Test Proctoring Instructor’s Guide
The Office of Disability Services (ODS) will assist instructors who are obligated to provide testing accommodations to those students who are eligible to receive special testing arrangements due to an identified disability. If you would like to take advantage of this service, please follow the steps below:
1. Work directly with the student(s) to determine an agreed upon test date time. (Due to student’s additional testing time, they may not be able to take their exams during the normal class time.) It is the instructor’s responsibility to schedule exams.
2. Complete a Test Proctoring Form for each student. You may list all exam dates on the same form as long as the date & time fit within the student’s schedule.
a. Students may be scheduled to take their exams Monday - Friday, beginning at 8am, with the last exam scheduled to begin no later than 3pm depending on their allotted time (office closes at 4:30.)
b. Separate Room DOES NOT mean Private. It means removed from classroom.
c. Reader means that the exam is loaded on to a computer & the computer “reads” the exam to the student.
d. Computer for Typing is an accommodation for short answer & essays.
e. Test Proctoring Forms may be downloaded from: www.marquette.edu/disability-services/forms.shtml
3. Submit the Test Proctoring Form 3 WORKING days prior to the desired exam date. Due to the increased volume during Mid-Term & Final Exams please make arrangements 5 WORKING days prior to desired exam date. “Prior to” does not include the exam date or weekends.
4. Submit the completed Test Proctoring Form to ODS either via confidential FAX (414-288-5799) or confidential email (). CAMPUS MAIL IS NOT AN OPTION.
5. Upon receipt of the Test Proctoring Form, ODS will schedule the exam. Incomplete forms will be return and not processed.
6. The day before the scheduled exam a reminder email will be sent to the student with a cc: to the instructor.
7. Submit the test & all necessary materials (Scantron, Blue Book, Formula Sheets, etc.) no later than 24 hours before the student is scheduled to take the exam.
8. Tests will be returned to you per your selected option on the Test Proctoring Form.
Our role and responsibility in this process is to ensure a fair and secure administration of the test. To fulfill this obligation, we have established the following procedures:
1. Students who are late to testing appointments forfeit the time that they have missed.
2. Nothing is allowed in the testing area outside of what is indicated by you on the Test Proctoring Form.
3. Students who have questions will be provided a blank sheet of paper to write out an explanation of their questions and/or reasons for the answer they gave. This paper will be returned with the test.
4. Suspicions of cheating will be addressed by the Director of the Office of Disability Services. If evidence verifies cheating the test will be discontinued. All information will be submitted to the instructor.
5. Students requesting any changes once the exam has been scheduled will need to have approval from the instructor.
We look forward to the opportunity to assist you, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact
Sheri Hochtritt, Testing Coordinator, at 8-1645.
Office of Disability Services
P.O. Box 1881 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-1881 Telephone (414) 288-1645 Fax (414) 288-5799