.5 million*). Capital expenditure also increased, rising to EUR 21.6 million (previous year EUR 14.7 million). With an equity ratio of 60.0 percent (58.5 percent* as at 30 September 2013), Bertrandt remains among the solid companies in the automotive sector.

Bertrandt’s CEO is confident that the company’s business model will continue to be successful in the future. Evidence of this can be seen, according to Bichler, in Bertrandt’s investing activities, which are very high.

Number of employees increased again

On 31 March 2014, the Bertrandt Group had 11,195 employees. Thus 935 new jobs were created within the company over the same period last year (10,260 employees on 31 March 2013). The latest information on our human resources management can be found in the “Careers” section of Bertrandt’s website at

Consolidated IFRS-based financials
of the Bertrandt Group / 01/10/2013 - 31/03/2014 / 01/10/2012 - 31/03/2013
Revenues (EUR mn) / 413.977 / 375.413
Operating profit* (EUR mn) / 41.059 / 37.165
Post-tax earnings*
(EUR mn) / 28.722 / 26.539
Free cash flow
(EUR mn, reporting date) / 23.757 / 22.500
Capital expenditure (EUR mn) / 21.593 / 14.677
Equity ratio*
(in percent, reporting date) / 60.0 / 58.5
Employees worldwide
(reporting date) / 11,195 / 10,260

Additional information is available from:

Bertrandt AGBertrandt AG

Dr. Markus Götzl Anja Schauser

Investor Relations Manager Public Relations

Birkensee 1Birkensee 1

71139 Ehningen71139 Ehningen Germany Germany

Tel.: +49 7034/656-4201Tel.: +49 7034/656-4037

Fax: +49 7034/656-4488Fax: +49 7034/656-4095

Email: mail:


* Prior period comparative figures have been restated to reflect the amendments to
IAS 19. This has an impact which is explained in the Notes to the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.

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