Michigan Affiliate Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting- April 2011

Called to Order: The meeting was called to order at 2:00pm by President Jane Hart.


Approval of Minutes: Eileen Haraminac made a motion to approve the agenda and Seconded by Shannon Lindquist. Motion Carried.

Committee to approve the minutes: Jane Hart, Gretchen Hofing and Eileen Haraminac

Approval of the Agenda: Eileen Haraminac made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Diana Fair. Motion carried.

Officer’s Reports:

President: Jane Hart

Jane’s office moved to Muskegon and is now is District 5.

Participated in MCEA conference call.

Busy with new job.

President –elect: Eileen Haraminac –

Eileen – Contacted ISD in Ithaca to talk about menu for June membership meeting. Participated in MCEA conference call. Hosted regional MEAFCS meeting. Sent two letters to two retirees to become lifetime members of MEAFCS.

Secretary- Suzanne Pish –

Officer reports were sent to Suzanne. Minutes were reviewed, distributed and approved. Jen Berkey will send minutes for this meeting to Suzanne.

Treasurer- Diana Fair -

Diana – 49 members paid MCEA dues and updated the budget in the books.

Past-president- Shannon Lindquist

Started a list of possible people for the board. Need to look at newer staff.

Regional Reports: Eileen Haraminac

North: We have not met. Our Professional Developmentcommittee commitment for the February deadlinewas covered by Diane Rellinger, our former North regional director. Will work on a professional development opportunity for the June membership meeting. We hope to meet in the next quarter, by ourselves, or as a combined region with the UP.

Southeast: Met in March and talked about what everyone’s new job assignment. Their region covers 4 districts. They also talked about issues from the last board meeting like new award categories for MCEA. They also brainstormed about the outcomes for MEAFCS. Reminded people about the National meeting. Lois Theilike had surgery last week and but doesn’t have an update. Attended PILD last week. It was a very eye opening conference. Enjoyed talking to other national officers. Can present a more detailed report if desired. Great connections between MSUE programs and national issues and concerns. Cathy will do a more detailed report for the board.

Southwest: Talked about the membership brochure. Talked about the Doris Wetter Fund to see if the guidelines still make sense. They have a meeting next week and a social media speaker. Gretchen will send this out to the membership.

Central: Absent no report- Ann is on medical Leave

UP: Completed award selection process. Two people receiving awards. Certificates have been made and are framed. Awards will be presented at the J une membership meeting.

Old Business: Restructuring status: Beth sent an email to change the bylaws to combine the North and UP for membership. That will be brought up to the membership meeting in June for a vote. The assignments for historical records and professional development would be combined.

MCEA report – Conference call was on March 25th. Has a call into fall conference planning committee re: association time for Fall Conference. Question about layoffs – when and how going to happen. Staff will be notified by HR.

FCSEM conference information out– August 2 to 4, 2011

Please share with your MEAFCS regional groups. It would be nice to have a showing at the conference. The conference information will be sent out to the whole membership.

New Business

Food at Membership meeting – She suggested a deli tray with assorted meats/cheese with breads/rolls plus salad and drinks. $9.50 per person. Registration fee will be $15.00. The meeting will consist of a business meeting, awards, plus professional development. Discussed professional development ideas. A survey will be distributed to membership to determine what they would like for professional development that day.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Suzanne Pish, Secretary

(Jennifer Berkey, Substitute)

NEAFCS-Michigan Affiliate