Wednesday 23rd March at 8pm at the White Hart, Boxford


Attendees: Sharon Whittaker, Grace Hilsum, Ali Robinson, Richard Robinson, Jane Godfray, Tracy King, Catherine Harrison, Anna Hodge, Lucy Beven, Alice Dilnot, Rob Giles, Justine Turner, Jo Parker, Katy Osborne.

1.  Apologies for absence

Linda Tait, Emma Cook

2.  Minutes of the last AGM

Alice mentioned about the AGM minutes are longer and Ali needs to make sure all the names of people voting for members of FOBS are minuted.

3.  Report from the Chairman

Sharon read out her report which will be available on the school website. Sharon would like to thank everyone who has helped with FOBS over the last year. A copy of this report will be submitted to the Charity Commission with our annual return.

Action: Ali

4.  Receiving the accounts of the Association for the previous financial year

Alice prepared and presented the accounts for the year ending 31st August 2010. Only amendment from when the figures were presented in September, was the quiz night total has increased. Alice explained how the figures are set out – split into fundraising events and expenditure. The balance at the end of August 2010 was £10,713.89. The figure would have increased since then due to the Christmas Fayre and we haven’t had any major expenditure.

The figures that will be reported to the Charity Commission are total income £8,436 and total expenditure £3,739 giving a contribution to funds of £4,696 for the period 1st September 2009 to 31st August 2010. These figures correspond to the report given during this meeting.

5.  Election of committee members/trustees

The following people were appointed to the FOBS committee:

Officers: Sharon Whittaker and Grace Hilsum (Co chairmen), Ali Robinson (Secretary) and Katy Osborne (Treasurer).

Ordinary committee members: Lucy Beven, Emma Cook, Justine Turner, Jane Godfray, Tracy King, Richard Robinson.

As Sharon’s intention was to step down as Chairman, Grace was happy to chair meetings with other committee members ensuring that any correspondence would be dealt with. However, it was voted by committee to have Grace and Sharon as Co chairmen to equally share responsibilities.

Proxy votes were cast via the Secretary (to satisfy the 2:1 voting requirements) by the following FOBS members:

(see table)

Committee Member / Nominated by / Seconded by
Sharon Whittaker / Marlene Clarke / Julia Mayhew
Grace Hilsum / Julia Mayhew / Marlene Clarke
Ali Robinson / Alison Fenner / Emma Rowe
Emma Cook / Emma Rowe / Alison Fenner
Justine Turner / Jane Flockhart / Sally Gooderham
Lucy Beven / Sally Gooderham / Jane Flockhart
Katy Osborne / Katharine Charlesworth / Lindsey Booth
Jane Godfray / Lindsey Booth / Katharine Charlesworth
Tracy King / Anna Hodge / Caroline Williams
Richard Robinson / Catherine Harrison / Rob Giles

FOBS is a registered charity and follows the NCPTA model constitution which is accepted by the Charity Commission. This states that the minimum number of people on the committee is two, usually the Chair and the Treasurer. FOBS has an obligation to fulfil certain functions e.g. taking minutes of meetings, but is not required to fill any other roles on the committee.

6.  Appointment of an independent examiner or auditor for the Association

Officially, we do not need to have an independent examiner or auditor, but Alice thought it might be a good idea to get the accounts audited, possibly by Sarah Elms.

Action: Ali

7.  Discussion of issues of policy

a)  Approval of future events

The existing FOBS calendar (published on the school website) was reviewed by those at the meeting. The following events for the forthcoming year were confirmed:

·  Mother’s Day gift – changed this year from flowers to chocolates. Grace and Justine have organised, led by Linda Tait. Hoping to make a small profit, but it is important to have this for the children. There wasn’t enough time for the children to wrap them themselves, but could be organised as such in the future. Chocolates have been wrapped to be put on sale for a £1.

·  Monthly cake stalls – Lucy stepping down, to be led by Catherine Bishop and Molly McGrath/Plant.

·  Christmas Fayre – Grace happy to lead again, but would like someone to help.

·  FOBS Photos – Justine to lead

·  Summer Fayre – Justine to lead, but would like someone to help.

·  London coach trip – Justine to lead

·  FOBS quiz – Sharon happy to lead, Tracy has shown interest in helping.

·  The Lion King trip – final year due to reorganisation of school system, possibly to be reintroduced when current Year 3 are in Year 6 (to be decided at a later date).

·  Santa Run – Sharon has already organised a lot of this.

·  Christmas Cards – Emma Cook has volunteered to lead.

·  Second Hand Uniform Sale – committee decided not to continue with this.

·  Nativity Refreshment – Catherine Harrison happy to lead supported by Lucy.

·  Ice Creams for sports days/swimming galas – Linda Tait has agreed to lead.

·  100 Club – Richard Robinson to lead on this to begin in September.

·  Children’s Christmas Party – no-one to lead on this.

Sharon has been voted onto the Community Council Committee and is happy to be the FOBS rep for this, attending the meetings.

b)  Matching expenditure to FOBS objectives

Alice said that whatever we spend has to match up to our objectives. If events are organised that do not match these objectives, it has to be agreed by the committee. Also, any receipts that are handed into Katy for own expenditure need to be named and given altogether.

c)  Contact with FOBS members

Grace has updated the list and passed onto Ali to update in the future. If members are leading on events, they need to use the contacts list. New contacts must be passed onto Ali so the list can be updated. Ali to circulate when updated. Sharon mentioned about the testimonials on the website that need to be updated – Grace, Lucy and Justine have offered to do this.

Action: Ali

Alice mentioned that public liability cover has increased with current provider, so she has been looking into different providers. Committee has agreed to go with the NCPTA, although there are certain obligations we have to follow.

8.  Date of next AGM

Wednesday 21st March 2012


Discussion of future events

·  Mother’s Day gifts – Anna has offered to assist Sharon, Grace and Linda in the wrapping – list circulated to sign up for help.

·  Quiz Night (30th April) – 12 teams have already been confirmed. Sharon to lead on this event. sandwich makers needed. Master Team list is in the FOBS box in the school office.

·  The Great Boxford Run (7th May) – Richard explained the format to the committee and asked if FOBS would run the BBQ. Will need to find volunteers to help set up and run the stall. Richard/Ali to lead on this event, to email and send out letters.

·  Photo Day (15th May) – letter has gone out already. Will need helpers on the day – Anna, Ali, Lucy and Alice have offered help.

·  Summer Fete (9th July) – sub-committee has already met and arrangements are going ahead.

·  Lion King trip (15th June) – is going ahead. Committee was asked if they knew of anyone who would like to come to see Sharon as there was possibly one spare ticket left.

·  Santa Run – FOBS tradition that this was run for the school with a donation to a charity. Didn’t happen 2010, but would like to resurrect it for this year. Sleigh, vehicle and music have already been organised, but need volunteers to help decorate the sleigh and run it on the day. Sunflowers Playgroup are keen to get involved, but as FOBS have done most of the work, it was suggested that if they help, then we can give them a donation. Committee discussed the organisation of this – suggested to split the days with both committees decorating the sleigh on the Friday night. Sharon to speak to Nikki Fenwick before agreeing with Sunflowers their involvement.

·  Jubilee 2012 – Lucy asked if FOBS have been asked to do anything for this – suggestion of the bouncy castle. Sharon to mention it at the community council.

·  Golf day – Richard has offered to organise a FOBS golf day in the future. To be discussed at a future meeting.

Date of next FOBS meeting

Members were asked about preferred night for meetings – suggested alternating between Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Thursday 9th June in the staffroom.