Name: ______

PRE-READING: Discuss whatmakes someone a hero.


- Looks

- Acts

- Thinks

- Feels

Context Clues-Vocabulary Words Ch. 1-4 (Pg. 1-20)
WORD / Page Number / What I think it means / Clues / Actual Definition
1. unvanquished / 1
2. bulkhead / 15
3. sobriquet / 15
4. postulated / 16

1.  Who is telling the story? Is the story written in 1st or 3rd Person?

2.  Who does Max live with? Why do you think that is? (What do we know about his parents?)

3.  What is Freak’s real name? How do you think he got his nickname?

4.  How does the location of Max's room "down under" relate to how he feels about himself?

5.  Why is Kevin so interested in King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table?

Context Clues-Vocabulary Words Ch. 5-7
WORD / Page Number / What I think it means / Clues / Actual Definition
1. flitting / 22
2. regurgitate / 27
3. trajectory / 34

1.  Where in his room does Max go in order to get to his time out? What does he really mean by, “time out”? 21

2.  How does Max reply to Gram’s calling Kevin a, “poor boy?” 24

3.  What is it about Max that startles Gwen when she first sees him? 25

4.  Why does Max feel that everyone thinks it’s a, “big deal” that he looks like his father? 26

5.  Why does Max cry after his first dinner with Kevin and Gwen? Why was he so happy? 27

6.  Why does Max put Kevin on his shoulders? How does Kevin react? 32

7.  How do the boys escape from the Mill Pond and Tony D’s gang? 36-39

Context Clues-Vocabulary Words Ch. 8-10 (Pg 41-62)
WORD / Page Number / What I think it means / Clues / Actual Definition
1. evasive / 43
2. ritzy / 49
3. divulged / 51
4. dungarees / 56

1.  How do Grim and Gram react to Max’ & Kevin arriving home after the fireworks in a police car? 41

2.  Based on your answer to #1, Do you think this will change Max’s life? Explain. 43

3.  How does Kevin change Max’s summer routine? 44-45

4.  Why do you think Max is willing to go on the quests?

5.  Do you believe that Kevin is getting a bionic body? Explain. 51-52

6.  Do you think this last quest was a good idea? Explain your answer.

7.  Write down a theme statement that fits the novel so far.

Context Clues-Vocabulary Words Ch. 11-12 (Pg. 63-87)
WORD / Page Number / What I think it means / Clues / Actual Definition
1. fidgety / 64
2. ratty / 67
3. fierce / 77

1.  Describe how it went when Freak the Mighty returned the purse.

2.  How did the two escape Iggy’s apartment without being harmed?

3.  Why is Max allowed to be in the same classes as Kevin?

4.  What does Kevin do to show Mrs. Donelli how he is sometimes more than Kevin?

5.  What is the opinion of Max’s reading skills tutor, Mr. Meehan? Pg. 81

6.  How is Max doing in his writing? Pg. 82

7.  What was so bad about Friday the 13th? pg. 82-84

8.  Why do you think Max gets so upset? Pg. 85

Discussion Questions Ch. 14-15 (88-99) Pg. 5

Context Clues-Vocabulary Words Ch. 13-15 pgs. 80-99
WORD / Page Number / What I think it means / Clues / Actual Definition
1. obligation / 90
2. ruckus / 91

1.  What do we learn about Kevin’s condition? 89

2.  What does Max overhear Grim and Gram discussing? Who do you agree with? Explain.

3.  Describe Max’s Christmas Eve.

4. Is Max surprised by what happens? Explain.

5. Choose & write an interesting quote from today’s reading.

6. Make a prediction.

Discussion Questions Ch. 16-18 (Pgs 100-121) Pg. 6

Context Clues-Vocabulary Words Ch. 16-18 pg 100-121
WORD / Page Number / What I think it means / Clues / Actual Definition
1. deprived / 103
2. skittery / 115
3. tussles / 117

1.  Describe Max’s father.

2.  What does Iggy mean when he says that Kenny Kane has, “Turned over a new leaf?”

3.  What is Iggy’s attitude towards Max’s father?

4.  How is Max treated by his father?

5.  Do you think Max believes his father when he explains his innocence in the murder? Explain.

6.  What are Killer Kane’s plans for the future? Do you think Max likes these plans? Explain.

7.  Write down a memorable quote from today’s reading.

Context Clues-Vocabulary Words Ch. 19-21 (Pg. 122-140)
WORD / Page Number / What I think it means / Clues / Actual Definition
1. puny / 123
2. corrosive / 132
3. frantic / 133

1.  Why do Max and his father leave the apartment?

2.  Who is trying to help untie Max? What does this say about this person?

3.  Who rescues Max? How does it happen?

4.  How bad is Loretta’s injury?

5.  How has Max’s opinion of Iggy changed? Why?

6.  Why does Gwen remind Kevin that he needs to be, “extra careful?” (p. 137)

Context Clues-Vocabulary Words ch. 22-25 (Pgs. 141-160)
WORD / Page Number / What I think it means / Clues / Actual Definition
1. obnoxious / 143
2. prodigy / 143
3. smidgeon / 144
4. wringing / 151

1.  What does Kevin want Max to do with the book of blank pages? Does Max feel like he can do it?

2.  What does Dr. Spivak tell Max about Kevin?

3.  Do you think that Kevin lied? Explain your answer.

4.  Why does Max finally start to write the story of Freak the Mighty?

5.  Explain how these two boys impacted each other’s lives.

6.  In your opinion, who is the hero of the book? Explain your answer.

Blog Questions:

1. Courage

When do you think Max shows thegreatest courage in the book? When does Kevinshow the greatest courage? Give reasons and evidencefor your choices. (Sample answers: Max showsthe greatest courage when he stays calm when hisfather abducts him even though he is actually terrified.Kevin shows the greatest courage when he is dyingbecause he doesn’t ask for pity.)

2. Analyze Conflict

How does their friendship helpboth Kevin and Max overcome conflicts? (Sample answers:When they become Freak the Mighty, they makeup for each other’s physical problems, they are no longerteased by other kids, and they make each other feel betterabout themselves because they have a friend.

3. Do you think Kevin really understands that he isgoing to die?

4. Do you believe that Max could write the book?

5. Who is your favorite character—Kevin or Max?Why?

6. Why was Max convinced that he didn’t have a brain? Is his assessment of himself as a "butthead" correct? Do our opinions of ourselves affect what others think of us? Do others' opinions of us affect how we feel about ourselves?