Brussels, 11th July 2006
O/REF:Note N-010-2006-EN-REV.5
1/ Export licences 2005/2006
2/ Export ceiling 2005/2006
3/ Exports
1/Export licences applied for under Regulation (EC) No 1518/2003
27th June, 2005 to 30th June, 2006 (annual ceiling for 2005/2006 = 444,000 tonnes)
Situation at: 30/06/2006
(tonnes) / QUANTITY USED
(tonnes) / RATIO
Quantity applied for
Annual quantity made available
0203 11 10 9000
0203 21 10 9000 / Carcases / 00.00 / 70,000 / 0 / 0
0203 12 11 9100
0203 12 19 9100
0203 19 11 9100
0203 19 13 9100
0203 22 11 9100
0203 22 19 9100
0203 29 11 9100
0203 29 13 9100 / cuts with bone in
excluding bellies / 00.00 / 115,000 / 0 / 0
0203 19 15 9100
0203 29 15 9100 / bellies with bone in / 00.00 / 43,000 / 0 / 0
0210 11 31 9110
0210 11 31 9910 / hams, dried, with bone in / 54.20 / 2,000 / 1,229 / 61.4
0210 12 19 9100 / bellies, smoked, with bone in / 00.00 / 1,000 / 0 / 0,0
0210 19 81 9100 / hams, dried, boneless (Parma) / 54.20 / 4,000 / 5,436 / 135.9
0210 19 81 9300 / hams, dried, boneless (other) / 54.20 / 13,000 / 9,021 / 69.4
1601 00 91 9120 / sausages, dried / 19.50 / 32,000 / 12,782 / 39.9
1601 00 99 9110 / sausages, cooked / 15.20 / 40,000 / 15,305 / 38.3
1602 41 10 9210 / hams, cooked, > 1 kg / 29.00 / 46,000 / 13,412 / 29.2
1602 42 10 9210 / shoulders, cooked, > 1 kg / 22.80 / 42,000 / 5,950 / 14.2
1602 49 19 9120 / luncheon meat / hams / shoulders, < 1 kg / 17.10 / 36,000 / 13,792 / 38.3
* Amounts applicable until December 7, 2005. From December 8, reduction of 5%.
There is no chance that, with a total of 76,927 tonnes during the year 2005/2006, the licence applications did not exceeded the annual ceiling.On the whole, in the period 27/06/2005 to 30/06/2006 (100% of GATT Year), licences were taken out for 17.3% of the annual ceiling.
The total quantity available during the period 1st July 2005 to 30th June 2006 amounts to:
2005/2006 / 2004/2005 / 2003/2004 / 2002/2003 / 2001/2002 / 2000/2001annual ceiling / 444,000 tonnes / 444,000 tonnes / 444,000 tonnes / 444,000 tonnes / 444,000 tonnes / 444,000 tonnes
carry-over / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
total / 444,000 tonnes / 444,000 tonnes / 444,000 tonnes / 444,000 tonnes / 444,000 tonnes / 444,000 tonnes
Balance after 12 months: 444,000 tonnes – 76,927 tonnes =367,073 tonnes.
Weekly evolution
1: 1,388(1,868)2: 1,225(1,078)
3: 1,180 (1,084)
4: 1,306 (2,002)
5: 1,445(1,327)
6: 1,757(1,275)
7: 1,800(1,086)
8: 712(1,535) 9: 1,154(852)
10: 2,160(1,055) / 11: 1,466 (1,883)
12: 1,605(1,639)
13: 1,792(1,547)
14: 2,577(1,713)
15: 1,837(971)
16: 1,457(1,298)
17: 1,240 (1,365)
18: 2,050(1,837)
19: 1,684(1,539)
20: 1,623(1,496) / 21: 2,066(1,508)
22: 1,331(1,333)
23: 1,594(2,215)
24: 1,116(854)
25: 1,665(761)
26: 1,434(667)
27: 651 (1,182)
28: 1,339(1,044)
29: 1,455(1,249)
30: 1,219(1,514) / 31:1,490 (1,016)
32: 911 (2,632)
33 1,352 (902)
34: 1,247(1,244)
35: 2,013 (988)
36: 1,443(500)
37 947 (949)
38: 1,860 (1.250)
39: 1,029 (775)
40: 1,175 (1.151)
41: 2,255 (1.612 / 42: 729 (1.040)
43: 1,185 (712)
44: 1,630 (1.635)
45: 999 (1.096)
46: 1,658 (1.383)
47: 1,397(1,744)
48: 1,335(1,351)
49: 819(2,031)
50: 1,426(1,353)
51: 2,004(---)
52: 1,518(---)
53 936 (---)
Breakdown, per MemberState, of the applications for export licences with refundMemberState / Quantities / %
Germany / 801 / 1.04
Austria / 2,994 / 3.89
Belgium / 1,851 / 2.40
Denmark / 9,211 / 11.97
Spain / 10,727 / 13.94
Finland / 0 / 0
France / 7,401 / 9.62
Greece / 0 / 0
Hungary / 1,365 / 1.77
Ireland / 0 / 0
Italy / 15,148 / 19.69
Luxemburg / 0 / 0
Netherlands / 1,256 / 1.63
Poland / 7,659 / 9.95
Portugal / 15,174 / 19.72
United Kingdom / 913 / 1.18
Slovenia / 2,394 / 3.11
Sweden / 0 / 0
Czechia / 33 / 0.042
2/Export ceiling - 1st July 2005 to 30th June 2006
A GATT “New Year” will commence on 1st July 2005. This will be the eleventh since the implementation of the Agriculture Agreement of the Uruguay Round on 1st July 1995.
The maximum quantity which may be exported with refund amounts to 444,000 tonnes (unchanged compared with 2004/2005 - no change until an eventual new agreement).
The provisional ventilation of the ceiling between the products is as follows (as an indication):
year 11995/96
tonnes / year 2
tonnes / year 3
tonnes / year 4
tonnes / year 5
tonnes / years
6, 7, 8, 9,10
tonnes / year 11
tonnes / weekly average
carcases / 60,000 / 65,000 / 77,000 / 75,000 / 70,000 / 70,000 / 70,000 / 1,346
cuts excluding bellies / 104,000 / 120,000 / 130,000 / 120,000 / 115,000 / 115,000 / 115,000 / 2,212
Bellies / 64,000 / 65,000 / 60,000 / 53,000 / 43,000 / 43,000 / 43,000 / 827
TOTAL 0203 / 228,000 / 250,000 / 267,000 / 248,000 / 228,000 / 228,000 / 228,000 / 4,385
hams, dried, with bone in / 2,000 / 2,000 / 2,000 / 2,000 / 2,000 / 2,000 / 2,000 / 38
bellies, smoked / 4,000 / 4,000 / 6,000 / 6,000 / 6,000 / 1,000 / 1,000 / 19
hams, dried, boneless / 15,000 / 15,000 / 17,000 / 17,000 / 17,000 / 17,000 / 17,000 / 327
TOTAL 0210 / 21,000 / 21,000 / 25,000 / 25,000 / 25,000 / 20,000 / 20,000 / 384
sausages, dried / 31,000 / 31,000 / 35,000 / 35,000 / 35,000 / 32,000 / 32,000 / 615
sausages, cooked / 70,000 / 70,000 / 40,000 / 40,000 / 40,000 / 40,000 / 40,000 / 769
hams, cooked / 49,000 / 49,000 / 49,000 / 49,000 / 49,000 / 46,000 / 46,000 / 885
shoulders, cooked / 43,000 / 43,000 / 50,000 / 50,000 / 50,000 / 42,000 / 42,000 / 808
luncheon meat / 58,000 / 58,000 / 36,000 / 36,000 / 36,000 / 36,000 / 36,000 / 692
TOTAL 1601+1602 / 251,000 / 251,000 / 210,000 / 210,000 / 210,000 / 196,000 / 196,000 / 3,769
TOTAL 0210+1601+1602 / 272,000 / 272,000 / 235,000 / 235,000 / 235,000 / 216,000 / 216,000 / 4,153
TOTAL / 500,000 / 522,000 / 502,000 / 483,000 / 463,000 / 444,000 / 444,000 / 8,538
Reminder: since year 6, a balance may not be carried over to the following year anymore.
3/Exports with or without refund (all products: meat, meat products, offals, fat, bacon)
January to April 2006(tonnes product weight):
UE-25: 624,309
B / CZ / DK / DE / EE / GR / ES / FR / IE / IT / CY / LV29,352 / 530 / 198,729 / 92,796 / 1,179 / 3,475 / 45,865 / 59,478 / 7,916 / 15,716 / 63 / 116
LT / LU / HU / NL / AT / PL / PT / SL / SK / FI / SV / UK
476 / 0 / 16,951 / 52,474 / 17,561 / 46,824 / 8,765 / 2,422 / 39 / 11,092 / 5,600 / 6,890