The main purpose of this assignment is to emulate the built-in Visual Basic “Math” library

functions/methods. You are required to address only a small subset of these Math methods, namely the

constant e (base of natural logarithms) and a few of the trigonometric functions: sine (sin), cosine (cos),

tangent (tan) and constant π. You clearly need some understanding of these functions, but I will give the

basics which should be sufficient to complete this final assignment. You are not allowed to use the two

constants and these trig functions from “Math” – you can only use the “Math” library functions for error

determination purposes which will be expressed in scientific notation. You may use other Math methods

as needed.

The actual computation of e, π and sine (x is in radians) has to be performed by using the following

infinite series:

= 1 +









+ ⋯

= 12 1 −


3 ∙ 3



5 ∙ 3. −


7 ∙ 30 + ⋯

sin = −








+ ⋯

Where n! stands for n factorial and n! = n (n-1) (n-2)… For example 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120. All

computations have to be done using the “Decimal” data type to achieve higher accuracy. However,

inputs and outputs are of type “Double”.

Hint: Do not compute each term (numerator and denominator) of the above equations from scratch but

base it on the previously computed values. You should stop adding terms when the value of the last

term is less than 1e-17 (beyond VB “double” accuracy). Use your computed value of π when needed for

other computations. All these functions/methods are to be implemented using a VB Class, appropriately

called “MyMath”. Look at the sample code provided below.

The following trigonometric identities should be used to simplify computations (angles are in degrees):

For sin x (using symmetry), in this particular order:

if x > 360 x = x – 360

if x > 270 sin x = -sin(360 – x)

if x > 180 sin x = -sin(x – 180)

if x > 90 x = 180 – x

cos x = sin (x + 90)

tan x = sin x / cos x

The range of angles for all trig methods is from 0 to 360 degrees. Due to above identities, you’ll only

need to make computations for the first quadrant, i.e., 0 – 90 degrees.

For the following five values of x, do not compute sin x as explained above, but use this table (based on

simple geometric properties):