
Geometry Polyhedron Project

Due May17, 2010

This sheet must be submitted with you project.

If you are absent due to a school activity, the project is due before May 17. If you are ill on May 17, your project is due the day you return to school.

  • Construct a platonic solid, icosahedron or dodecahedron.
  • Make a cohesive, colorful design that covers your platonic solid. Preprinted paper or computer generated images are not acceptable.
  • Calculate the surface area of your Platonic Solid. Be sure to clearly list each step in your calculation process showing all of your work.


  1. Material: poster board(s)
  2. Each edge must measure more than 10 centimeters. (All edges will be congruent.)
  3. Your polyhedron may be bound with glue. If tape is used, it must not be visible.

Be prepared to present a brief description of your project to the class. Maximum one minute.

Place your calculations for surface area on a separate sheet of paper and attach to the back of this paper. Enter your final answer for surface area below.

Dodecahedron with side lengths of ______or Icosahedron with side lengths of ______

Surface Area ______cm2

Your project will not be graded without this rubric.

CATEGORY / 20points / 16points / 12points / 10points
Quality of Construction / The polyhedron shows considerable attention to construction. The edges are straight.
No gaps long the edges. No tape or glue showing. / The polyhedron shows attention to construction. Most edges are straight. One or two gaps in the edges. No tape or glue showing. / The polyhedron shows some attention to construction. Some edges are straight. Several gaps between edges. / The polyhedron was put together sloppily. Many gaps between edges. Tape showing.
Accuracy of Faces / The faces are congruent and regular. / Most faces are regular and congruent. / Some faces are congruent and/or regular. / Faces are not congruent and/or regular.
Creativity / Faces reflect an exceptional degree of student creativity with use of color and design in their creation. / Faces used in the polyhedron reflect some student creativity. / Use of color or design is average in nature. / Very little time and/or consideration is apparent in design.
Accuracy of Construction / The polyhedron is regular. / Polyhedron was not quite symmetrical. / Polyhedron was not symmetrical. / Material could not support the weight of the faces.
Accuracy of Computations / All computations are correct. / One error was made in the computation of the surface area. / Two errors occurred in computing surface area. / More than two errors were evident in the surface area calculations.