



Time and Place Pursuant to notices sent to each member of the Board of Education, the regular voting

Of Meeting: meeting was held on Wednesday, February 27, 2013 in the High School North Library, Middletown, New Jersey.

1.  Call to Order

At 7:03 p.m. the meeting was called to order.

2.  Sunshine Notice:

“Adequate notice of this meeting was provided by sending such notice to the Asbury Park Press, the Middletown Patch, and the Middletown Twp. Public Schools District website and the posting of such notice at the August T. Miner Administration Building and each elementary, middle, and secondary school in the district.”

3.  Roll Call

Present: John Bennett, Leonora Caminiti, James Cody, Ernest Donnelly, Sue Griffin, Joan Minnuies,

Gerald Wexelberg and Chris Aveta

Absent: Vincent Brand

Also Present: William George, Amy Gallagher and Christopher Parton, Esq.

4.  Resolution for Executive Session

At 7:05 p.m. a motion was made by Mrs. Caminiti, seconded by Mrs. Griffin to go into executive session for matters of negotiations, personnel and confidential student matters. The Board will be discussing; confidential student matters, the 2013-2014 school calendar, personnel recommendations and the 2013-2014 budget. Motion carried on a voice vote.

5.  Call to Order and Re-Reading of the Sunshine Notice

At 8:10p.m. the voting meeting reconvened.

6.  Pledge of Allegiance

7.  Roll Call

Present: John Bennett, Vincent Brand, Leonora Caminiti, James Cody, Ernest Donnelly, Sue Griffin, Joan Minnuies, Gerald Wexelberg and Chris Aveta


Also Present: William George, Amy Gallagher and Christopher Parton, Esq.

8.  Student and Staff Recognition – Presented by Dr. George, Dr. Takacs and Mr. Aveta

9.  Student Representatives Address Dr. George, Mrs. Gallagher and the Board of Education

·  High School North (report posted on website)

·  High School South (report posted on website)

10.  Open to Public – Thirty Minute Opportunity for Public Comment On Agenda Items Only

·  Vera Piasecki commented on 2013-2014 school calendar.

·  Mike Maggipinto commented on attachment HR-7 and the 2013-2014 school calendar.

·  Jeana Bloodgood commented on roofing project.

·  H. Gulick commented on attachment HR-9.

11.  Motion to Approve Minutes

§  Executive Session – January 28, 2013

§  Voting Meeting – January 28, 2013(amended )

Motion made by Mrs. Minnuies, seconded by Mrs. Griffin to approve item #11. Motion carried on a voice vote:

Ayes: (9) –Mr. Bennett, Mr. Brand, Mrs. Caminiti, Mr. Cody, Mr. Donnelly, Mrs. Griffin,

Mrs. Minnuies, Mr. Wexelberg and Mr. Aveta

Noes: (0) –

12.  Reports

A.  Report of the President – Presentation of Great Race Checks – Mrs. Minnuies presented each school with their award from the October 2012 Great Race.

A total of 4,022 participants took part in the Great Race, raising $44,242. Checks were distributed as follows:

Bayview $1,760 Navesink $1,320

Fairview 2,750 Ocean Avenue 825

Harmony 3,410 Port Monmouth 2,475

Lincroft 4,290 River Plaza 3,190

Leonardo 1,265 Bayshore 1,485

Middletown Vlg. 6,655 Thornpson 2,794

New Monmouth 3,135 Thorne 1,892

Nut Swamp 6,215 HS N 616

HS South 165

Mr. Aveta reported on the Board Self Evaluation. Board Members are to go on the NJSBA website to complete by the end of March. Also, the Superintendent Evaluation is due by the end of March. Mr. Aveta will send the form to the Board Members for completion, and assign a liaison to assemble the evaluations prior to review.

13.  Resolution for Executive Session

At 9:08 p.m. a motion was made by Mrs. Caminiti, seconded by Mrs. Griffin to return to executive session to continue discussions on agenda items. Motion carried on a voice vote.

14.  Resume Meeting

At 9:50 p.m. the meeting resumed.

15.  Reports – Continued

B.  Report of the Business Administrator/Board Secretary – Dr. George and Mrs. Gallagher Presented the Proposed 2013-2014 School District Budget (on District website).

Public Comment – The following members of the public commented on the 2013-2014 proposed budget:

·  Vera Piasecki

·  Colleen Healey

·  Dawn Turanski

·  Jeana Bloodgood

1)  Motion to accept the report of the Treasurer as being in agreement with the report of the Secretary for the month of January 2013 - Attachment BA-1

2)  Motion to accept the Board Secretary’s Certification that no major budget line item has been over-expended for the month of January 2013.

3)  Approval of transfers – Attachment BA-2

4)  Motion to Approve Bill List for the period of January 29, 2013 through February 27, 2013 - Attachment BA-3

Motion made by Mr. Donnelly, seconded by Mr. Bennett to approve item #15B 1-4. Motion carried on a voice vote:

Ayes: (8) – Mr. Bennett, Mr. Brand, Mrs. Caminiti (1&2), Mr. Cody, Mr. Donnelly, Mrs. Griffin,

Mr. Wexelberg and Mr. Aveta

Noes: (1) – Mrs. Caminiti (3&4) and Mrs. Minnuies (1,3&4)

Abst: (1) – Mrs. Minnuies (2)

C.  Report of the Superintendent

1)  Resolution to Approve Tentative Proposed 2013-2014 School District Budget

BE IT RESOLVED, to approve the tentative proposed

2013-2014 School District Budget using the 2013-2014 state aid figures and

the Secretary to the Board of Education be authorized to submit

the following tentative budget to

the Executive County Superintendent of Schools

for approval in accordance with the statutory deadline

General Fund / $153,156,250
General Fund Tax Levy / $126,254,312
Special Revenue Fund (no tax levy – grant funds) / $ 4,638,542
Debt Service / $ 5,101,922
Debt Service Tax Levy / $ 3,678,079

And to advertise said tentative budget in the Asbury Park Press in accordance with the form suggested by the State Department of Education and according to law.

Motion made by Mr. Cody, seconded by Mrs. Griffin to approve item #15C1. Motion carried on a roll call vote:

Ayes: (7) –Mr. Bennett, Mr. Brand, Mr. Cody, Mr. Donnelly, Mrs. Griffin, Mr. Wexelberg and Mr. Aveta

Noes: (0) –

Abst: (2) – Mrs. Caminiti and Mrs. Minnuies

2)  Recommend approval of sidebar agreement between the Middletown Board of Education and the Middletown Township Education Association to establish a new extracurricular sports program in Lacrosse and to establish stipends for coaches, as set forth in the 2011-2014 Collective Bargaining Agreement – Attachment Supt-Rpt-1

3)  The Superintendent Report on Incidents of Violence, Vandalism, Weapons & Substance Abuse is affirmed by the Board of Education for the month of January 2013.

2012 / 2013
District Tally / Sept. / Oct. / Nov. / Dec. / Jan. / Feb. / Mar. / Apr. / May / June
Violence / 3 / 5 / 3 / 7 / 7
Vandalism / 0 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Weapons / 0 / 0 / 1 / 1 / 1
Substance Abuse / 1 / 3 / 1 / 0 / 2

4)  The Superintendent Report on Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying is affirmed by the Board of Education for the month of January 2013:

2012 / 2013
District Tally / Sept. / Oct. / Nov. / Dec. / Jan. / Feb. / March / April / May / June
Investigations / 8 / 0 / 7 / 2 / 12
HIB Incidents / 0 / 0 / 2 / 0 / 3
Conflicts / 6 / 0 / 5 / 2 / 8
Other / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1

5)  Approval for tuition contracts for students displaced by Hurricane Sandy:

a)  Approval of tuition contract agreement from Union Beach Board of Education to attend Middletown Township Public Schools for student SN at an estimated cost of $9,856 (pro-rated)for the 2012/13 school year

b)  Approval of tuition contract agreement from Highlands Boro Board of Education to attend Middletown Township Public Schools for student DM at an estimated cost of $12,067 (pro-rated) for the 2012/13 school year

c)  Approval of tuition contract agreement from Highlands Boro Board of Education to attend Middletown Township Public Schools for student DM at an estimated cost of $12,067 (pro-rated) for the 2012/13 school year

d)  Approval of tuition contract agreement from Highlands Boro Board of Education to attend Middletown Township Public Schools for student DM at an estimated cost of $12,067 (pro-rated)for the 2012/13 school year

e)  Approval of tuition contract agreement from Highlands Boro Board of Education to attend Middletown Township Public Schools for student AW at an estimated cost of $25,488 (pro-rated) for the 2012/13 school year

f)  Approval of tuition contract agreement from Monmouth Beach Board of Education to attend Middletown Township Public Schools for student JD at an estimated cost of $11,880 (pro-rated) for the 2012-13 school year

Motion made by Mr. Cody, seconded by Mrs. Griffin to approve item #15C2-5. Motion carried on a voice vote:

Ayes: (9) – Mr. Bennett, Mr. Brand, Mrs. Caminiti, Mr. Cody, Mr. Donnelly, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Minnuies (2&5),

Mr. Wexelberg and Mr. Aveta

Noes: (1) – Mrs. Minnuies (3&4)

6)  Recommend approval for 2013-14 School Calendar – Attachment Supt-Rpt-2(amended)

Proposed PLC day on 4/23 will be moved to 4/30, 4/21 was added to the emergency closing dates to draw from and the removal of mid-term dates.

Motion made by Mr. Cody, seconded by Mr. Wexelberg to approve item #15C6. Motion carried on a voice vote:

Ayes: (6) – Mr. Brand, Mr. Cody, Mr. Donnelly, Mrs. Griffin, Mr. Wexelberg and Mr. Aveta

Noes: (3) – Mr. Bennett, Mrs. Caminiti and Mrs. Minnuies

16.  Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools

A.  Curriculum Committee (Susan Griffin, Chairperson)

1)  Recommend approval of staff to attend conferences, workshops, in-services and seminars – Attachment Curriculum-1

2)  Approval of Suspension Report for January 2013 – Attachment Curriculum-2

3)  Approval of Amendment to Suspension Report for October 2012 – AttachmentCurriculum-2A

4)  Approval for Additional Field Trips Destinations

·  Mood Fabrics, NYC

·  JCS Apparel, NYC

·  Vonage, Holmdel, NJ

·  Creative Experience, Point Pleasant NJ

·  Asbury Park Beach, Asbury NJ

·  Great Swamp Chatham, NJ

·  Princeton University Art Museum

·  Prudential Center, Newark NJ

·  Point Pleasant Boardwalk, Point Pleasant, NJ

5)  Approval for field trips:

1.  Middletown High School North

Leave: Friday April 19, 2013

Return: Saturday April 20, 2013

Destination: Washington D.C. to visit Monuments/Museums

Purpose: Educational

Faculty Members: Ellen Hill, Ken Sedlack, Brett Laskowski

48 students

6 Other Adult Chaperones

Students will miss 1 day of school

Cost of the Trip to be paid by the students

2.  Middletown High School North

Leave: Wednesday February 27, 2013

Return: Friday March 1, 2013

Destination: Hyatt Hotel Cherry Hill, NJ

Purpose: Deca State Competition

Faculty Members: Susan Heeter, John Russoniello

6 students

Students will miss 2 days of school

Cost of the Trip to be paid by the students

3.  Middletown High School South

Leave: Wednesday May 15, 2013

Return: Saturday May 18, 2013

Destination: Global Classrooms International Model UN Conference

Purpose: Educational

Faculty Members: Kevin Cullen, Kristen Oches

14 students

Students will miss 3 days of school

Cost of the Trip to be paid by the students

6)  Approval for 2012-2013 Progress Targets for following schools – Attachment Curriculum-3:

·  Bayshore

·  Thompson

·  Thorne

·  Bayview

·  Ocean Avenue

·  Port Monmouth

Motion made by Mr. Donnelly, seconded by Mr. Cody to approve item #16A1-6. Motion carried on a voice vote:

Ayes: (9) – Mr. Bennett, Mr. Brand, Mrs. Caminiti, Mr. Cody, Mr. Donnelly, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Minnuies (1-5),

Mr. Wexelberg and Mr. Aveta

Noes: (0) –

Abst: (1) – Mrs. Minnuies (6)

B.  Finance Committee (Chris Aveta, Chairperson)

1)  Approval of 2012-2013 Transportation Routes:

Route ECH-1 – Emergency Quote – Children’s Specialized Hospital

Per Diem Aide Per Mile

Seman-Tov, Inc. $400.00 $50.00__ .01 Award

Keyport Auto Body Shop, Inc. No Quote

R. Helfrich & Son, Inc. No Quote

Request to award to Seman-Tov, Inc. for their quote of $400.00 per diem route cost and $50.00 per diem aide cost for a total cost of $450.00 per diem for 38 days for a total of $17,100.00, with a $.01 per mile increase/decrease.

Account Number: 11-000-270-514-00-000

2)  Approval of participation in the Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission bidding program for school supplies and services for the 2012-2013 school year.

3)  Recommend rejection of the bid submitted on February 7, 2013 for Geothermal Systems Repairs and Middletown High School North, as the bid substantially exceeds the Board of Education’s appropriation for the goods and services pursuant to N.J.S.A.18A:18A-22(b).

Motion made by Mrs. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Cody to approve item #16B1-3. Motion carried on a voice vote:

Ayes: (9) – Mr. Bennett, Mr. Brand, Mrs. Caminiti, Mr. Cody, Mr. Donnelly, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Minnuies,

Mr. Wexelberg and Mr. Aveta

Noes: (0) –

C.  Policy Committee (Jerry Wexelberg, Chairperson)

1)  Second Reading / Action Policy 2415 – No Child Left Behind Programs (Revised) M

2)  Second Reading / Action Policy 2431 – Athletic Competition (Revised) M

3)  Second Reading / Action Regulation 2431.1 – Emergency Procedures for Athletic Practices and Competitions (Revised) M

4)  Second Reading / Action Regulation 2431.2 – Medical Examination to Determine Fitness for Participation in Athletics (Revised) M

5)  Second Reading / Action Policy 6480 - Purchase of Food Supplies NEW M

6)  Second Reading / Action Policy 8505 – School Nutrition (Revised) M

Motion made by Mr. Donnelly, seconded by Mr. Aveta to approve item #16C1-6. Motion carried on a voice vote:

Ayes: (9) – Mr. Bennett, Mr. Brand, Mrs. Caminiti, Mr. Cody, Mr. Donnelly, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Minnuies,

Mr. Wexelberg and Mr. Aveta

Noes: (0) –

7)  First Reading / No Action Policy and Regulation 3230 – Outside Activities (Revised)

8)  First Reading / No Action Policy and Regulation 3281 – Inappropriate Staff Conduct (Revised)

9)  First Reading / No Action Policy and Regulation 4230 - Outside Activities (Revised)

10)  First Reading / No Action Policy and Regulation 4281 – Inappropriate Staff Conduct (Revised)

No Action Taken on First Reading

D.  Co-Curricular/Athletic Committee (John Bennett, Chairperson)

E.  Negotiations Committee (Vinnie Brand, Chairperson)