Dear Woodlake Community:

As most of you are aware, WLCCC has taken no meaningful action and has provided no update with respect to their stated intent to transfer the lake properties to the newly formed Lake Surf Owners Association (or any other group of property owners, for that matter).

Given the complete silence from WLCCC, and after discussing various options with our attorneys at the law firm of Jordan Price, the Restore Woodlake Committee came to the conclusion that filing a class-action lawsuit was the most effective next step to take towards the ultimate goal of recouping our property values and gaining control of the destiny of our community.

The lawsuit, which was filed today in Moore County Superior Court, is based in large part on the fact that WLCCC's actions have caused a significant decrease in the value of properties throughout the Woodlake community. It also containsclaims that those individuals who paid "membership dues" to WLCCC did not get the benefit associated with those dues as promised. A copy of the complaint (lawsuit) can be found at the following link:

The "class representatives" in the lawsuit (also called "named plaintiffs") are thecommunity members listed at the bottom of this email, but it's important to note that these individuals are seeking to represent an entire "class" of Woodlake property owners, and that any benefit derived from the lawsuit will be a benefit to the entire class and ultimately the community. The purpose of this lawsuit is to receive a court ordered judgment against WLCCC for many millions of lost property value in addition to the damages suffered by those who have paid “membership dues”. This judgment will enable us to foreclose on WLCCC properties and force a liquidation of these properties to satisfy the judgment.

To provide more detail about the lawsuit and current efforts to move toward restoring the lake, the Restore Woodlake Committee will be holding a town hall meeting on Wednesday October 25, 2017 at 6:30pm atthe Vass-Lakeview Elementary School. We look forward to seeing a strong turnout for this very important meeting.

Thank you,

The Restore Woodlake Committee

Property owners committed to be Class Representatives in the Lawsuit:

  1. Jones
  2. Watterson
  3. Boyd
  4. Quam
  5. Lindsay
  6. Stein
  7. Smith
  8. Dickerhoff
  9. Magee
  10. Congelosi
  11. Cusick
  12. Scroggins
  13. Mason
  14. Bauman