Mrs. Senft’s Biology Class
First, I want to welcome all of you back to school! I am sure you are all very excited not to be sleeping until twelve and spending countless hours tanning on the beaches of the Jersey Shore. However, that being said, I want to promise you that this class, although not as entertaining as emptying your bank account on boardwalk pizza, is a worthwhile investment into your future. The following information is intended to help you participate successfully in class and to ensure that we have a great year. Please read the information carefully and keep this handout for reference in the future.
· Understand the fundamental concepts, connections, and relationships within the study of biology and how these apply to everyday life.
· Learn, demonstrate, and master laboratory skills, techniques, and methods
· Attain achievement on state assessment in biology.
· Have fun!
· 1 – three ring binder with loose leaf paper and dividers (5)
· Writing utensils
- blue or black pen
- pencil (especially for tests!)
· Textbook
· Scientific Calculator
3 Ring Binder: organization is important!
- 5 Sections
1. Do Now
2. Notes
3. Class work/Homework
4. Activities/Lab
5. Test & Quizzes
1. Have consideration for others
2. Follow all instructions.
3. Please do not line up at the door at the end of the period.
4. Know, Understand, and Follow all school based rules & policies.
1. Be on time to class!
2. Turn in all assignments on time.
3. Bring all necessary materials with you everyday.
4. Clean up after yourself!
1. Be awake, alert, and alive!
2. Engage in classroom discussions
· Responsible Technology Use
- Cell Phones/IPads/Headphones are only to be used for academic purposes.
- Please put them away once the bell rings.
- Disrespectful to be using your phone for any other purpose during class.
· Absences
1. If you miss class, you must do the following:
- Turn in any assignments that were collected in your absence
- Pick up any note sheets, assignments, or important papers you did not receive due to your absence.
- Reschedule any activities, labs, quizzes, or tests
- If you are absent when an assignment is due, it will be entered as a “0” until it is completed.
- If you fail to complete a missed assignment within a timely manner, the assignment will remain a “0”.
· Academic Dishonesty
I will not accept cheating or plagiarism of any type. Please make sure that every assignment is your own personal work. This includes group work. Do Not copy from other students. Students caught cheating will receive no credit for that particular assignment.
· Lateness
1. Late to Class Binder
- First Lateness à Warning
- Second Lateness à Parental Contact
- Third Lateness à Teacher Detention
2. I will accept no late work!
- Students can turn in lab activities/projects late with a penalty of 10% off the total grade each day.
· Leaving the Classroom
1. Lavatory privileges
- Never interrupt the class to ask to use the bathroom!
- Students may leave the room during “down time”. This is when students are completing work independently.
- All other bathroom privileges are on an emergency basis only.
2. Locker Privileges
- As mentioned in the rules section, students should bring all necessary material to class. Therefore, no student should need to leave the room to go to the locker.
· Grading
Grades will be based on the following:
1. Daily Work (Homework) - 20%
2. Lab/Participation – 30%
3. Test & Quizzes – 50%
If a student does not adhere to the rules and policies mentioned above, the following consequences could result:
1st Offence: Verbal Warning
2nd Offence: Parental Contact
3rd Offence: Teacher Detention
There will be no 4th Offence! You have received your warning!
What you can expect from Mrs. Senft
l Respect, Responsibility, and Responsiveness
· Fairness & Consistency
· Open line of communication
· High Expectation for all my students!
I am looking forward to an excellent, engaging, productive, and fun year! If any students and/or parents/guardians have any questions feel free to contact Mrs. Senft by email .
I have read the information and acknowledge the terms and conditions explained in this document:
Student’s name (please print): ______
Student’s signature: ______
Parent/Guardian’s name (please print): ______
Parent/Guardian’s signature: ______