Type or paste the tittle of your article in English here

Only for the final acceptance version of the article:

Jean Dupont*

John Wilkinson**

* IAE, Université de Nantes, France

** Dessautel Faculty, McGill University, Montreal, Canada


Type or paste your abstract here in French as prescribed by the journal’s instructions for authors. See http://www.revuesim.org/index.php/sim/about/submissions#authorGuidelines


5 keywords in English in lower case except for names.

Type or paste the title of your article in French here

Only for the final acceptance version of the article:

Jean Dupont*

John Wilkinson**

* IAE, Université de Nantes, France

** Dessautel Faculty, McGill University, Montreal, Canada


Type or paste your abstract here in French as prescribed by the journal’s instructions for authors.see http://www.revuesim.org/index.php/sim/about/submissions#authorGuidelines

Mots clés:

5 keywords in French in lower case except for names.

Heading 1: use this style for level one headings

A Paragraph: use this for the first paragraph in a section, or to continue after an extract. Use single spacing and no indentation at the left for new paragraphs.

All margins must measure 1” (2.5 cm) around. Beware, especially when using this template on a Macintosh, Word may change these dimensions in unexpected ways. The paragraph must be justified

Use Times New Roman 12’ for paragraphs.

You can find all headings styles in this template file.

For the headings use capital letter only at the first word or for names, the rest should be in lower cases.

Leave a single space between two paragraphs and between a paragraph and a new section.

“For citations use brackets and italics, please insert reference at the end of the citation including the page number” (Baba, 1990, p.58)

If a word or concept must be highlighted because of its importance use italics.

Notes should be included at the footer[1].

For more information about what should be included in the body of the paper (Conclusions and Introduction) please read the guidelines for authors available in the website of the journal http://www.revuesim.org/index.php/sim/about/submissions#authorGuidelines

1.1  Heading 2: use this style for level two headings

1.1.1.  Heading 3: use this style for level three headings

Please do not go any further into another layer/level.

·  For bullet points use this style

Figure 1: Type your title here.

Place figures and tables close to the relevant text (or where they are referenced in the text). Figures, images and tables’ label should be numbered (figure 1, figure 2…), centered and placed beneath the figure, image or table.

Obtain permission and include the acknowledgement required by the copyright holder if a figure is being reproduced from another source.


Ensure that all references are present, complete, and accurate as per the examples.

References in the text should appear as follows:

One author ex: (Ackoff, 1961).

Two authors (Van de Ven & Poole, 1995)

More than tow authors (Latour, Mauguin et al., 1991)

If two or more references have the same author and same year of publication you should use lower case letters to differentiate them ex: (Mintzberg, 1994a), these letters should appear also at the reference list.

The reference list should be placed at the end of the document before appendices (if available) and they must be organized in alphabetical order. Here you will find an example for the different kind of references


Venkatesh V., Morris M., Davis G. (2003), "User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward A Unified View", MIS Quarterly, vol. 27, n°3, p. 425‑478.


Zmud R. W. (2000), Framing the domains of IT Management, Pinnaflex Publisher, Cincinnati.

Book chapters:

Baba M.L. (1990), “Local Knowledge in Advanced Technology Organizations” in L. Gomez-Meijia and M. Lawless (eds), Organizational Issues in High Technology Management, JAI Press, Greenwich, USA, p. 57-75.

Working papers:

Rudolph E. E. (1983), “Productivity in Computer Application Development, Department of Management Studies”, Working Paper n°9, March, University of Auckland.


Tatnall, A. & Gilding, A. (1999), “Actor network theory and information systems research”, Proceedings of the 10th Australisian Conference on Information Systems, Sydney, Australia.


Appendix A: Type here the title of the appendix


[1] Note