ABsee: Go beyond the book.
Have you ever imagined an interactive book-based learning system that takes the experience beyond the book? Our project may provide the answer. Introducing “ABsee”, Interactive Learning Made Easy. ABsee implements Augmented Reality technology onto printed text books, enabling students and teachers to explore study materials in an easy but effective interaction through 3-dimensional models, pictures, and videos. This application would help kinesthetic learner and audio visually student to study easier. The Augmented visuals are displayed on ABsee’s own application, which will be available for download on any Android™ and iOS™ device. The application will also have an online education forum that provides online discussions and online educational materials. The creators of ABsee are an independent team of developers focused on educational software, bringing you the best of both worlds together. There are several reasons why ABsee is a great choice for interactive learning for kids and teenagers.
First, ABsee is designed with easy usage in mind. It is relatively quick for elementary school students to start using the functionalities of ABsee. The Augmented Reality interactive learning requires just an ABsee Book and an Android™ or iOS™ smartphones with the ABsee application installed. Within the application, a camera interface will be shown, and when the camera is pointed to a designated “AR-Ready” space within the book (can be pictures, a column of text, etc.) the software will automatically scan the item and will project a 3D interact-able model on top of the item in real-time, or show an informational picture or video. The visual interaction will help young children and teenagers alike to understand a better picture of the study materials within the book.
In addition, the online educational forum service also present within the application allows students to connect with other students and teachers within a few clicks. The service also provides online materials and an interactive encyclopedia to help explain materials within the book. After signing up for a personal account, kids will feel welcomed by the straightforward, attractive user interface that is easy enough to be navigated right away. The application also has exercises, educational minigames and a progress-based leveling system to motivate students to learn further, as they will “level-up” when they reached a certain number of progress points, unlocking exciting new content such as “avatar customization” that they can proudly show to their friends.
Second, ABsee is very portable both in book size and application; ABsee books are designed to promote individual learning through curiosity, therefore the books are compact and do not have too much extensive reading materials, as the application will do the further explanation. The application itself is very portable and internet connectivity is not required to view the Augmented Reality content and encyclopedia, given that the user already downloaded the files for the specified book when internet connection is available. However, the online forum is only accessible when internet connection is available.
Lastly, ABsee is safe. Accounts and credentials will not be accessible to anyone except the rightful owner. Upon opening the application, the user will be greeted by an automated login procedure. Also, ABsee is piracy-free. A purchased ABsee book contains a specific key that can only be registered by one account. The book’s Augmented Reality feature cannot be used by an account other than the owner’s, therefore an ABsee book cannot get stolen.
In conclusion, ABsee provides an easy-to-use, interactive learning system with a handful of exciting features including Augmented Reality visuals, an online discussion forum, interactive encyclopedia, and online learning service with exercises and online minigames to motivate students to learn further.
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Q2 2017:Betasürümü Test etmevedahadageliştirmekiçinhazırdır. Testtengeribildirimalma, yayınlanmadan once eldengeçirilmesi.
Q3 2017: Google play store’e 0.5 sürümü. Gelecektekigelişimiçintoplumsalgeribildirimaldı.
Q4 2017: Sürüm 1.0 geliştirilmesi. Eğitimiçeriği, eğitimkitaplarıyazarıemanetedilmiş.
Yıl 2018: Google play store’e 1.0 sürümü. iyileştirmesürüm 0.5 ten dahaiyidir. 1.5 sürümündeeklenenyenieğitimözelliklerinteraktifveinteraktifmüzeokulubulunmaktadır.
Yıl 2019: 2.0 ABseesürümü. Geliştiriciekibiinteraktifharitavereklamdahilolmaküzerekamutesislerine AR geliştirmeyebaşlamıştır.