Fr. Paul Hughes

St. James’ Presbytery

40 Underwood Rd.

Hattersley, Hyde.

SK14 3DH

Tel 0161 368 3618

St. James the Great

In St. Anselm’s Local Pastoral Area

Parish Newsletter

Fifth Sunday of Lent - Year C

17th March 2013

First Reading Isaiah 43:16-21 God willingly forgives our sin – No need to recall the past – he calls us to a fresh start with a new, better deeper relationship. Will I use the sacrament of reconciliation for a fresh start: a closer relationship with God?

Second Reading Philippians 3:8-14 Paul, who has given up everything for Christ, sees nothing as having value compared to him. He must constantly move towards heaven. What is the focus of my life? Do I strive to move towards heaven?

Gospel John 8:1-11 The circumstances of this story suggest that it was orchestrated to trap Jesus (Can only one be so caught?); he shows God’s mercy and forgiveness. He doesn’t condone her actions, and disapproves – don’t sin any more – but won’t condemn her either. Jesus reminds the crowd – and us too – that everyone sins, and so no-one can judge anyone else. Judgement belongs to God: those who judge and condemn others usurp God’s position. To be like God means to imitate his mercy and forgiveness. Do I judge others; or rather strive to live a non-judgemental life?

We pray for all of our sick especially Fr. Fred Robinson, Mary Balfe, Carol Bennett, Michael Boucher, Anthony Brownridge, Lily Chappell, Sharon Cilgram, Ann Bernard Clarke, Mary Collins, Hannah Corbishley, Kath Courtney, Kath Coyne, Hilda Donald, Jill Doyle, Bridget Duffy, Pat Edwards, Maria Fairhurst, Margaret Flood, John Ford, Stephen Farrell, Paul Flaherty, Raymond Green, Frank Higgins, Louisa Johnston, Linda Jones, Doris Maley, Frances Martin, Mary McCabe, Wendy McLoughlan, Lucy Morrow, Gerard Ormsby, Michael O’Reilly, Peter Riley, Stephen Singleton, Veronica Singleton, June Smith, Pat Stoneley, Linda Summers, Pat Tarrant, Clara Walker, and Arthur Woodhouse, and all in nursing homes and hospitals. We pray also for doctors, nurses and all who care for the sick.

Let us pray for those who have died, especially Mary Bancroft and Elsie Duff who died recently and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time may our risen Lord welcome them to Paradise.

This week’s saints. Tuesday, St Joseph: beloved & silent husband of the Blessed virgin Mary. The earthly guardian of Jesus.

Vocations: If you think God is calling you to serve as priest, deacon, brother or sister, or want to respond more deeply to your own call: think & pray seriously, then talk to Fr. Paul.

Sick & housebound parishioners: if you know of any sick or housebound parishioner who is unable to attend Mass & not, at present, receiving Holy Communion at home but would like to do so, please let Fr. Paul know as soon as possible.

Lent - We should all strive to make Lent a prayerful time of spiritual preparation for the great Feast of Easter. We should pray more than usual, fast more than usual and give alms more than usual. This is in addition to giving up some luxuries. We are all asked by the Church to: deny ourselves something we enjoy – and give the money saved to the needy; we should also do something extra such as going to Mass during the week, extra prayer time reading and meditating on scripture.

Stations of the Cross during Lent after Mass on Wednesdays & Saturdays.

Our Lenten Meditations are, once more, available in the porch.

Monday jointly with St. Barnabas: 3.15 p.m. to 4.15 p.m. This week at St. James

Lenten Alms: during Lent the bottle in church will be for our Lenten Alms, the money

raised will be for CAFOD. Almsgiving during Lent helps us to grow spiritually:

traditionally almsgiving is seen as a remedy for sin.

Planned giving envelopes in the porch. Please do not use them until 7 Apr.

Money for nothing! If you pay income tax on wages, pension etc then signing a Gift Aid Declaration allows the parish to reclaim the tax you have paid on your Church collection – if given through the offertory envelopes. This is worth an extra 25p for £1 donated; £5 would generate a further £1.25. Forms available in porch, please hand in to Father.

Thirtysomethings. In your 30’s? Would you like to meet other Catholics your age? Join us on April 6th at St. Joseph’s Stockport. See notice in porch for further details.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Tues 23 July to Wed 31 July 2013 overland & Wed

24 July to Tues 30 July 2013by air. Poster on notice board in porch. Forms available on request. Prices will be broadly the same as last year.

50th Anniversary of the Parish: this year we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our parish. Bishop Mark has agreed to come to St. James on Sunday 21 July for our anniversary celebration. On 21 July our parish Mass will be at 3.00 p.m. (No morning Mass that day) please make a note of this in your diary. Watch this space for further information

Parish Bonus Ball: Wednesday 13 March, No 5 – winner Betty Ford

Parish weekly raffle: Please support this venture by buying tickets and providing prizes.

Missionary Servants of the poor are organising retreats in the UK. See notice in porch.

Parish Prayer Intention Board: We are all asked to pray for these intentions.

Hattersley Food Store: still needs food donations. See list of foods needed in porch,

Pope Francis

We give thanks to God for the election of our new Holy Father,

Pope Francis.

May the Lord protect him

and grant him length of days.

May the Lord be his shield

and deliver him from harm.

May the Lord give him happiness and peace

all the days of his life.

We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

Father of providence,

look with love on Francis our Pope,

your appointed successor to Saint Peter

on whom you built your Church.

May he be the visible centre and foundation

of our unity in faith and love.

We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.


source of eternal life and truth,

give to your shepherd Francis

a spirit of courage and right judgement

a spirit of knowledge and love.

By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care

may he, as successor of the apostle Peter and vicar of Christ,

build your Church into a sacrament of unity love and peace

for all the world.

We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

Mass Times and Intentions

Fifth Sunday in Lent 11.00 a.m. Parishioners

17 March

Monday 18 9.15 a.m. Morning Prayer

9.30 a.m. Elsie Duff

3.15 p.m. Reflections with St. Barnabas

Tuesday 19 9.15 a.m. Morning Prayer

9.30 a.m. Special Intention

Wednesday 20 9.30 a.m. Priest’s Intention

10.15 a.m. Stations of the Cross

Thursday 21 11.00 a.m. Pope Francis I

11.45 p.m. Holy Hour

Friday 22 9.15 a.m. Morning Prayer

9.30 a.m. Sick & infirm of parish

Saturday 23 12.00 noon. Mary Bancroft

Passion Sunday 11.00 a.m. Parishioners

24 March

Sacrament of individual Reconciliation (Confession) Sunday 10.45 a.m. – 10.55 a.m.

Prayer of the Church: 1 Mass attendance last weekend 51

Opening Prayer for Fifth Sunday of Lent

By your help, we beseech you, Lord our God,

may we walk eagerly in that same charity

with which, out of love for the world,

your Son handed himself over to death.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.


Christ suffered for you,

leaving you an example that you should follow in his steps.

He committed no sin; no guile was found on his lips.

When he was reviled, he did not revile in return.

When he suffered, he did not threaten;

but he trusted to him who judges justly.

He himself bore our sin in his body on the tree,

that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.

By his wounds you have been healed.

1 Peter 2:21-24