MARCH 7, 2012
The Village of Combined Locks Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Acting Commission Chairman John Weyenberg. Other commission members in attendance included: Karen Menting, Jeff Maynard, Mike Korn, Jim Hamilton, Jim Ponto, Dave Casper, and Tracy Melzl. Tim Mulry and Al Leicht were absent.
Also present were Village Administrator Sean Hutchison, Roland Coonen and Jeanette Coonen of Coonen Development Corporation, and resident Allen Wroblewski.
The first item on the agenda was to review and approve the minutes of the January meeting. J. Hamilton made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. J. Maynard seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was to review and consider approval of preliminary plat information for the Second Addition to Coonen’s Subdivision. Chairman J. Weyenberg noted that the public hearing was properly noticed per Wis. Stat 236.41 by mailing a copy of the notice to the owners of the lots in the part of the subdivision proposed to be vacated or altered. He also noted that no comments for or against the revision had been received at the Clerk’s Office. The Administrator explained that this request to re-plat Carefree Court is being made to increase the lot sizes to allow for more single-family homes instead of the two-family homes. He reminded the Commission members that this is the third rendition of this area so many of the plat requirements have already been met. There were some typos on the preliminary plat that need to be corrected for the final plat. The Administrator reviewed the covenants with the Commission members and suggested an addition of language “village not responsible for enforcement of covenants”. Mr. Allen Wroblewski addressed the Commission with his concerns. In particular, he was concerned with the minimum square footage of the proposed homes. The covenants specify a minimum of 1200 square feet. The homes across the street specify a minimum of 1550 square feet. Mr. Wroblewski believes that 1200 square feet is too small and not conducive for families and could affect his property value. Mr. Roland Coonen explained that although the minimum is listed as 1200 square feet, he fully anticipates that the houses will be around 1500 square feet. There is a problem with two or three of the nine lots where anything larger than 1200 square feet would be difficult to fit and meet the setbacks. It was noted the approved variances to setbacks are already incorporated in this proposed preliminary plat. D. Casper suggested that the covenants be re-written to set the minimum square footage of 1550, allow an exception for less square footage only on the two or three lots that cannot support a house that size, and include language that the covenants not contradict village ordinances. The consensus of Commission opinion was to require a revision to the covenants as discussed. The matter is to be reviewed again at the next Planning Commission meeting scheduled for 04/04/12.
In other general business, the Administrator announced that the permanent streets may be installed later this summer in the 1st Addition to Coonen Subdivision. The chip seal surface has taken a beating, and any temporary fixes are not cost effective at this point.
M. Korn made a motion to adjourn the meeting. K. Menting seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Planning Commission