
2010 – 2011 Season

  • Meat Raffle – We sell meat raffle tickets at the beginning of each season. The drawing is scheduled for Thursday, December16, 2010 so that winners can receive their prizes in time for the holidays. The cost is $5 for 2 tickets. We ask that each family try to sell at least 10 tickets. Our experience has been that many people are interested in purchasing tickets and will even approach you in subsequent years. Please return the stubs for the tickets you have sold as well as any unsold tickets by Tuesday, December 14,2010. Please deposit the stubs and the money collected in the deposit box.
  • Sub Sale–Tickets will go on sale on January 4th 2011, and the money and unsold tickets need to be turned in before January 25th 2011. You sell the tickets for subs and either you pick-up the subs and deliver them or the person buying the tickets can stop by Lens and pickup the subs themselves at their convenience. There is no expiration date on the tickets which makes this one of the most flexible fundraisers we have!!!
  • Wrestling Tournament – We host a youth wrestling tournament at ELCOHigh Schoolwhich is scheduled for January29, 2011. The major expense of the tournament is the trophies. We look to local businesses to sponsor the tournament. We typically request a minimum donation of $50 which covers the cost of one set of trophies. With four age groups and approximately 8 weight classes per age group, the total cost of trophies is almost $2,000. We will have the sponsor form available on the website for you to hand out to any local business owners you think might be interested in being a sponsor. The names of the sponsors will be posted at the tournament, included in our program and they will be admitted free of charge to the tournament.
  • EYW Basketball Pool- This will be the second year for the March Madness basketball pool. You donot need to follow basketball to do well and it is a lot of fun. It takes a $10 donation to play and the club will split the total donation with the winner. A reminder and more info will be sent in late February.
  • Golf Tournament – Our golf tournament is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 20, 2011 at Lebanon Valley Golf Course. Remember that even though it is called a golf “tournament”, having golf skill is not necessary. The goal is for the golfers to have a good time and to raise money for the team. The golfers are provided with a light lunch before golfing, beverages and snacks throughout the day and dinner following the round of golf. Again we look to local businesses to provide cash donations or donations of goods or services to serve as door prizes.
  • Fantasy suicide pool – Something for the adults, friends and family. Simply put, buy-in one time, pick one team per week, if you win, you stay alive, if your team loses, or ties, you are out. No big skills are needed, but it makes watching football more fun!!!