This booklet provides details of PAGE
- Welcome3
- AWC Business Solutions Vision3
- How the training will be structured4
- Client orientation4
- Competency based training5
- Workplace assessment procedures5
- Access and Equity policy7
- Complaints and Grievances procedure7
- Work Health and Safety8
- Disciplinary procedures8
- Attendance requirements9
- Unique Student Identifier (USI)9
- Recognition of Prior Learning (R.P.L.)10
- Privacy Policy11
- Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)11
- Child Safety Policy12
- Training delivery procedures12
- Exit points13
- Issuance of qualifications13
- Employability Skills13
- Victorian Training Program (Victorian Trainees only)14
- Final Comments14
- S1.F2 Complaints, Grievance and Appeals Form1
- S8.F4 Information on R.P.L.2
- S8.F5 R.P.L. Application Form3
- S8.F3 Request for Re-assessment form4
- Copy of Training Plan5
- Sign off form for assessments6
- Copy of Units of Competency 7
(More information on these units on )
- 10 x S8.F1 Assessment Received Forms8
Introduction and welcome to an AWC Business Solutions training program
Welcome to the commencement of your Nationally Accredited Training. Congratulations on choosing AWC Business Solutions as your training provider. Our aim is to provide high quality training ensuring maximum benefits for both organisations and trainees.
This Trainee Handbook has been written for you, the trainee, and incorporates our Code of Practice.
Our contact details are below, should you need to contact us at any time regarding your training.
AWC Business Solutions
PO Box 282 Kensington Park SA 5068
Ph 08-8331 3231 Fax 08-8331 3234
Vision and organisational objectives
The Vision of AWC Business Solutions is to provide high quality training to companies, adding value to organisations, while making a profit to shareholders and having a respected reputation with clients.
How will the training be structured?
The process that trainees will undertake consists of the following:
- Induction/Orientation – outlines the course, how it will be structured, what will be achieved by completing the course, meeting relevant people who will be part of the training, and all processes required for your training.
- RPL – Recognition of Prior Learning and Current Competencies. At AWC Business Solutions we recognise students’ prior learning (issued from previous study) and current competencies learned over time. We have a process to formally recognise this, which is available to all trainees. Please refer to the RPL section later in this booklet.
- Agreement of Training Plans – Each trainee/client should be comfortable with the Plan for their training. Units of competency, timings and delivery methods will be agreed with employer and trainees prior to commencement.
- Training Workshops and Assessments – this is the ‘main body’ of the course content – consisting of training sessions, assignments, workplace projects, role plays, and on the job assessments.
- Completion and Issuing of Certificates. After completing all the requirements of a nationally accredited qualification, AWC Business Solutions has a thorough checking process to ensure that all requirements are completed and then your Certificate of Completion will be issued within 30 days.
Client orientation
A client orientation and induction session will be held at the commencement of the first training session of the accredited program and will cover the following:
introduction to trainers and staff
facilities, equipment and resources
accredited training program timetable
flexible learning and assessment strategies
organisational policies and procedures (e.g. WH&S, Complaints, RPL, Grievances and Appeals etc.)
signing of Training Plan
question and answer session
Unique Student Identifier application
Competency based training
Competency (also competence) means the ability to perform tasks and duties to the standard expected in employment.
Competency-based assessment is the gathering and judging of evidence in order to decide whether a person has achieved a standard of competence.
Competency-based training is training which develops the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to achieve competency standards.
At AWC Business Solutions we provide training to assist trainees to meet national competency standards. We also assess trainees against key skills and knowledge to ensure that each individual can perform these specific tasks.
The competency standards in the Training Packages are an industry-determined specification of performance which sets out the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to operate effectively within employment. Competency standards are made up of units of competency, which are themselves made up of elements of competency, together with performance criteria, a range of variables, and an evidence guide. Competency standards are an endorsed component of a training package.
Workplace assessment procedures
AWC Business Solutions’ workplace assessments are conducted in accordance with the model assessment procedure.
Workplace assessments will be conducted according to training/assessment plans as agreed between the trainer/assessor and all stakeholders.
Assessors will negotiate and inform trainees on all aspects of workplace assessments prior to formal assessment. This will include assessment methods, assessment tools and reasonable adjustments to the assessment process where appropriate.
Assessment events, resources, times, etc. will be discussed with employers, supervisors, mentors, coaches, where appropriate. Confidentiality will be maintained at all times.
Accredited program assessment procedures
Assessment is carried out in accordance with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015.
Assessment for all program competencies is compulsory. Assessment processes cover the broad range of skills and knowledge needed to demonstrate competency in the relevant field of study. Assessment integrates knowledge and skills with their practical application.
The trainer/assessor will provide trainees with written descriptions of accredited program content, learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each competency/module. This will also include information of methods of assessment, assessment tasks, and due dates for completion of assessment tasks.
All assessment tasks should be completed on or before the due date. Extensions need to be negotiated with the assessor and must be for a valid reason. Assignments should have a cover sheet clearly setting out the trainee's name and assignment details.
This nationally accredited training system allows for only “Competent” or “Not yet competent” on completion of each competency/module. Grades may be given on assignments as an indication of the trainees’ performance at the assessor’s discretion.
Appeals against assessment decisions
Trainees wishing to appeal against accredited program or competency/module assessment decisions may make a formal request for re-assessment of their work as follows:
- obtain a S8.F3Request for re-assessment form from the AWC office or your trainer/assessor. There is also a copy as an attachment to this Handbook.
- complete and return form as soon as possible to the office with relevant assessment documents
- the original assessor will be requested to report on the their assessment process
- all original assessment documents will be submitted for re-assessment to a second qualified assessor together with original assessor’s report
- where practical demonstrations form part of the assessment, arrangements will be made for re-assessment by a second qualified assessor
- the trainee will be notified in writing with details of the re-assessment result
- any further re-appeals will be dealt with in a Complaints, Grievances and Appeals process
Access and Equity policy
AWC Business Solutions ensures persons seeking enrolment in our accredited programs are treated equitably. Access and Equity means ensuring that all individuals have the opportunity to successfully gain skills, knowledge and experience through education and training.
AWC Business Solutions promotes a learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment including unsolicited approaches, comments or physical contact of a sexual nature, victimisation, bullying and racial vilification.
AWC Business Solutions is committed to supporting full access to the organisation’s range of services and employment opportunities by people from disadvantaged groups. This includes those disadvantaged socially, geographically, educationally, physically and intellectually, racially or by gender. It also relates to people who may have special requirements in the assessment of language, literacy and numeracy.
As outlined in AWC’s Code of Practice, your employer and AWC Business Solutions are in regular contact regarding your training. Training can only occur successfully if all parties are working together to achieve the same outcome, in this case, the successful completion of your training course. If you have any particular needs regarding your training please discuss with your AWC trainer or your employer'sTraining Co-ordinator.
AWC Business Solutions will refer trainees to welfare and guidance services if required that offer non-judgmental, confidential support to students.
Complaints and Grievance procedure
AWC Business Solutions is committed to the early resolution of complaints and grievances.Persons wishing to make a complaint may do so through the following procedure:
- obtain a S1.F2Complaints, Grievances and AppealsForm from the office. There is also a copy as an attachment to this Handbook.
- complete and return form as soon as possible to the AWC office
- the grievance will be promptly considered by the Chief Executive Officer
- the Chief Executive Officer will consult with other persons involved in the grievance
- the Chief Executive Officer will mediate to resolve the situation.
- if the grievance remains unresolved a participant may contact the Quality Branch of the Training and Skills Commission. This can be done by phone on 1300 701 801or by mail at the below address:
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
Level 5, 115 Grenfell Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Work Health & Safety
AWC Business Solutions considers the work health, safety and welfare of its staff and trainees to be of the utmost importance. AWC Business Solutions takes all “reasonably practicable” steps to provide and maintain a safe and healthy workplace and learning environment.
A successful WH & S program is dependent upon all persons in AWC Business Solutions training programs sharing responsibility for ensuring a safe and healthy environment.
AWC Business Solutions has a designated person with direct access to the Chief Executive who has defined responsibility and authority in relation to work health and safety issues within the organisation.
The delivery and assessment of all accredited programs must incorporate the relevant WH&S legislation and requirements as they apply to work practices.
All injuries, accidents and near misses must be reported to the WH&S Officer.All incidents will be investigated and action taken to prevent their re-occurrence.
Any action by staff or clients that jeopardises the health, safety or welfare of others may result in dismissal.
Disciplinary procedures
Clients are expected to display a high level of personal responsibility for their learning process and for their interaction with other clients and staff members.
Anyone displaying inappropriate or dangerous behaviour, (e.g. disruptive class behaviour, refusal to follow WH&S procedures, irregular attendance) may be required to attend a disciplinary meeting to discuss the necessary changes they need to make. The meeting of participants will negotiate an agreed plan of action and time scale for reviewing the necessary behaviour changes. If the agreed changes are not implemented, the client may be dismissed from the accredited program.
Regular and punctual attendance at classes is required for successful completion of accredited programs.
Trainees who do not display regular attendance at their training program may be required to attend a disciplinary meeting. If a trainee’s attendance in any program/block of training falls below 75 % they may be ineligible to continue with their training.
In the event of extended absence due to ill health or personal reasons, trainees will need to discuss their position with the Chief Executive Officer. Extra work or catch up sessions may be required to achieve competency.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Under this new initiative, students will be able to get a full transcript of all of the accredited VET training they have undertaken fromthe time the USI comes into effect,or an extract of it that shows the particular achievements they want it to. An individual can apply for a USI which then must be provided to their training provider before the person can receive a Statement of Attainment or Certificate of Completion.
Applying for your Unique Student Identifier (USI)
An individual can apply for a USI at any time. You will only need to apply once in your lifetime. This applies to new students, pre-enrolled students, continuing students and school students participating in nationally recognised accredited training.
The process for all students to obtain a USI is the same.
Form of ID
When a trainee applies for a USI they will be required to supply information from a form of Identification (ID). The Document Verification Service used by the USI System, accepts any one of the following valid Australian forms of ID:
Driver’s Licence
Medicare Card
Australian Passport
Visa (with Non-Australian Passport)
Birth Certificate (Australian)
Certificate Of Registration By Descent
Citizenship Certificate.
In instances where a student does not have access to one of the above forms of ID or where information from that ID document is not accepted by the Document Verification Service, they are required to contact their training provider (AWC Solutions), who will then contact the USI Registrar.
How long will it take to obtain and verify USIs?
The application and verification processes in the USI System will take place in real time and results should be received instantaneously, depending on internet speed and the amount of traffic on the site at any particular time. An application for a USI requires an identity verification process which uses an external link to another system. If that system is unavailable, the processing of an application may be delayed. However, in such cases, the application is stored in the USI System, and relevant parties are advised once it is processed.
Under legislation, Registered Training Organisations cannot issue a statement of attainment or a qualification to a student without a verified USI. There are exceptions if the course of the training provider is exempt from the USI initiative.
What does a USI and a transcript look like?
The USI consists of 10 alpha-numeric characters (For example: 3AW88YH9U5). The alpha characters are always displayed in upper case but are not case sensitive when entered.
USI transcripts and will incorporate the student name, training provider name, unit of competency details and the qualification achieved.
The USI System will send either an email,text message or letter (depending on the student's preferred method of contact) advising them of their USI. The system will also inform the student (or the training provider if they are applying on behalf of a student) of any issues
Recognition of Prior Learning (R.P.L.)
Recognition of Prior Learning is the determination of advanced standing that a trainee has through their previous formal or informal training, work experience and/or life experience.
RPL is offered to all trainees on enrolment and are provided with an S8.F4 RPL information sheet (attached to this Handbook). Trainees may apply for an RPL
assessment related to competencies/modules included in the accredited program. An RPL application form is attached to this Handbook.
Trainees are required to provide sufficient evidence of competence to sustain a successful RPL. The evidence required is established through the RPL process.
The RPL process is structured to minimise time and cost to applicants. It provides guidance in enabling applicants to gather sufficient evidence to support their claim for recognition of current competencies held, regardless of how, when or where the prior learning occurred.
A successful application for RPL does not necessarily attract a fee refund or credit.
Also, AWC Business Solutions recognises parchments (Certificate of Completion) and Statements of Attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations in accordance with its mutual recognition obligations.
Language, Literacy and Numeracy
As part of the Governments initiative to improve rates in Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) to 60% by 2020, as an RTO we are aware of this and intend to assist this initiative wherever possible.
Prior to commencing your training or at your induction, please notify your trainer of any Language Literacy or Numeracy support you may require. During the training course, if it comes to our attention that a trainee needs assistance in the area of LLN, we will discuss this with the trainee and recommend an external support agency/ies that can provide extra resources and provide support in these areas.
If you feel you need assistance with Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN), please feel free to have a CONFIDENTIAL discussion with your trainer/assessor.
Privacy Policy
AWC Business Solutions collects certain personal information from trainees to facilitate effective and efficient service provision. AWC Business Solutions ensures the privacy of individuals in the following ways:
- only collects information with the knowledge and consent of individuals
- only uses personal information for the purposes for which it was collected
- does not re-sell, distribute, or share personal information to a third party without prior consent of the individual
- ensures that personal information will not be disclosed to other state institutions or authorities except if required by law or other regulation
- ensures that demographic and other statistical information is not linked to any personal information that can disclose the identity of an individual
Individuals can gain access to the personal information held by AWC Business Solutions and provide any necessary corrections.
Child Safety Policy
AWC Business Solutions has a policy written to demonstrate the strong commitment of the staff at AWC to child safety and establishing and maintaining child safe and child friendly environments.
The policy reflects our commitment to provide a safe environment where every person has the right to be treated with respect and is safe.
It complies with our obligations under the Children’s Protection Act 1993. If you require further information regarding this policy please contact the AWC office.
Training delivery procedures
The accredited programs at AWC Business Solutions are delivered in a manner that provides individual trainees with the best opportunity to succeed in achieving their goals.