The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Final Project Due ______

Select a project from the below list:

1. Create a Mural (large poster size) showing the important scenes of the novel.

§  Entire paper is covered with drawings NO CLIP ART

§  Neat, colorful and accurate

§  Include Title and your name

Knowledge of Content / 35
Neat and Colorful / 25
Minimum of 10 drawn pictures
Title and name / 10
Total / 100

2. Write a new ending for the novel

§  Must be four pages in length and typed

§  Connects to the original story

§  Grammar and creativity count

Four (4) Pages typed or written in blue/black ink / 20
Creative with plot and character development / 50
Grammar/Spelling / 20
Connection to original story, Title / 10
Total / 100

3. Timeline of 10 events in the book

§  Create a graphic organizer (poster size) showing sequence

§  Must include dates

§  Each event needs a complete picture

Knowledge of Content / 35
Neat and Colorful / 25
Minimum of 10 events with pictures
Title and name / 10
Total / 100

4. Speech

§  Pick a topic, research it, write a three minute oral presentation

§  Only one person per topic

§  Must record and cite sources

§  Include an introduction, body and closing

§  Must be written on notecards

§  Possible topics: famous pirates, famous sailing ship, Avi, and any other pre-approved idea that relates to the novel

Knowledge of Subject / 30
Presentation Skills: clear voice, eye contact / 25
Note cards (sources cited for speech) / 25
Speech: 3 Minutes / 20
Total / 100

5. Avi book –read another book written by Avi

·  Pick a book you have not read (summer reading or reading counts)

·  Book must be approved prior to reading

·  Make a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting your book with “The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle”

Read the book and pass reading counts quiz / 65
Venn Diagram / 35
Total / 100

Mural Project Name ______

Knowledge of Content / 35
Neat and Colorful / 25
Minimum of 10 drawn pictures
Title and name / 10
Total / 100

New Ending Project Name ______

Four (4) Pages typed or written in blue/black ink / 20
Creative with plot and character development / 50
Grammar/Spelling / 20
Connection to original story, Title / 10
Total / 100

Timeline Project Name ______

Knowledge of Content/ Dates / 35
Neat and Colorful / 25
Minimum of 10 events with pictures
Title and name / 10
Total / 100

Speech Project Name ______

Knowledge of Subject / 30
Presentation Skills: clear voice, eye contact / 25
Note cards (sources cited for speech) / 25
Speech: 3 Minutes / 20
Total / 100

Avi Book Project Name ______

Read the book and pass reading counts quiz / 65
Venn Diagram / 35
Total / 100