Life Processes 3 Humans as Organisms 3.1 Life Cycles

Sc 2: Life Processes

3 Humans as Organisms

3.1 Life Cycles


Key Stage 1 Sc 2: 1b, 2f

Key Stage 2 Sc 2: 1a, 2f

Key Stage 3 Sc 2: 2f, 2g, 2h


·  To know the main stages in human development from baby to adult.
·  To know that humans change as they develop.
·  To develop the skill of discussing and questioning each other
·  To develop the skill of observing.
·  To be able to sequence the human life cycle from egg to adult.
·  To know that women give birth to babies and that babies/children need people to care for them.
·  To consider the changes that happen with each stage.


Baby, child, adult, grow, change, teenager, toddler, middle aged, life cycle, growth, pregnant
That humans can produce babies and these babies grow into children and then into adults
·  Get pupils to bring in photographs of when they were younger. Make a display and discuss.
·  Discuss what they can do that babies can’t.
·  Discuss what adults can do that they can’t.
·  Sequence pictures of different stages of the human life cycle.
·  Invite a grandparent and mother and baby into class and discuss differences.
·  Draw what they think they will look like when they are a teenager, adult, grandparent.
·  Sort and group clothing into “who would wear them?”
·  Match ages to stages – very simply.
·  Discuss important times in life e.g. first birthday, starting school
·  Talk about names used for different times in life – baby, toddler, child, teenager, middle-aged, old age etc.
·  Discuss pupils’ own development so far and what will happen next?
·  Make poster all about them e.g. where born, details of birth, measurements at birth, first tooth, first word, favourite food etc.
·  Invite parent with young baby into school to bath baby. Look at size of head compared to rest of body and use to discuss how bodies change as they get older. Look at height/weight charts.
·  Invite a health visitor in to talk about all the things children learn to do in the first 5 years of life. Record the information in some way.
·  Discuss what growth means i.e. not just a change in height or weight.
·  Sequence pictures of human life cycle.
·  Write poems about the different stages of life. / RESOURCES
·  Pictures/photos of humans at different ages.
·  Selection of clothing
·  “Ages and Stages” cards e.g. crawl, walk with stick – baby, grandparent.
·  Sugar paper, pens, crayons.
·  Books with height and weight charts.
·  Pictures of humans at all stages. / POINTS TO NOTE
· Babies come from mothers; are made by mothers and fathers; grow and change into children and then adults.
· Some pupils can be sensitive when compared to others and also over the issue of parents.
· How far, and to what depth, this is dealt with will depend on a school’s sex education policy.
· It is important that the link has been made between scientific words before looking at books/videos on the subject.
· Pupils may use the word “seed” from the father and “egg” from the mother but think of them in terms of plant seeds and hen’s eggs.
· The science emphasis is not on the biology of reproduction.


·  Does weight change with age?
·  Does head size change with age (Refer to QCA Year 4 materials – “Humans”)


Date Record Began:

Outcomes: NC Level 1 è NC Level 4

1 / ·  Sequences photos of different age groups.
·  Sorts objects by given criteria e.g. foods or drinks for different age groups,
·  Takes turn in discussion.
·  Can identify 3 stages in the human life cycle (baby, child, adult).
1+ / ·  Can name some things they can do that babies can’t.
2 / ·  Can describe how they have changed since they were born.
·  Can also name some things they will be able to do as an adult.
·  Can sequence 5 stages i.e. birth, baby, child, adolescent, adult.
2+ / ·  Can describe changes from baby to child.
3 / ·  Can describe more that 3 stages e.g. newborn, toddler, teenager, middle-aged in the human life cycle.
·  Can sequence 10 stages i.e. fertilisation, development, birth, baby, toddler, child, teenager, young adult, middle age and old age.
3+ / ·  Can match different ‘stages’ to a variety of ‘ages’.
·  Can describe changes at puberty
4 / ·  Can describe changes at each stage of the life cycle.
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