Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P.
Under Graduate Semester wise Syllabus
as recommended by Central Board of Studies and approved by the Governor of M.P.
mPp f'k{kk foHkkx] e-iz- 'kklu
Lukrd d{kkvksa ds fy;s lsesLVj vuqlkj ikB~;dze
dsanzh; v/;;u e.My }kjk vuq'kaflr rFkk e- iz- ds jkT;iky }kjk vuqeksfnr
Session ¼l=½ 2010-2011
Class / d{kk % B.Sc.
Semester / lsesLVj % V
Subject / fo"k; % Physics/HkkSfrd’kkL=
Title of Subject Group % Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Atomic Physics
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd % lkisf{kdrk]DokaVe ;kaf=dh rFkk ijek.kq HkkSfrdh
Paper/iz’ui= % I
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 35 + (CCE) 15 = 50
Particulars / fooj.k
Unit-1 / Theory of RelativityReference systems, inertial frames, Galilian Invariance and conservation laws,
propagation of light, Michelson-Morley experiment; search for ether. Postulates for the special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformations, length contraction, time dilation, velocity addition theorem, variation of mass with velocity, mass - energy equivalence, particle with zero rest mass
Unit-2 / Origin of Quantum Theory:
Failure of classical physics to explain the phenomena such as a black-body spectrum. photoelectric effect Ritz combination principle in spectra. stability of an atom Planck's radiation law, Einstein's explanation of photoelectric effect. Bohr’s quantization of angular momentum and its application to hydrogen atom, limitations of Bohr's theory.
Unit-3 / Quantum Mechanics- I
Wave-particle duality and uncertainty principle de Broglie's hypothesis for matter waves; the concept of wave and group velocities, evidence for diffraction and interference of particles, experimental demonstrations of matter waves. Consequence of de Brogile's concepts; quantization in hydrogen atom; energies of a particle in a box, wave packets, Heisenberg's uncertainty relation for p and x, its extension to energy and time.
Unit-4 / Quantum Mechanics-II
Consequence of the uncertainty relation; gamma ray microscope , diffraction at a slit particle in a box, position of an electron in a Bohr's orbit, Schrödinger’s equation. Postulatory basis of quantum .mechanics; operators, expectation values, transition probabilities, applications to a particle m one and three dimensional boxes, harmonic oscillator, reflection at a step potential, transmission across a potential barrier.
Unit-5 / Atomic Physics-
Hydrogen atom; natural occurrence of n, 1 and m quantum numbers, the related physical quantities. Comparison with Bohr's theory.
Spectra of hydrogen, deuteron and alkali atoms spectral terms, doublet fine structure. screening constants for alkali spectra for s,p,d and f states, selection rules, Singlet and triplet fine structure in alkaline earth spectra. L-S and J-J couplings .
Class / d{kk % B.Sc.
Semester / lsesLVj % V
Subject / fo"k; % Physics/HkkSfrd’kkL=
Title of Subject Group % Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Atomic Physics
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd % lkisf{kdrk]DokaVe ;kaf=dh rFkk ijek.kq HkkSfrdh
Paper/iz’ui= % I
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 35 + (CCE) 15 = 50
Particulars / fooj.k
bdkbZ&1 / lkisf{krkfunsZ’k ra= tMRoh; ra= ] xSysyh;ksa dk vifjorZu vkSj laj{k.k ds fu;e ] izdk’k dk lapj.k ] ekbZdsylu & eksjys iz;ksx ] bZFkj dh [kkst] lkis{krk ds fof’k"B fl)kUr dh ifjdYiukA
ykjsat dj :ikarj.k yEckbZ ladqpu] le; foLrkj ] osxksa ds ;ksx dk izes; ] osx ds lkFk nzO;eku dk ifjorZu ] nzO;eku mtkZ lerqY;rk ] d.k dk 'kwU; fojke nzO;ekuA
bdkbZ&2 / DokaVu fl)kUr dk mn~Hkko ]
fuEu ?kVukvksa dk fojlEer HkkSfrdh }kjk O;k[;k djus esa vlQyrk tSls&d`".k & fi.M LisDVªe ds jht+ la;ksx dk fl)kUr ] ijek.kq dk LFkkf;Ro ] Iykad dk fofdj.k dk fu;e] izdk’kh; fo/kqr izHkko dk vkbZLVhu dh O;k[;k ]; laosx dk cksj DokaVhdj.k rFkk gkbZMªkstu ijek.kq gsrq vuqiz;ksx A cksj fl)kUr dh lhek;saA
bdkbZ&3 / rjax ;kaf=dh
rjax d.k }Srrk rFkk vfu’prrk & fl)kUr ] nzO; & rjaxksa dh Mh& czksaxyh ifjdYiuk ] rjax rFkk lewg osxksa dh vfHk/kkj.kk] d.kksa dk foorZu ,oa O;fodj.k dk lk{;] nzO; rjaxksa dk izk;ksfxd v/;;u A Mh&czksaxyh dh vo/kkj.kk dk izfrQy ] gkbZMªkstu ijek.kq dk DokVhdj.k okDl ds vanj fLFkr d.k dh mtkZ rjax iSdsV~l ] laosx vkSj fLFkfr esa vfu’prrk dk gkbZtuoxZ laca/k rFkk bldk mtkZ o le; ds lkFk foLrkjA
bdkbZ&4 / vfu’pr~rk fl)kar dk fu"d"kZ xkek
xkek fdj.k lw{en’khZ] ,dy fLyV }kjk foorZu] ckWDl ds vanj d.k cksj d{k esa bysDVªku dh fLFkfrA DokVe ;kaf=dh&JksfMUtj lehdj.k] DokaVe ;kaf=dh dh ifjdYiuk,Wa] vkWijsVlZ] izR;k’kkeku] Vªkaft’ku izkf;drk] ,d foeh; rFkk f=foeh; ckDlksa ds vanj d.kksa dk vuqiz;ksx] vkorhZ nksfy=] foHkc lksiku ls ijkorZu foHko&izkphj ls ijkxeuA
bdkbZ&5 / ijek.kq HkkSfrdh
gkbMªkstu ijek.kq n A rFkk m rFkk DokaVe la[;kvksa dh izkd`frd O;k[;k rFkk lacaf/kr HkkSfrd la[;k,a] cksj fl)kar ls rqyukA
gkbMªksltu o.kZdze] fM~;wVªku rFkk {kkfj; LisDVªeh rRo] McyV Qkbu LVªDpj s p d rFkk f voLFkkvksa okys {kkfj; LisDVªe gsrq Ldzhfuax fu;arkd] oj.k fu;e vYdykbZu vFkZo.kZdze ds ,dy rFkk f=d lajpuk;saA L S vkSj JJ ;qXeuA
Class / d{kk % B.Sc.
Semester / lsesLVj % V
Subject / fo"k; % Physics/HkkSfrd’kkL=
Title of Subject Group % Solid State Physics
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd % Bksl voLFkk HkkSfrdh
Paper/iz’ui= % II
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 35 + (CCE) 15 = 50
Particulars / fooj.k
Unit-1 / Crystal Structure :Overview: Crystalline and glassy forms, liquid crystals, glass transition Structure: Crystal structure: periodicity, lattices and bases, fundamental translation vectors, unit cell Wigner-Seitz cell allowed rotations, lattice types, lattice planes. Common crystal structures. Laue's theory of X-ray diffraction, Bragg's law, Laue patterns.Unit-2 / Bonding of Atoms and Magnetism : Bonding: Potential between a pair of atoms;
Lennard-Jones potential , concept of - cohesive energy, covalent, Vander Waal, ionic and metallic crystals. Magnetism: Atomic magnetic moment magnetic susceptibility, Dia, Para and Ferromagnetism Ferro magnetic domains. Hysteresis.
Unit-3 / Lattice Vibration :Thermal properties: Lattice vibrations, simple harmonic oscillator, second order expansion of Lennard-Jones potential about the minimum, vibrations of one dimensional mono atomic chain under harmonic and nearest neighbour interaction approximation. Concept of phonons, density of modes (1-D) Debye model; Lattice specific heat low temperature limit, extension (conceptual) to 3-D.
Unit-4 / Band Structure :Motion of electrons: Free electrons, conduction electrons, electron collisions, mean free path, conductivity and Ohm's law. Density of states. Fermi energy, Fermi velocity, Fermi-Dirac distribution. Band structure: Electrons in periodic potential; nearly free electron model (qualitative), energy band, energy gap, metals, insulators, semiconductors.
Unit-5 / Semiconductors :Semiconductors : Intrinsic-semiconductors, electrons and holes, Fermi Level , Temperature dependence of election and hole concentrations. Doping: impurity states, n and p type semiconductors. conductivity, mobility, Hall Effect, Hall Coefficient.
Class / d{kk % B.Sc.
Semester / lsesLVj % V
Subject / fo"k; % Physics/HkkSfrd’kkL=
Title of Subject Group % Solid State Physics
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd % Bksl voLFkk HkkSfrdh
Paper/iz’ui= % II
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 35 + (CCE) 15 = 50
Particulars / fooj.k
bdkbZ&1 / fdzLVy lajpuk ,oa fdj.k % o`gn ifjn`f"V % fdzLVy; ,oa Xyklh :i] rjy fdzLVy Xykl esa:IkkUrj.k A lajpuk fdzLVy lajpuk= ] vko`rrk tkyd s,oa vk/kkj ]ewy A
lhekUrj.k lfn’k ] bdkbZ lsy ] foXuj & flV~t lsy ] vuqiFk ?k`.kZu ] tkyd izdkj tkyd ] ry ]
lkekU; fdzLVy lajpuk,¡ A fdj.k ifjoZru dh ykWm dk fl)kUr ] czsx dk fu;e ] ykWm fo/kk,sA
bdkbZ&2 / ijek.kq ca/ku ,oa pqEcdRo% ijek.kksa ds tksMksa ds e/; foHko ] ysufM & tkWu foHko ] laltd ÅtkZ ds
fl)kUr lg la;kstu ] ok.Mj & ckWy ] vk;fud rFkk /kkfRod fdzLVy ApqEcdRo ijek.kqfod
pqEcdh; vk?kq.kZ] pqEcdh; izo`fr] izfr ] vuq ,oa ykSg pqEcdRo] ykSg pqEcdh; Mksesu] 'kSfFkY;rkA
bdkbZ&3 / tkyd dEiu %m"eh; xq.k% tkyd dEiu ] ljy vkorZ nkfyr ] ysukMZ & tkWu foHko ds fuHure
eku ds ifjr% f}rh; izlkj ] fudVre lkfU/k; rFkk vko`fr izfrfdz;k ds lfUudVrk esa ,d
ijek.kfod psu dk ,d foxh; nksyu ] Qksuksu dh vfHk/kkj.kk] fo/kkvksa ¼,d foeh;½ dk ?kuRo fMckbZ
izfr:i ]tkyd fof’k"V m"ek ] fuHu rkidze lhek] f=fofx; foLrkj ¼dsoy vfHk/kkj.kk½
bdkbZ&4 / bysDVªksuks dh xfr% eqDr bysDVªku ] pkyd bysDVªku ] bysDVªku la?kV;~] ek/; eqDr iFk] pkydrk
rFkk vksge dk fu;e ] Lrjksa dk ?kuRo QehZ mthZ ] QehZ osx] QehZ & fMjkd forj.kA cS.M lajpuk
% vkorZ foHko esa bysDVªkuks dh xfr ] yxHkx eqDr bysDVªku izfr:i ¼xq.kkRed½] ÅtkZ cS.M ] mtkZ
varjky ] /kkrq vpkyu ]v/kZspkyd A
bdkbZ&5 / v/kZ pkyd%v)Z pkyd % vUr % v)Z pkyd bysDVªku ,oa fcoj ] QehZ Lrj] bysDVªku rFkk fcoj
?kuRoksa dk rkidze dk izHkko] vifeJ.k] v’kqf)Lrj] P rFkk N izdkj ds
v/kZpkyd]pkydrk]xfr’khyrk ] gky izHkko] gky xq.kkadA
Class / d{kk % B.Sc.
Semester / lsesLVj % VI
Subject / fo"k; % Physics/HkkSfrd’kkL=
Title of Subject Group % Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd % ijek.kqfod]vk.kfod rFkk ukfHkdh; HkkSfrdh
Paper/iz’ui= % I
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 35 + (CCE) 15 = 50
Particulars / fooj.k
Unit-1 / Atomic physics –IIContinuous X-ray spectrum and its dependence on voltage, Duane and Hunfs law. Characteristic X-rays. Moseley's law; doublet structure of X-ray spectra.X-ray absorption spectra.
Unit-2 / Molecular Spectral : Discrete set of electron-: energies of molecules, quantization of vibration and rotational energies, determination of inter nuclear distance, pure rotational and rotation-vibration spectrum Dissociation limit for the ground and other electronic states, transition rules for pure vibration and electronic vibration spectra.
Unit-3 / Spectroscopy : Raman Effect, Stokes and anti-stokes lines, complimentary character of Raman and infrared spectra, experimental arrangements for Raman Spectroscopy. Spectroscopic techniques Source of excitation, prism and grating spectrographs for visible, UV and IR, absorption spectroscopy, double beam instruments, different recording systems.
Unit-4 / Nuclear Physics-I : Interaction of charged particles and neutrons with matter, working of nuclear detectors, G-M counter, proportional counter and scintillation counter, cloud chambers, spark chamber, emulsions technique.
Structure of nuclei, basic properties (I, (μ, Q and binding energy), deuterium binding energy, p-p and n-p scattering and general concepts of nuclear forces.
Unit-5 / Nuclear Physics- II : Beta decay, range of alpha particle, Geiger-Nuttai law. Alpha Decay & Gamow's explanation alpha decay and continuous and discrete spectra. Nuclear reactions, channels, compound nucleus, direct reaction (concepts).Shell model: Liquid drop model fission and fusion (concepts), energy production in stars by p-p. and carbon - nitrogen cycles (concepts
Class / d{kk % B.Sc.
Semester / lsesLVj % VI
Subject / fo"k; % Physics/HkkSfrd’kkL=
Title of Subject Group % Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd % ijek.kqfod]vk.kfod rFkk ukfHkdh; HkkSfrdh
Paper/iz’ui= % I
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 35 + (CCE) 15 = 50
Particulars / fooj.k
bdkbZ&1 / {kh.k o.kZdze{kh.k o.kZdze lrr {k & dj.k o.kZdze rFkk blds foHko ij fuHkZjrk Mqlkus vkSj gq.M ds fu;e vfHkyk{kf.kd {kfdj.k] HkkSlys dk fu;e] {kfdj.k o.kZdze dh f}d lajpuk fdj.k vo’kks"k.k o.kZdzeA
bdkbZ&2 / vkf.od HkkSfrdh ¼o.kZdze½ & I
v.kqvksa ds bysDVªkfud mtkZvksa ds fofo/k Lrj] dkEIkfud ,oa ?kwf.kZd mtkZvksa ds DokaVhdj.k] vUrj ukfHkdh; nwjh dk ekiu] 'kq) ?kw.khZ; rFkk v?kw.khZ; dkEifud o.kZdze] xzkmaM rFkk vU; bysDVªkfud Lrjksa ds vi?kVu lhek,Wa] 'kq)] dkEifud rFkk bysDVªkfud dkEifud o.kZdze ds ladze.k fu;eA
bdkbZ&3 / LisDVªksdksih
jeu izHkko] LVksd rFkk izfr LVksd js[kk,Wa] jeu ,oa vojDr o.kZdze dk iwjd fl)kar] jeu LisDVªksdksih dh izk;ksfxd O;oLFkk,WA
LisDVªksdksid rduhd%& mRrstu ds L=ksr n`’; ijkcSaxuh vkSj vojDr fodj.k ds fy;s fizTe vkSj xzhfVax
LisDVªksxzkQl vo’ks"k.k LisDVªksdksih f)dj.k iqt midj.k] fofHkUu vfHkys[ku fudk;A
bdkbZ&4 / ukHkdh; HkkSfrdh&1
U;wVªku rFkk vkosf’kr d.kksa dh n`O; ds lkFk vuqfdz;kA ukfHkdh; lalwpdksa dh dk;Zfof/k] xhxj&ewY; x.kd vkuqikfrd rFkk izLQqj.k x.kd] es?k dks"B] LikdZ izdks"B beYlu rduhdA ukfHkdksa dh lajpuk] ewy] xq.k ¼I U Q vkSj ca/ku mtkZ½ Mw;Vªku dh cU/ku mtkZ] izksVku&izksVku rFkk U;wVªku izksVku izdh.kZu] uHkdh; cyksa dh lkekU; vo/kkj.kkA
bdkbZ&5 / ukHkdh; HkkSfrdh&2
chVk {k; vYQk d.kksa dh ijkl xhxj&uVy fu;eA ,YQk {k; dh xSeksa dh O;k[;k rFkk lrr ,oa fofoDr o.kZdzeA ukfHkdh; vfHkfdz;k] pSuy] ;ksfxd ukfHkd lh/kh fdz;k¼vo/kkj.kk,Wa½
[kksy ekMy&nzo cwan ekMy] fQt+u ,DlQ;wtu¼vo/kkj.kk,sa½ rkjksa esa mtkZ L=ksr pp ,oa CN pdz¼vo/kkj.kk,Wa½
Class / d{kk % B.Sc.
Semester / lsesLVj % VI
Subject / fo"k; % Physics/HkkSfrd’kkL=
Title of Subject Group % Solid State Devices and Electronics
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd % bysDVªkfud ;qfDr;ka
Paper/iz’ui= % II
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 35 + (CCE) 15 = 50
Particulars / fooj.k
Unit-1 / Semiconductor devices: Metal-semiconductor junction, p-n junction, majority and minority carriers, diode, Zener and tunnel diodes, light emitting diode, transistor solar cell. Power supply: Diode as a circuit element, load line concept, rectification, ripple factor Zener diode, voltage stabilization, IC voltage regulation.Unit-2 / Transistors : Characteristics of a transistor in CB, CE and CC mode, graphical analysis of the CE configuration, low frequency equivalent circuits, h-parameters, bias stability, thermal runaway.
FETs:Field effect transistors: JFET volt-ampere curves, biasing JFET. ac. operation of JFET, source follower.
Unit-3 / Amplifiers–I :Small signal amplifiers : General Principle of operation, classification , distortion RC coupled amplifier, gain frequency response , input and output impedance, multistage amplifiers.
Unit-4 / Amplifiers- II :Transformer coupled amplifiers, Equivalent circuits at low, medium and high frequencies, emitter follower, low frequency common source and common drain amplifier, Noise in electronic circuits.
Unit-5 / Oscillators: Feedback in amplifiers, principle, it’s effects on amplifiers, characteristics.
Principle of feedback amplifier, Barkhausen criteria, Hartley Colpitt and Wein bridge oscillators..
Class / d{kk % B.Sc.
Semester / lsesLVj % VI
Subject / fo"k; % Physics/HkkSfrd’kkL=
Title of Subject Group % Solid State Devices and Electronics
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd % bysDVªkfud ;qfDr;ka
Paper/iz’ui= % II
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z % Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 35 + (CCE) 15 = 50
Particulars / fooj.k
bdkbZ&1 / v/kZpkyd ;qfDr;k¡%/kkrq v/kZpkyd laf/k] pn laf/k] eq[; ,oa vYi okgd ] MkvksM] thuj ,oa Vuy MkvksM] izdk’k mRlZtu MkvksM] VªkUthLVj ] lksyj lsyA
ifjiFk ds :i esa MkvksM ] yksM & ykbu vo/kkj.kk] fo"Vdj.k ]mfeZyk ?kVd ] tSuj MkvksM foHko LFkkf;Rork ] IC foHko fu;eu A
bdkbZ&2 / bysDVªksfudh & I
VªkaflLVj ds yk{kf.kd odz% mHk;fu"V vk/kkj ] mRltZu ,oa laxzkgd fo|k esa ] mHk;fu"V mRltZu fo|k esa xzkQh; fo’ys"k.k] fuEu vko`fr lerqY;rk ifjiFk & izkpy ] vfHkufr LFkkf;Rork ] rkih; vfLFkjrk A
{ks= izHkko VªkaflLVj % oksYV & ,fi;j odz vfHkufr JFET ds izR;orhZ /kkjk iz;ksx ] L=ksr] vuqxkeh ] vo{k; ,oa vfHko)hZ fo/kk A
bdkbZ&3 / bysDVªksfudh & II
y?kqladsr izo/kZd% izfdz;k ds lkekU; fl)kUr ] oxhZdj.k ] fo:i.k] ;qXeu izoZ/kd ] vko`fRr vuqfdz;k ] fuos’kh ,oa fuxZr izfrck/kk ] cgqLrjh; izo/kZd A
bdkbZ&4 / VªkaflLVj ;qXe izo/kZd%
fuEu e/;e rFkk mPp vko`fRrvksa ij lerqY; ifjiFk ] mRlatZd vuqxkeh ] fuEu vko`fRr mHk;fu"V L=ksr ,oa mHk;fu"V & Mªsu izo/kZd ] bysDVªksfudh ifjiFkksa esa 'kksjA
bdkbZ&5 / nksfy=
izo/kZdksa esa iqu% fuos’kh dk fl)kUr ] izo/kZdksa ij izHkko ] vfHkyk{kf.kd ] iqufuns’kh nksfy= dk fl)kUr ] oQZ gkml dh dlksVh] gkVys ] dkyfiV vkSj ohu fot nksfy=A