Maintenance of Effort – Compare your MOE for 2006-2007 to 2005-2006 and 2007-2008 to 2006-2007. Letters with MOE issues due to LEAs this month for 2006-2007 to 2005-2006. Contact Linda McDaniel or Shirley Sanford for assistance.

High Cost Funds - Award letters due out this week. Contact Linda McDaniel for assistance.

Maximum Entitlements – Due out this month. Contact Linda McDaniel or Shirley Sanford for assistance.

Excess Cost Requirement – Important to verify this information. Forms posted on ESC Region XIII Special Education Web Site. Contact Shirley Sanford for Assistance.

Coaching - If interested in finding out about coaching for educational leaders or being coached, contact Linda McDaniel, 919-5225 or

Significantly Disproportionality – Identification of districts significantly over identifying certain students with disabilities will be sent to districts any day. TEA may include disciplinary placements and educational environments in this identification. Contact Yvette Alvarado or Shirley Sanford for assistance.

SPP Indicator 7 – It is anticipated that TEA will open the SPP 7 data collection system on April 1. Ask staff to watch the Webinar on SPP 7 to take online training. Contact Brenda Bush for assistance.

SPP Indicator 13 – The data collection system has moved from ESC Region XI to TEA and requires access through the TEASE system. It is anticipated that TEA will open the SPP 13 data collection system on April 1. Training will be provided at the April SELN meeting and at the April Transition Network meeting. In addition, there will be a Webinar on Indicator 13 with the same information. Contact Richard Poe or Shirley Sanford for assistance.

Non-Ed Funds - Monitor the expenditure of funds awarded your district. If you do not anticipate spending all the funds awarded by the end of August, please notify Linda McDaniel or Don Eckelbarger. The funds can be returned to Region XIII and re-allocated to other students.

April 2, 2009 Curriculum Council Meeting – Register for Workshop # SP0912001

April 9, 2009 SELN Meeting – Register for Workshop # SP0912057