VEST Annual Research Plan Table

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Name: Super Student

Date: 9-9-15

VEST Program Type (4 or 2-yr): 4-yr fellow

Year in Program (1-4): 3

Instructions: This form should be completed by each fellow at the beginning of each academic year. Then throughout the year they should update this using track changes.

A. Presentations and Publications

**Add rows as needed

Project Name (and description, if necessary) / Research Question(s) / Collaborators
(indicate 1st authorship where appropriate) / Presentation(s)
(Title, or working title, with date of completion) / Paper(s)
(Title, or working title, with date of completion)
NCEDL Multi-State Study of Prekindergarten / What are the gains in child outcomes at the end of kindergarten for students experiencing high quality classrooms for two years? / Kevin Grimm
Bob Pianta / Henry, A. E., Grimm, K. J., & Pianta, R. C. (2008, March). The power of two: The impact of experiencing two years of high quality classrooms. Paper presented at the conference of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Henry, A. E., Grimm, K. J., and Pianta, R. C. (June, 2007). The power of two: What is the impact on child outcomes of experiencing two years of high quality classrooms in early childhood? Poster presentation at the annual Institute of Education Sciences Research Conference. / Working title: The power of two: The impact of experiencing two years of high quality classrooms
NCEDL Multi-State Study of Prekindergarten & State Wide Early Education Programs (SWEEP) / What scores on the CLASS are positively associated with children’s development during preschool? / Andy Mashburn
Kevin Grimm
Bob Pianta / Henry, A. E., Mashburn, A. J., Grimm, K. J., & Pianta, R. C. (2008, March). Identifying thresholds of preschool quality that maximize children's development. Poster presented at the conference of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington, D.C. / Working title: Identifying thresholds of preschool quality that maximize children's development
National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education / For the symposium: a discussion of observational approaches to understanding children’s social and academic developmental contexts
My poster in particular: What variance in CLASS scores can be independently accounted for by teachers, days of observation, activities within the same day, and individual observers? / TBD: likely Andy Mashburn, Terri Walters / SRCD student poster symposium proposal – working title is Observational approaches to understanding children’s social and academic developmental contexts
My Teaching Partner – Prekindergarten / What are the effects of classroom composition on teacher quality in prekindergarten? / TBD / SREE 2009? IES 2009?

VEST Annual Research Plan Table

B. Other Research Activities

**Add rows as needed

Project Name (and description, if necessary) / Activity / Related Competency
(see matrix)
National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education /
  • Create and maintain CLASS coding protocol
  • Train and coordinate coders
  • Co-lead weekly coding meetings
  • Participate in coding as available
  • Oversee ncrece instructors’ coding of teachers’ video homework assignments
  • Coordinate data entry and management systems for ncrece – including CLASS coding, video information forms, instructor fidelity data
  • Create training systems for new codes, such as the Literacy Focus dimension for the CLASS coding
  • Attend weekly ncrece team meetings
  • Co-mentor SURP interns
  • Oversee assignment of undergraduate student responsibilities
/ Data management, Measurement development,
Research design,
Randomized control trials
Reliability analysis,
Teaching workshops,
Mentoring/lab leadership

VEST Annual Research Plan Table

C. Additional Questions

How many of the 20 hr/wk. allotted for research will be accounted for by your project(s)?

This may vary week to week but we anticipate having more work on SWEEP in the fall and more on NCRECE in the spring once the data starts coming in. My goal is to do half days or set of 3-4 hours on each project to make progress.

What questions or issues can the VEST program or your mentors assist you with?

I’m not sure what courses I should sign up for next spring.