/ Withdrawal / TSOP 90-19

1.  Purpose

1.1.  To establish a standard method to enable students to withdraw from their studies by deferring or temporarily suspend their studies, including granting a leave of absence, during the course through formal agreement in certain limited circumstances.

2.  Scope

2.1.  This procedure applies to Domestic and International students enrolling or currently enrolment in training with Aviation Australia.

3.  Regulatory References

3.1.  ISO 9001:2008

3.2.  The National Code 2007

3.3.  AQTF 2007

4.  Related Documentation

4.1.  AA Form A0-17a “Student Induction”

4.2.  AA Form A0-29 “Record of Appeal Action Register”

4.3.  AA Form A0-30 “Appeal Action Form”

4.4.  AA Form A0-31 “Withdrawal”

4.5.  AA Form A0-32 “Request for Refund”

4.6.  AA Form A0-81 “Request for Letter of Release”

5.  Definitions

5.1.  The following terms will be referred to throughout this procedure:

5.1.1  Deferral: postponement of commencement of a course.

5.1.2  Suspension: temporary postponement of enrolment during course.

5.1.3  Cancellation: cessation of enrolment in course.

5.1.4  Symbiant tracker: issue tracking data base.

5.1.5  QA: Quality Assurance

6.  Responsibilities

6.1.  The Human Resources manager is responsible for the proper execution of this procedure.

6.2.  Associated financial requirements shall be carried out by the Finance Department.

7.  Procedure

Student initiated deferral, suspension or cancellation

7.1.  Students wishing to defer, suspend or cancel enrolment must meet one of the following conditions:

·  Unavailability of a course;

·  Visa delay;

·  Compassionate and compelling circumstances – these are generally beyond the control of the student and have an impact on the student's course progress or wellbeing. These could include but are not limited to;

·  Serious illness or injury, where medical certificate states that the student was or will be unable to attend classes,

·  Bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents (where possible death certificates should be provided),

·  Major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel and this has impacted on the student's studies, or

·  Traumatic experience which could include: involvement in, or witnessing of a serious accident; or witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime, and this has impacted on the student (these cases should be supported by police or psychologists' reports).

7.2.  Supporting documents must be provided upon application e.g. Medical certificates, police reports etc and kept on the student's file.

Deferral prior to commencement

7.3.  Students may request a deferral prior to course commencement. Request must be in writing and addressed to Business Development Co-ordinator. If deferring to a later date, annotate in Student Management System, if candidate does not wish to proceed in the future, remove candidate from the Student Management System. When the deferral is processed the student will receive:

·  Domestic : - Letter of notification and

·  International - revised Letter of Offer and C o E.

Suspending your enrolment

7.4.  Students wishing to suspend their enrolment must complete an AA Form A0-31 or withdrawal section of AA Form A0-17a and sign appropriate areas with all supporting documentation attached.

7.5.  Students who are considering withdrawal from Aviation Australia should immediately consult the International Student Co-ordinator, who may be able to provide guidance for more advantageous alternatives.

7.6.  Applications must be in writing and submitted at least 14 days prior to suspension date. The maximum suspension period is eighteen (18) months. Approval will only be given in the limited circumstances described above. The student will receive notification in writing of the result of the request.

7.7.  Refer to Policy 58 for fee calculations when students return to course.

Cancelling your enrolment

7.8.  Students wishing to cancel their enrolment must complete AA Form A0-31 or withdrawal section of AA Form A0-17a and sign appropriate areas with all supporting documentation attached. The student will receive notification in writing of the result of the request.

7.9.  If an international student has not completed the first six months of their principal course they must provide a letter of offer from an alternative provider therefore complying with the conditions of Standard 7 of the National Code. Students to complete an A0-81, Request for Letter of release. See policy on International Student Transfer (Policy 51).

7.10.  For international students deferring, suspending or cancelling an enrolment may affect your student visa. All students should contact their nearest DIAC office or refer to www.immi.gov.au for further information. Any deferral, suspension or cancellation will be reported on PRISMS and supporting documentation recorded in the student file.

Aviation Australia initiated deferral, suspension or cancellation

7.11.  Aviation Australia may defer commencement of a course when a course is not offered

7.12.  Aviation Australia may suspend a student enrolment for:

·  Misconduct – where behaviour of a student;

·  has been in serious breach of a Aviation Australia policies,

·  is in breach of enrolment conditions, and

·  is considered to provide a threat to the well being of other students or staff.

·  Aviation Australia may cancel a student enrolment for;

·  a serious breach of a Aviation Australia policies,

·  breach of enrolment conditions,

·  where a student is considered to provide a threat to the well being of other students or staff,

·  serious misconduct,

·  failing to meet the requirements of the course Progression policy,

·  failing to meet the requirements of the course Attendance policy,

·  non-payment of tuition fees, and

·  Non re-enrolment.

7.13.  Where suspension or cancellation is initiated by Aviation Australia, students will receive a letter of notification of Intent to Defer, Suspend or cancel Enrolment. This notice will clearly identify that a student will be given 20 working days to submit an appeal on AA Form A0-30, “Appeal Action Form”. When the appeals process is initiated, Aviation Australia will maintain the student's enrolment until the internal appeals process is complete. Aviation Australia reserves the right to not provide learning opportunities during this process should it be deemed appropriate.

7.14.  Regardless of whether the suspension of enrolment is the result of a student request for suspension or provider-imposed suspension of enrolment due to misbehaviour, the period of suspension of enrolment (as entered in PRISMS) should not be included in attendance monitoring calculations.

Student Exit Survey

7.15.  The “Enrolment Closure” and “Student Exit Survey” sections of AA Form A0-17a must be completed if a student defers or withdraws from a course of training.

7.16.  When a student exit survey has been completed, the survey must be forwarded with AA Form A0-17a to training administration.

7.17.  Training administration are to forward the exit survey to QA for entry into Symbiant tracker.

7.18.  On completion of data entry into Symbiant tracker, QA will return a student’s exit survey to training administration for placement in the student’s file.

Process for Refund

7.19.  The responsible Team Leader or Manager completes an AA Form A0-32 and forwards to the Finance department pending withdrawal. Finance department to check financial status of student fees and notify relevant team leader or manager.

7.20.  Training Administration to forward the completed AA Form A0-31 or withdrawal section of AA Form A0-17a to Finance department for action.

7.21.  Finance department to return completed form to Training Administration for training administration action

7.22.  Students may appeal with the calculated refund. This must be in writing and addressed to:

Fee Refund Appeal

Aviation Australia

PO Box 1038

Eagle Farm

Qld 4009.

8.  Disposition

8.1.  Maintain all records, AA Form A0-17, “Student Induction”, AA Form A0-29, “Record of Appeal Action Register” and AA Form A0-30, “Appeal Action Form”, in the Appeal Action File and AA Form A0-31, “Withdrawal” and AA Form A0-81, ‘request for Letter of Release, in Students File.

8.2.  For international students under a “Student Visa”, PRISMS to be updated with student deferment/suspension details.

Revision Date: 09 Apr 14 / Rev: 2
Document Owner: HR Manager / Page: 1 of 4