Walk On Overview - 2012

Goal: To raise money to support our Foundation while branding Bright Horizons Family Solutions in the communities where we live and work.

When: Determine the best time of the year and date for centers/schools. Spring and summer are best, and you may want to tie into a larger event such as the celebration of the Week of the Young Child. (The Foundation encourages you to NOT plan fall Walk On events. That is the time of the annual Employee Information and Giving Campaign.)

Coordinator: Each region will have a Walk On Coordinator(s), the person(s) responsible for the event. The Coordinator(s) will receive a packet of all materials necessary to organize the event locally. Please have the coordinator contact Becky Bowman at or 615-256-9915 x1828.

Fund Designation: Before determining how your funds will be used, please contact the Foundation to assess together the greatest need. Funds can be designated to create a new Bright Space, to support an existing Bright Space, or the general fund (preferred by Foundation) to be used as needed.

Registering Your Event: All Divisional Walk On events must be registered with the Foundation by contacting April Powell, Project Manager at 303-831-1752 or .


·  We recommend that the walk be in a visible location such as a park, track, or mall, so you could also highlight marketing opportunities for Bright Horizons

·  Ensure adequate parking

·  Ensure safety for all participates

·  Some sites might require you to sign an “event agreement.” As with all agreements, you can run it by BH legal department – contact Nick Valentine at or 617-673-8130


·  General information to the group via a special regional newsletter, group e-mail, or Regional Managers weekly check-in

·  Use as marketing event ~ for branding only. The focus should be on the Foundation.

Other Materials

·  Save the Date Flier template

·  Informational Letter/Brochure for faculty and clients

·  Pledge Cards or forms

·  Thank You/Tax Deduction Letters for donors

·  Procedure for tracking the distance

·  Foundation Events page – an online fundraising webpage. Contact April Powell, Development Coordinator for Foundation at for more information.


·  Meal/snack/water. Center/Schools Better Together Groups could secure donations or provide. Parents and children could help distribute. Clients are a good source of goodies.

·  Foundation will provide a plaque to centers/schools/regions to hang in common area

·  Participant incentive/challenge – could be for an individual or center

·  Center who raises the most money could receive a gift from one of our company vendors such as Hatch, Community Playthings, etc.

·  Lunch with their RM

·  Gift certificate for the company store


·  Teachers should solicit flat donations rather than pledges per mile

·  Give each teacher a goal (e.g. raise $50 by receiving five $10 donations)

·  Seek out opportunities for clients to provide matching funds or sponsor the T-shirts

·  Tracking forms for donations will be in the Coordinator packet

·  Donations can be collected in cash, check (made out to “Bright Horizons Foundation for Children”) or online through your event page

·  The Foundation does not pay for your expenses. Expenses will be deducted from your funds raised, so budget wisely

·  Contact Jenny Malone before committing to any purchases.

·  Examples of possible expenses when planning your budget: T-shirts, hats, postage for thank you letters (if mailing), printing.

·  Instead of buying T-shirts, hats, etc., consider just wearing a similar color instead, (e.g. red to show our HEART).

Risk Management

·  Some sites will require a copy of a Certificate of Liability. These are available from Bright Horizons risk management group by contacting TJ Comeau at or 617-673-8047

·  All participants will need to sign an Events Release and Indemnity Agreement – a waiver of liability, which is commonly provided at events such as walk/run/bike a-thons.

·  This is a volunteer event for a nonprofit organization and worker’s comp does not apply.

·  Tips on advance training, wearing good shoes, stretching, and other commonly held best practices for physical well-being will be provided.

·  A first aid kit must be made available at each location.

Family Participation

Additional information will be provided regarding best strategies for engaging parents, children, and families in Walk On events as well as ideas and resources for volunteer activities and other strategies for raising caring, giving children. Please send inquires to Becky Bowman, Executive Director of Foundation at or 615-256-9915 x1828