Lights! Camera! Action! Level: 50

DRA Oral reading addendum (to be completed after oral reading and student prediction)

Student: ______Date: ______


T: Now it’s time to read and enjoy this story by yourself. When you are done, please come to me and I’ll ask you to tell me what happened in this story.


As the student retells, underline and record on the Story Overview the information included in the student’s retelling. Please note the student does not need to use the exact words.

T: Start at the beginning and tell me what happened in this story.

Story Overview:

Meet Alyssa Buecker

  1. At the age of 11 Alyssa Buecker got into film making. During a summer class she learned how to make films.
  2. For a class project, Alyssa came up with an idea for a movie. She decided to use her pet guinea pig Hazel.
  3. She wrote a simple story about a guinea pig that receives a package in the mail. Hazel opens the package to find a colorful marble.
  4. In Alyssa’s film making class she was told about a contest for filmmakers in Missouri and Kansas.
  5. Alyssa’s film took 3rd place.

Using Guinea Pigs as Stars

  1. Alyssa made more films with Hazel – The Christmas Caper and Guinea Pigs from Mars.
  2. In the movie Guinea Pigs from Mars she used 18 guinea pigs. It took 5 minutes long.
  3. She said guinea pigs are gentle pets and easy to work with.
  4. She works with all kinds of guinea pets – short, straight, long or curly hair. Make a lot of sounds

Making a Movie

  1. First she comes up with an idea that works with her guinea pigs.
  2. Then, she decides how many scenes there should be.
  3. Next, Alyssa makes a storyboard.
  4. She thinks about the guinea pigs’ different personalities to decide who will play which role.
  5. After casting, Alyssa builds the sets, backdrops, and props.
  6. Alyssa uses food to coax her actors into action.
  7. She uses computer software to edit her films.
  8. Her family and friends help with the voices for the soundtrack.

Alyssa’s Latest Blockbuster

  1. In 1999, judges from a national film festival sent Alyssa’s three films to the staff at HBO.
  2. Since then, her films have been seen several times on HBO Family Channel’s 30 by 30: Kid Flicks.

Filmmaking Advice

20.  Alyssa has advice for anyone who might want to make movies: Never give up, even when things go wrong.

__ Tell me more.
__ Tell me about the guinea pigs
__ Tell me how she makes the films

Literal Comprehension:

Tell 3 things Alyssa does to make her movies.

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______


List how Alyssa’s movies are similar and different.




What is the most important message in this text? ______


Tell why you think it is important: ______


Metacognitive awareness:

Name one strategy that you used to help you understand this text. (The teacher may show this list of strategies to the student)

___ I recalled what I know about the topic.

___ I asked myself questions as I read.

___ I made connections.

___ I thought about the reason why things happened.

___ I pictured what was happening.

Give at least 2 specific examples from this book that show how you used this comprehension strategy.

