EDEWG Conference Call 3/8/2007

Utilities: Allegheny Power, Duquesne Light Company, First Energy (Met-Ed, Penelec, & Penn Power), PECO, PPL Utilities, and UGI

Suppliers/Service Providers:Alliance Data, Dominion Retail, EC-Power, Energy Services Group, First Energy Services, Gestalt, Suez, Integrus, and UGI Energy Services

Other: PUC


  1. Introductions
  2. Internet Migration Update
  3. Draft 2007 EDEWG Plan
  4. Recertification Subcommittee Report
  5. Daylight Savings Time (March 11, 2007) and Interval Usage
  6. NAESB Update
  7. Other Business
  8. Next Meeting

Meeting Notes:

  1. Introductions

Gerald Kaloi, PECO (Utility Co-Chair), introduced the EDEWG leadership and commenced roll call.

  1. Internet Migration Update
  2. UGI Energy – No active EGS participating in territory. Connectivity testing complete with subsidiary company. No issues reported.
  3. First Energy – Update pending confirmation w/IT dept. Testing scheduled or in progress with all trading partners. No issues reported.
  4. EGS – No issues reported.
  5. Annunciata Marino, PUC Staff, requested each EDC report (email ok) the EGS name and date which NAESB v1.6 connectivity testing was complete.
  1. Draft 2007 EDEWG Plan

Gerald Kaloi briefly discussed the draft of the 2007 EDEWG plan. The membership was asked to review the draft sent to the list serve and provide feedback.

  1. Recertification Subcommittee Report

Gerald Kaloi announced the current membership list for the Re-certification subcommittee…

Angela DeLong - UGI

Brandon Siegel – Alliance Data

Carrie Rohrer – EC-Power

Ernie Mathiee – First Energy

Mike Lyons – Energy Services Group

Donna Hirst – PPL Utilities

Tom Graham – Allegheny Power

Susan Miller - UGI

Maisha Sherkliff

The invite to the Yahoo group which the subcommittee will utilize is forthcoming. Initial draft documentation is available on the group site.

The formal kick off meeting for the subcommittee will be held via teleconference on Thursday, March 22nd, 2007 from 10AM to 12PM Eastern. Dial-in information will be presented to the subcommittee membership via separate email.

  1. Daylight Savings Time (March 11, 2007) and Interval Usage

PPL Solutions inquired if the 867 Interval Usage would be sent similar to 2006 DST changes. EDC’s were polled, results…

Allegheny, Duquesne, First Energy & PECO stated IU data would be sent similar to 2006 with the date being different. UGI does not have any interval metered customers.

  1. NAESB Update

George Behr, ESG (Supplier/Services Co-Chair) provided a brief NAESB update. The REQ business group continues to move forward with the business rules for enrollment, change, and drop processes. The technical group is in progress of building the standards for the enrollment.

NAESB is meeting on Tuesday, March 20th, 2007 to discuss it’s response to the latest Sandia Report. More information should be available by the April EDEWG meeting.

As always, NAESB encourages participation and input from the stakeholders in the Pennsylvania marketplace. Details regarding the NAESB initiative can be found at or for more information contact George Behr at

  1. Draft Pennsylvania EDI Implementation Guidelines

As new business, Brandon Siegel, Alliance Data, (Change Control Manager) announced a clarification update has been made to the notes section of the LDC 810 implementation guideline. He has requested an updated zip file from Diane Goff, Regional Change Control Manager, and will provide the updated file to the PUC staff upon receipt.

  1. Natural Gas Competition Update

As new business, Annunciata Marino informed the membership the PUC staff’s timeline for preparing and distributing the combined draft natural gas sub-group report. The draft report will be distributed by April 20th with and comment period to follow. The final report to the PUC will be June 1st.

  2. First Energy to report current status of internet migration.
  3. EDC’s to report EGS name & test completion date to PUC staff.
  4. Brandon Siegel to provide PUC staff with updated zip of draft EDI implementation guidelines.
  5. Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 5th, 2007 at 2:00 PM ET. To participate, call(717) 901-0630