Curriculum vitae Bryan Rochelle 28th September 2015

Name Bryan Rochelle

Company Del Mar Ltd

Position Director

Company Address 4210, Office Tower, Convention Plaza

1 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Phone: +61448810675 (preferred temporarily); +62 81 353 449 342 (Indonesia)

Skype: Bryan Rochelle

Date of birth: 31st August 1971

Citizenship: Australian

Currently Resident: Bali, Indonesia


  PhD, Anthropology, The Australian National University, Canberra (2002-10)

  Bachelor of Arts (Development Studies), Honours (1st), Faculty of Arts, The Australian National University, Canberra (1994-2000)

Professional Affiliations:

  American Evaluation Association

  Australian Anthropological Society

Countries of Work Experience:

Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Philippines, Switzerland, Thailand, Tonga, Vietnam
Agencies worked with:
AusAID/DFAT; NZAID; UNDP; World Bank; Red Cross/Crescent Movement (IFRC & national societies); Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC & national and civil partners); Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Oxfam; Muslim Aid; and various other major NGOs;
& universities including Melbourne University, Monash University, Earth Observatory of Singapore at Nanyang Technological University.


English (native language); Bahasa Indonesia (very good)


As company Director of Del Mar Ltd I integrate 3 distinct yet related fields of specialisation:

  Monitoring & Evaluation advisor

  Cultural Anthropologist, and

  Aid/Development Effectiveness project designer & manager.

to assist development projects and organisations to better evaluate and explain, build or rehabilitate, their monitoring and evaluation (including planning and reporting) and research (qualitative and quantitative) processes to better define ‘what they do’ & ‘the effects of what they do’ with an emphasis upon mid to long term outcomes and impact.

I have over 20 years experience working in South-east Asia, South Asia and the Pacific regions, with a particular specialisation in Indonesian society, culture and governance, and a growing interest in the East Asian region. I have strong sector experience in governance (local to national levels), health (including HIV and STI’s, water and sanitation), and disaster management (especially post-disaster/conflict transitioning to longer term development programming).

I specialise in evaluating, building and rehabilitating Monitoring and Evaluation needs for projects and organisations, with particular experience working with complex multiple-donor and multiple-implementing agencies programs working across multiple-provinces or countries.

I am adept in undertaking short-term evaluations, longer-term project or organisational evaluations, and multiple-year evaluations of international aid/development processes and efficacy in post-disaster and aid saturated contexts.

My methodologies blend qualitative and quantitative approaches ensuring balance is struck between qualitative ideals and finite timeframes. Theory of change forms the methodological foundation upon which the techniques outcome harvesting, contribution analysis and storytelling are applied.


April 2010-Ongoing

Director, Del Mar Ltd

Encompassing but not limited to the span of the Indian and Pacific oceans Del Mar Ltd provides qualitative research and monitoring evaluation and research services to international development projects and organisations. Emphasis is upon:

  Keeping M&E processes and methods simple, effective and enjoyable.

  Addressing difficulties in measuring or justifying project/organisational influence upon partners and the long-term impact of your joint work.

  Translating efforts into sensible data (quantitative and qualitative) and reporting.

  Integrating research and M&E as integral elements of programming.

Jan - April 2014, Feb - July 2015

Contractor: Asia Institute, The University of Melbourne,

Position Held: Research Associate, working with Honorary Professorial Fellow Joel S. Kahn on the Australian Research Council Grant funded project New Southeast Asian Spiritualities: political and experiential dimensions.

This is ethnographic and qualitative research exploring the relationship between Indonesian secularism and new spiritual movements within both Muslim Javanese and Hindu Balinese religious traditions. Research was undertaken on the islands of Java (the greater Jakarta region, Central Java and East Java) and Bali exploring contemporary intra-religious experiences and issues with attention to the inter-relation between religious, cultural, nationalist and political spheres of influence.

April - December 2014

Contractor: Monash University (DFAT funded) in collaboration with Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) and the International Centre for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS), Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Position Held: Senior Field Researcher/Project Manager, Aceh Community Assistance Research Project II (ACARP II); a component of the Aftermath of Aid (AoA) project.

For a report copy:

  I was project manager and field team mobiliser of this 10-year post-tsunami evaluation asking what is the lasting effect – if any – of the multiple agency development programming delivered in the in the wake of the 2004 disaster on Aceh’s west coast that focused upon building local level governance capacity – especially village and sub-district – as a driver of community development. The ACARP II evaluation also embraces analysis of ongoing national and provincial governance programs such as National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM), in building lasting ‘governance capacity’ in disaster/aid effected communities, such as those studied along Aceh’s west coast.

  The research report is directed at Government agencies and policy (Acehnese, Indonesian, Australian, in particular), multi-national aid partners (such as UN agencies) and local and international non-government agents. Emphasis concerns longer-term governance/community development strategies in post-disaster contexts.

  It follows the earlier 2007 (Aceh Communities Assistance Research Project (ACARP I) report commissioned by the Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development-AusAID (AIPRD) and partners.

May 2012 – May 2013

Contractor: International Federation of the Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) (Bangkok, Thailand); position funded by the Australian Red Cross.

Position Held: Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor, South-east Asian Regional Office (SEARO)

The role of the position was to:

  Develop and implement a regional strategy and tailored methods for the IFRC SEARO to deliver monitoring and evaluation capacity building technical support to regional Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) National Societies. The position worked closely with RCRC National Societies of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, and the wealthier RCRC Partner Societies (the main funders, e.g. Australian and American RC societies) with interests in these countries.

  Develop an expanded long-term regional Monitoring and Evaluation strategy for IFRC SEARO (in collaboration with IFRC Geneva office) to deliver improved coordination on M&E methods and approaches between partners, and to upscale technical, programmatic and resources (financial and human) support to enable this process over a 3-4 year time-scale based upon the piloting work of the position undertaken during 2012-13.

  Deliver a comprehensive end of contract evaluation report on the M&E situation (focus concerns, needs, recommendations), with proposed solutions and plan of action, between the IFRC, Red Cross Red Crescent Partners working in the region and the South-east Asian Red Cross National Societies.

June 2011 – January 2012

Contractor: Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)

Position Held: Pacific region Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor, Public Health Division

  Develop the regional Monitoring & Evaluation framework for HIV and STI programming flexible for use and adaption by all 22 Pacific countries and territory members of Secretariat of the Pacific Community; piloted in the Kingdom of Tonga and the Cook Islands. This was the the Monitoring & Evaluation system used for HIV and STI programming across all 22 participating Pacific countries under SPC guidance.

  Work closely with regional partners – in particular the United Nations group – to coordinate regional Monitoring & Evaluation needs for Pacific HIV and STI programming, including: a strategic role in the Pacific M&E Technical Working Group alongside diverse regional partners; the establishment of regional M&E standards for National Strategic Plans inclusive of national and all relevant donor indicators (including Global Fund, Response Fund, UN and international and local NGOS).

  Provide Monitoring and Evaluation technical assistance to Pacific Island Countries and Territories (through National Committees for HIV and STIs, inclusive of broad range of NGO, Government, and multi-lateral organisation representatives) to support their capacity to adequately plan, monitor, evaluate and report the progress of all national HIV and sexually transmissible diseases programming through the development of M&E Frameworks for National Strategic Plans for HIV and STIs in line with the globally agreed upon Three Ones strategy.

December 2010 – Feb 2011

Contractor: IDSS-Aurecon (Indonesia)

Position Held: Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor

Provision of advice to IDSS-Aurecon in the field of monitoring and evaluation in the development of a specific tender proposal in Indonesia.

January 2008 – January 2009

Contractor: Local Governance and Infrastructure for Communities in Aceh (LOGICA), Hassall & Associates International (HAI)/ GHD on behalf of the Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development-AusAID (Aceh Province, Indonesia)

Position Held: Monitoring and Evaluation and Quality Assurance Advisor

LOGICA was a $40 million governance reform and improved service delivery program for village, sub-district, and district levels of government in Aceh Province, Indonesia included:

  Re-design and implement the program Monitoring and Evaluation framework and systemic processes, including the development of quantitative and qualitative data collection tools, working closely with LOGICA colleagues of all levels in consultation with key stakeholders;

  Monitor LOGICA’s progress against end of program outcomes, managing risks and constraints, integrating learning processes back into LOGICA programming, with a strong emphasis on gender awareness and capacity building;

  Undertaking periodic field site visits/reviews in 7 districts, consulting with community and stakeholder participants, such Government of Indonesia staff, overseeing both quantitative and qualitative Monitoring and Evaluation processes;

  Work closely with the Gender Advisor to ensure gender related development outcomes were integrated into all the programs and their M&E processes.

May 2007 – December 2007

Contractor: Aceh Communities Assistance Research Project (ACARP) on behalf of the Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development-AusAID & Partners (UNDP, World Bank, Oxfam, Muslim Aid, Catholic Relief Services) (Aceh Province, Indonesia)

Position Held: Team Leader, Project Design and Management (PDM)

Responsible for the design, development and implementation of a quantitative and qualitative socio-economic research project. ACARP examined which donor and NGO engagements/interventions were most effective in producing positive outcomes for disaster-affected communities in Aceh Province following the 2004 earthquake and tsunami. The included management of:

  A project design, research methodology, resource matrix and budget, undertaken in challenging multi-sited, post-disaster and post-conflict field conditions;

  Assembling and convening the project Steering Committee/donors consisting of the Government of Indonesia, the UNDP, the World Bank, AIPRD-AusAID, Oxfam, Muslim Aid, Catholic Relief Services, and Syiah Kuala University;

  Assembling, coordinating and oversight of the training of a team of Acehnese and international socio-economic researchers (gender balanced) of 35 staff, working in 18 village research sites in the 3 worst tsunami affected districts of Aceh Province’s west coast;

  The analysis, co-writing, production and dissemination of the final research report The Acehnese Gampong Three Years On: Assessing Local Capacity and Reconstruction Assistance in Post-tsunami Aceh:

March 2002 – March 2010

Employer: Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, The Australian National University (ANU), Canberra (Australia and Indonesia)

Position Held: PhD Candidate

  Conducted 18 months ethnographic fieldwork during 2005-08 in the indigenous Minahasan region of North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The research examined Minahasan people’s efforts to balance their culture with both regional and national emphases upon modernization and development.

  The research was undertaken in an era of political decentralization and democratization to the village level for the first time in Indonesian history – which was a focus of the research – in which national, regional and local understandings and methods of governance and identity underwent considerable change.

October 2000 – March 2002

Employer: ANUTECH Development International (now ANU Enterprise) (Canberra, Australia)

Position Held: Business Development Manager

Feb-July 1997

Volunteer: Dolpo Educational, Social, Environmental Reservation Team (DESERT), Dolpo District, NE Nepal.

Signed Bryan Rochelle Date September 28th, 2015

Referee 1

Name: Dr. Craig Thorburn

Position: Senior Researcher, Aceh Communities Assistance Research Project II; Senior Lecturer

Organisation: School of Geography and Environmental Science, Monash University, Australia


Phone: +61 3 9905 9319 Mob: +61 42 580 3178

Referee 2

Name: Professor Joel S. Kahn.

Position: Honorary Professorial Fellow

Organisation: Asia Institute, The University of Melbourne, Australia


Phone: +61 3 8344 3556 Fax: +61 3 9349 4870

Referee 3

Name: Ms Anne E. Leclerc

Position: Head of Regional Delegation

Organisation: IFRC Southeast Asia Regional Delegation

Ocean Tower I, 5th floor

170/11-12 Sukhumvit soi 16, Klong-toey, 10110 Bangkok, Thailand

Phone: +66 2661 8201 Mob: +66 85 661 7464 Fax: +66 2 661 9322
