(With Minutes)
Welcome to PALS!!
President: Jen Garrison
Volunteer Coordinator: Heidi Stuit
Treasurer: Sandra Hanses balance is $3038.40
Secretary: Cindy Woodward
ATP: Tiffany Bailie, and Lance Hobson Lance gave a brief explanation of ATP.
New business
- Welcome back everyone!
- Escript/target/Albertsons: Heidi Hurry and sign up on Facebook to ‘Give with Target’ deadline is Sept. 21st. We earn a dollar for every vote!
- Box Tops: Liza Dida quick drawing in Aug.. Others are planned on Oct. 23rd, Dec. 18th, Feb. 12th, April 9th and June 4th.
- Phone directory: Wendy ~do we want updated version YES
- Popcorn Mom? Kelli Zaro wants to do it again.
- Fall carnival: Audrey and Chantelle Oct. 24th . Dinner menu is the same. NOT asking parents (some exceptions) to work carnival booths. Mostly student volunteers. Chiawana National Honor Society and leadership students running booths. Changing up activities this year... Pumpkin carving contest,Spook Alley, basket raffle, Box Maze, Fake an injury, Bounce houses, Dancing, Crafts, Story time, fishing, etc… WE NEED PARENTS TO STAY AND HELP WITH CLEAN-UP AFTER THE CARNIVAL!!!
- Tiffany Bailey retiring from Book Fair Coordinator- We need a replacement volunteer.. The book Fair runs in November during parent/teacher conf. Alayna Bleazard volunteered to head-up!
- Snacks(thanks Heidi!), emails, gotchas
- Mrs. LP Discussed new playground fence. Grandparents Day event. Conference ‘late nights’ iare the 12th and the 13th. PALS do a dinner for staff. Audrey Thompson volunteered to coordinate the meal. Chantelle Rhoads volunteered to coordinate Spring Conference dinner on March 18th.
Old Business
- Chantelle: Thanks so much for the awesome playground ball cart!! Her husband, Steve did a great job! Chantelle said he would make another one for the primary side of the playground in the spring.
- Jamie and Lori to give us a rundown of AR store and auction. Jamie gave a brief explanation. No winter AR store. Always need lots of parent toy donations!
- Discussed splitting profits from Fall Carnival again with ASB. Jamie made a motion and Lance 2ndit to continue again this year.
- If we get donations from local businesses and residents, please let us know so we can send them thank you notes. Maybe the 5th grade students can write the notes.
- Liza Lindsay talked about Campbell Soup labels, please make sure you save the labels and turn in.
- Grand SLAM: Mrs. LP encouraged all families to attend! 6:00-7:30 on October 10th.
- Mrs. LP introduced Mrs. Juli Barquist. She is doing a Principle Internship and will spend about a day a week at Markham. She also works in the district office.
- If you have any questions or want something discussed at a meeting, please let us know. Mrs. LP would be more than willing to discuss any items of concern.
Upcoming Events
- Sept. 20th Popcorn Day $.50
- Sept. 26th Picture Day
- Sept 27th Grandparents Day
- Oct. 9th PALS Meeting 12:00 in library. *Please come and support your Markham Parent group! We need your help and input!!
- Oct. 10th Grand SLAM (Science, Literacy and Math) Night
- Oct. 24th Fall Carnival
- Nov. 5th Picture Make-up Day
- Nov. 7th Veteran’ Day Assembly
- Nov. 12th-15th Scholastic Book Fair
- Nov. 12th-15th Parent/Teacher Conferences, early release (no kinder)