Thank you for your interest in becoming a Dressage Judge,

PCAWA Dressage Sub-Committee will contact you after their next meeting where this application will be discussed.

Name ______


Phone Age (If Under 21yrs)

Email Address ______

Member of PCAWA Yes No Club______

My contact details may be given to organisers who may then contact me to enquire if I could write (pencil) or judge a training test. Yes No

1.  I wish to remain on the PCAWA Dressage Judges List Yes

2.  I wish to apply to be added to the PCAWA Approved Judges List Yes

3.  I wish to apply to become a Trainee PCAWA Approved Judge Yes

Dressage Experience: – Please use another page if you need to for any of the information required below.

Riding (You may include dates, levels, venues)

Coaching (You may include qualifications)

Dressage Judging Experience (judging, unofficial judging, pencilling, etc

Dressage Judges Seminars/Workshops attended, please include dates

(judges must attend at least one NOAS Judges Workshop every two years)

You are also welcome to attach any other relevant documents, ie. copy of Performance Card, NCAS Coach, Letters of recommendation etc.

Referees: Please provide details of 2 referees (eg Current EWA or PCAWA Dressage Judge or NCAS Coach, or Club President or Coach Coordinator).

Name Phone

Name Phone

Please be aware that a pre-requisite of being on the PCAWA Dressage Judges list is that all candidates/judges must have a current Working With Children Card.

WWWC Card Number ______Expiry Date ______

Applicant’s Signature Date

Please forward this application to:

PCAWA Dressage Sub-Committee, 303 Cathedral Ave Brigadoon. WA 6069

Applicants appointed as Trainee PCAWA Dressage Judges will be eligible to upgrade to Approved status once they have completed two shadow judging appointments under two different Approved NCAS judges F level and above.

PCAWA Dressage Judges Application 2012