News Journal of
Botany Worsted Mills, Passaic NJ
The Botany Worsted Mills on Dayton Avenue (and Mattimore Street) was of the largest industrial plants ever built in the City of Passaic. Opened in 1889, Botany Mills became a major area employer and contributed to the rapid growth of Passaic at the turn of the century.
“The Botanist” was a monthly news journal published by and for the Employees of Botany Mills. Departmental “roving reporters” covered the latest news, gossip, and events for their respective areas, giving us a sense of the life and times at the Mill. Photographs, Household Hints, Health Hints, and Organization News were also featured in the journal.
The PCHS Library’s collection contains a very limited number of volumes of “The Botanist.” The small sampling following was excerpted from Volume V, No. 8, dated August 1933.
Weaving Dept.
Anthony Schimpf
That Miss Rose Lemmo was married on June 4 is no longer a secret. Congratulations, Mrs. Porcoro.
Mr. Bauer’s sunburn shows that he must have had a swell time at Green Pond, Sunday, July 1.
Mr. Arthur Lavers did not make a Cadillac out of his Ford when he paid one dollar for that paint he used. We know a lot of cars that get by with ten cents worth of paint.
Bill Holzel, we understand, did not have very much luck while fishing at Budd Lake. He heard that Andy Singlary and Charlie Sovich had a “way” with the big fish and invited the boys to help him rid the lake of some whoppers that had gotten away. They fished, trolled, and angled with no success. Charlie become so-o-o discouraged he gave up. We suggest that he try again.
Beside being the champion horseshoe pitcher, Mr. Paccioretti steps off with high honors for the longest name among our loomfixers, though he has three rivals, Messrs. Fitzgerald, Tarkanisch, and Rubendunst.
The Weaving Department was well represented at Lake Hopatcong on Sunday, July 23. Eddie Liebowitz, Bertha Rego, and A. Schumpf, all enjoyed themselves in the cool waters.
Worsted Spinning Maintenance
John Kesselring
Frank Litchenberger used to get away to the “ol’ swimming hole” in the country quite a bit, but lately Barber’s Pond has had to answer. Any place at in this kind of weather.
Moose Musial was quite an attraction at Jones Beach not long ago. Or was it Atlas Beach?
Somehow or other, Shadow Librizzi has gained repute as a fisherman but we now understand that after one attempt at deep sea fishing, he decided to forevermore keep his feet on shore. It'’ a wonder he got back safely without someone trying to use him for bait.
I Cover the CafeteriaErich W. Schoeppe
…we see Emil Lipitka, who has been a cafeteria co-worker for a number of years, is quite a lady killer. We understand that the girls in the various departments have daily discussions to who is going to the Caf. for some pink lemonade—and a glimpse of Emil.
Johnnie Mihalik, the counter man, doesn’t make much noise except when he beats the big base drum in the American Legion band. John, we understand, is a Bill Tilden on the tennis courts.
A glimpse of Dick Reismann, the chef, going through his act cleaning out ice box No. 2 is worth seeing. Dick never liked the idea of storing sodas in that ice box.
Mr. Williams, our daily guest, discussing the respective fights of bass and other fish somewhere up New York State.
Miss Hart can vouch for our salads. They are really a treat!
Dom Tuminello, better known as Jerry, is having a time growing what he calls a mustache.
Mr. Schmidt is fond of oxheart cherries.
Eddie and Louis Leibowitz, of the Weaving, will be lawyers in three or four years.
Charles Kaiser, another of us, is the handsome lad who collects milk bottles in your department every day.
Mr. Davis dining and discussing the 40 hour week. His pad outlining the code looked like a statistical report of the Woolen industry.
John Saccomanno, Dick’s helper, received that black eye, playing twilight baseball.
We’re pleased to have Mr. De Liagre back as our guest once again. We understand he was in quite a serious automobile accident.
Mr. Hardin, secretary to Colonel Johnson, celebrated a birthday anniversary on the 19th.
Mr. Zola is a keen follower of Izaak Walton and takes great pleasure hauling in denizens of the deep.
Joseph “Fritz” Kasiewniak, of the Filling Department, once went to a mining college in New Mexico. He tells us he can spot a gold digger like that.
Joe Taub can’t get a fellow to ride with him in his car a second time.
William Neuenhausen, head waiter, has sailed practically the seven seas.
We notice Charles Johnson, Jr., is a postage stamp fan.
Our old newspaper friend, John Surgent, who was writing sports down south, is now with us.
Emily Berta is calling for orangeade.
Drawing-In Department
Patsy Rutkowski will celebrate her birthday August 23. Congratulations, Pat, and we wish you many more.
Mary Pitoniak celebrated her birthday by giving a party. Many of her friends attended and a most enjoyable time was had by all.
We welcome two new girls, Anna Dear and Emma Gulrich, and hope they will like working with us.
Sally Eilers of our department has acquired a coat of tan, and it certainly is becoming to her.
Margaret Maguth and some of her friends made a trip to Niagara Falls and Canada.
Mina Eichelberger spend the weekend at Altoona, Pa., with friends.
Mrs. Clara Tomka gave a birthday party in honor of her daughter, Goldie, who celebrated her 17th birthday.
We were sorry to hear that Mrs. Tenetta De Graf was confined to her home for two weeks due to illness.
Dying Department
Charles Biermann
We want to extend a welcome to the following new employees of our department: Louis Rossi, Sylvio De Lucia, Fred Koehler, John Mamer, Frank Searka, Mariano Tiparina, and Joseph Gedde.
We also wish to welcome Alfred Kayser who joined us recently. He sure does like the Dye Laboratory work. Go to it, Alfred, and absorb all the experience you can.
Combing Department
Mary Worschak
Congratulations are extended to Steve Trippel and Frank Pieczarska who celebrated their birthdays last month.
August Armgart recently bought a new car. He has all patiently awaiting the day when he will obtain his driver’s license so that he can take us out for a ride.
By the way, speaking of rides, we recall that Paul Genaudt owes us one. How about it, Paul?
Ann Geminder was recently transferred from the Combing Department to the Textile Laboratory.
Sue Flamer and Mary Timko had a very nice time on a boat ride to Coney Island.
John Majka enjoyed a pleasant weekend in Pennsylvania visiting relatives and friends.
Frank (Doc) Skorka and Edward Farley were transferred to the Carding.
Burling Department
Regina Resch
On Sunday, June 25, Miss Renee Tromibitas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Trombitas, and Walter Mayer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mayer, of California, were united in marriage at the Holy Trinity Church, Passaic. Our best wishes are extended to them.
Miss Josephine Strach has returned to work after a two weeks stay at Asbury Park and Rockland County.
Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Olga Dudasik, daughter of Sergeant Michael Dudasik of the Clifton Police Department, to Joseph Petraitis. Miss Dudasik will be married sometime in the near future.
We wish to extend our best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stollar upon the arrival of a baby girl, Corrine Joyce. Mrs. Stollar was former Captain of our Girls Basketball Team.
We wish to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson who celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary on July 6. Mr. Thompson also observed his birthday at the same time.
We wish to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bognar who are the proud parents of a baby girl, Mary Eleanor, born on July 4. Mrs. Bognar formerly worked in our department.
Again at this time, we wish to extend a hearty welcome to all our new workers.
Bits From Here And There
May we extend our congratulations and best wishes to Wesley Nehring, our reporter of the Dressgoods Shipping Department, who recently became engaged to Miss Elizabeth Walter of New York City.
Mr. Orre spent a very pleasant week at Ocean City. Fishing is his hobby and we are sure he made a fine catch.
Our nurse, Mrs. Marjorie Shelbourne, motored to Rye Beach, New Hampshire, where she spent a pleasant week, swimming and bathing, which accounts for her getting a good coat of tan. We also hear that she is doing quite a bit of golfing on the nearby links.
Doctor Plinke, our plant physician, had as his guest, his brother from Germany, who visited him for a few weeks. They both made a trip to Niagara Falls and the New England States, taking in the various points of interest.
Mr. August Gausman, of our Police and Fire Department, who was recently operated on for appendicitis, has fully recovered and is on duty again.
Mr. Emil Albrecht of the Payroll Department is confined to his home due to illness. Emil has had a pretty hard time getting well and his many friends wish him a speedy recovery.
Preparing Department
Matilda Markins
A social was held recently at the home of Catherine Mason. A most enjoyable time was had by all.
We extend a hearty welcome to Rose Bonpetro who was out for the past two months.
The following were away for the Fourth: Mr. and Mrs. Shortino visited relatives in Pennsylvania. Henrietta Trunt, with Betty Folvarcek, and a group of friends enjoyed canoeing at Singac.
Mary Fesko has been transferred from the Preparing Department to the Designing Department.
Wool Store
Bruno Zorn
During the past month, I’ve heard my name (Bruno Zorn) connected with a mediocre appellation—Walter Winchell—I believe it was. (I hear he, too, is a columnist.)
Recently, I predicted a vast assemblage of news—accountable to the return of the gentle sex to our gathering. Here it is:
Alex Szot and Walter Lugosky both celebrated their birthdays on July 24. Walter, our capable cartoonist, is now 19 years of age, and Al has attained the ripe old age of 21.
James Bognar, although extremely patriotic, had reason to celebrate Independence Day with redoubled energy. Mrs. Bognar presented him with a baby daughter at the Passaic General Hospital. Congratulations, Jimmy.
Talk about your June weddings, but back here we have all our anniversaries in July. Among those to who we reach out for a hearty handshake, are Mrs. Leber and Mrs. Pihokker—two of our sortresses, and Mr. Bruno Mengotto, one of our foremen in the Wool Sorting Department. Mr. and Mrs. Pihokker were united in marriage 25 years ago on July 25, while Mr. and Mrs. Leber and Mr. and Mrs. Mengotto commemorated their twentieth wedding anniversaries on the 12th.
Gene Klepatsky upon his return from a vacation to Atlantic City, stated he had enjoyed himself immensely and that the water was fine. He didn’t say whether he meant the ocean or the drinking water.
It affords us a great deal of pleasure to welcome back Gerard Van Wageninge. Jerry had been ill several months but looks 100 percent now.
Our two fire eaters, members of the Garfield Fire Department, Chief Joseph Booth and Hank Plokhooy, attended a convention of the New Jersey and New York Volunteer Firemen at Bergenfield recently. The “Fire Chief” Joe Booth vehemently denies that he is related to that popular comedian, Ed Wynn.
Bill Bodrogi after strutting around with a cleanly shaven head, is now getting a new crop of wool—er—I mean hair.
Steve Moses attended a bus ride on a Sunday and didn’t make his appearance until Monday about noon. He said he missed the bus.
Here is a very important item that should interest our feminine group of readers. Your humble reporter (Bruno Zorn) passed another milestone in his life on the 13th of July. He sorrowfully admits being free, white, several years past voting age, and still single. What a catch!
Worsted Spinning Dept.
Santa Castanza
Miss Margaret Brehove spent the Fourth of July at Atlantic City and from what we heard, Margie had a very good time.
Catherine Simler is seen these days with a big smile on her face. Is he tall, dark, and handsome, Catherine?
Eva Kostick has gone and done it. A few days after her engagement to George Kroll, she was married to him at the Little Church Around the Corner. Congratulations, and we wish the young couple many years of happiness.
A proud woman is Mrs. Madga Horvath since she became a grandma for the first time to a grandson.
Miss Margaret Urban has been transferred from the Worsted Spinning to the Cylinder Room. Although we miss you Margaret, we hope you like your new work.
Paul Sunday and his girl friend seen rowing around Lake Hopatcong on Sunday, July 9.
We are sorry to hear that Caroline Becker is on our sick list. We wish her a quick recovery.
We wish to congratulate the following co-workers who had birthdays in July: Virginia Fain, Emil Belfi, better known as “Harpo,” Emma Wurst, John Litchenberger, and Violet Demersky.
On July 8, John Toth was married to Miss Helen Ladanye at the Hungarian Reformed Church. Congratulations, and may your life be filled with happiness.
The stork paid a visit to Mrs. Veronica Setlock and presented her with a baby girl. Mrs. Setlock was formerly Miss Veronica Csejka, a side-tender in Mill 3.
Dressgoods Shipping Dept.
Wesley Nehring
The Dressgoods Department Tennis Tournament is still in progress. At present, it looks as if Max Jugel will ultimately be the undisputed champion. There is, however, a dark horse in the person of Tom Macaluso. Tom and Max have not met in competition thus far. A wonderful opportunity is afforded to Tom to turn the tables. If he is able to defeat Max, all the boys in the office will be asking, “Tom, how did this happen?”
We extend belated congratulations to Eddie Adzima, who passed another milestone of is life in July.
Twisting Department
Vilma Esslinger
We wish to extend our best wishes and congratulate Helen Ladanyi of the Doubling Department and John Toth of the Spinning Department who were united in marriage July 8 in the Hungarian Reformed Church.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. George Pfeiffer who became the proud parents of a baby boy born recently.
Birthdays were celebrated by Catherine Swistak, Rita Forbriger, and Helen Wilhowsky. The girls treated their co-corkers to candy.
We welcome into our department all the new workers as well as Eleanor Szymanski who was transferred from the Preparing Department to our office.
Warping and Rewinding
William Harry
Helen Maurer left us one Friday a Miss and surprised us all by returning as Mrs. Julius Mossay. We wish to extend our heartiest congratulations to the happy couple.
Anna Warchol will also take the vow to love, honor, and obey on the twelfth of August. May all her troubles be little ones.
Bernice Janeczko is heard complaining of being a widow for two weeks. Her husband has left to spend his vacation at Sea Girt.
Victoria Bednarcik was seen having a good time at Long Beach. How was the water, Vic?
By the way Kurt Roedel walks around the department, one would think he was training to enter a walkathon contest.
“Our Youngest Generation”
This Month’s Birthdays
August 1Clara Heckel, age 13
August 2Edna Genzo, age 9
August 2Thomas Dudas, age 10
August 2John Rugel, age 13
August 4Pauline Stoff, age 11
August 7Charles Mayer, age 13
August 8Dorothea Petranski, age 10
August 8Elizabeth Reihardt, age 12
August 10Alfred Uhlmann, age 7
August 10Evelyn Tiepner, age 10
August 11Rene Drefke, age 7
August 11Julia Zasiela, age 9
August 12Irene Brosos, age 7
August 12Mary D’Amore, age 11
August 13Eugene Mayer, age 7
August 14Dorothy Pustay, age 3
August 14Robert Market, age 6
August 18Stanley Dul, age 10
August 20Ellen June Market, age 4
August 20Mary Komaninitzky, age 6
August 20John Kominitzky, age 9
August 22Leroy Vandenberg, age 5
August 23Roy York, age 4
August 24Mary Englaro, age 13
The Botany Worsted Mills Executives went on a boat ride up the Hudson on July 30, 1933. They boarded the boat “Pan-America” at the Hackensack River and sailed on and on the entire day.
Those that attended were: Messrs. George Valerius, Ernest Laetsch, Leo Wild, Louis Reckenbell, Martin Diani, Andrew Fiori, John Belli, Ernest Janensch, Gus Mccullough, Charles Prouix, John Smith, Jacques Joerger, Andrew Miller, Frank Horka, Eugene Klepatsky, John Gaul, Jr., Rudolph Mende, Julius Weber, Paul Merkel, John Spille, Paul Ille, John Hendry, Albin Flach, Karl Hielle, Alex Rodger, John Horka, Henry Remig, William Hoelzil, Joseph Klein, Paule Mende, Albert Schumacher, Walter Haessner, Karl Foerster, John Frisch, Karl Weiss, Thomas Malloy, Robert Walshaw, Fred J. Davis, Julius Koch, Ad. Zola, Dr. Fritz Schmittauer, Charles Puff, John Saak, Fred Schlick, Tunis Vandenberg, Herbert Vandenberg, Edward Atherton, Frank Gee, Fred Noechel, Peter Tramontini, Anthony Diani, Charles Bingham, George Kerr, William Beuret, and Joseph Weber.