1.  Ruls of Leave :

Organizational all employee taken by all oaganizational and Bangladesh Govt. declared leave. If employee spends formal or imfoamal vacation when at the same time of Govt. or organizational vacation this vacation reduction by the employee leaves.

All leave approved by full day or half day basis. If any official leave at the same day in approbal leave when this leave can not be notified this leave.

2.  Applecation for Leave & Approed :

If any employee will be taken by continue five days or more days leave in annual leave so must be applied two week ago. Four or below four days must be apply in one week ago. If leave is approved when supervizer singe your application. Employ are nedded cancel the leave if when is emergency task. But this is decided the supervizer. If any kind of reason canceled the leave it must be included by the application. One copy supplied this employee. Orginal copy reserve the employee leave file, photocopy reserve employee his self. In emergency leave applied in 3 days ago and acceptence at this moment received the application.

3.  Inceasing leave time :

If employee fell incrasing his/her leave time when he/ she must be imform spend the half of leave. If it can be possible management / coordinator imform this in written. But it must be reasonable.

4.  Without Leave Explanation the absence :

If any employee can not be passed the leave but he/she spend the leave when he/ she must be inform this reason by written. In this situaton employee as early as possible inform this management by the telephone, mobile, fax or any other media & inform when he/she come back the office. But it can’t be sure approved the extra leave.When any employees unable to stay the office in any reason in any time at the joining day inform the supervizer. If any kind of resons unable to infome the supervizer he must be last 3 days inform the HR divition or management.

5.  Cancel the approval Leave :

If employee can not be explane reasonable reason when must be given purnisment in temporary suspend. But this pournisment below the 7 days. Employee can not be support any finantional facilities when his suspendance period.

6.  Lost job :

Any employee continue 10 days leave with out inform the organization when ha/ she lost his/her job singed by the executive officer or responcible officer. In this application given the HRD.

7.  Accountability Leave Reservation :

Head office or brance offices HRD must be seperatly maintain leave account. Branch management must be maintaining leave reservation and imform the head office HRD & Management divition. Bangladesh Govt. leave list and organizational leave list are as same.

8.  Organizational leave day :

Organizational employees 16 days official leave are take full salary. HRD & Management division every year make a list of leave. Chife executive are good concideration making leave list approved after next 31st December.

9.  Govt. diclared leave :

If Govt. give any extra leave at this moment head office or branch office HRD inform this notice for the employee by written. But any emergency reason can not be inform this branch office when this leave can not be spend the head office.

10.  Extra leave :

Organization employee maximum 10 days spend extra leave.

11.  Achieve leave :

Employees 20 days leave spend with salary. Achieve leave after provision period.

12.  Sick leave :

After succesfuly provision period all employee taken by right 20 days sick leave.

13.  Logycally reason for sick leave :

For the reason of sick two or more days leave will be needed when application is must, it included the medical certificate.

14.  End the sick leave included reserve leave :

End of the leave sick which is not enough when increasing the leave from the reserve leave time. But clouse the reserve time when leave will be taken with out salary. On emergency cross the limite by the chieh executive.

15.  Maternal leave :

Femail worker taken 120 days maternal leave adjusting weekly and other leave. Half of the before delivary & half of the after delivary. Maternal leave accepted this person who is the involed the organigation more then one year. Infact one or two days different born the child can not be change the leave time.Below the one year can not be acceptable maternal leave. Organization are knowe just 6 month before can not be joining the organization. Two time right taken the maternal leave but two time more maternal leave will be taken with out salary.

16. Maternal leave with others leave :

Maternal leave with others leave are change after or before delivered for request the management.

17. Leave without salary :

Leave without salary will be accepted When any employee apply accepted this leave and when he /she allrady spend all her/his leave.

18. Education Leave :

All education leave are depands on Chif Executive of the organization.

19. Traveling Allowance and Per-diem:

Name Of Post / Traveling Allowance and Per-diem
Executive Director / 600
Project Director / 500
Finance Coordinator. Program Coordinator, Coordinator Training. Coordinator–HRM & Program Support, Administrative Officer / 400
Operational Staff
Assistant Coordinator/Liaison Officer, Branch Manager, Accountant Central / 350
Computer Programmer / 350
Field Facilitator/Account- Branch/Driver / 300
Care-taker/Guard/Cook / 250
Peon / 250
Aya cum Cleaner / 200

20. Rates of Traveling Allowance:

a. Executive Director is allowed to travel by Air and will be Reimbursed for actual economy class, Air fare plus Airport charges Etc.

b. Project Director Finance Coordinator. Program Coordinator, Coordinator Training. Coordinator–HRM & Program Support, Administrative Officer, Assistant Coordinator/Liaison Officer, Branch Manager, Accountant Central & Operational Staff drawing Salary on equivalent scale are allowed travel by 1st class in rail, Steamer or any other public transport.

c. All employees below the above mentioned categories are allowed to level 2nd class.

d.75% advance of the total estimate is admissible in case of out visit. For emergency /special situation for the interest of SHELTER Executive Director has the power to any employee to travel by air or 1st Class.

21. Employee of the Organization :

Regular Employee:

After the probation period considerd the employee the permanant employee. Contractual Employee:Which is the employee perfectly comleate the probation period & blow the one year joining they are considered the contractual employee.

22. Human Resourch Planing & selaction the Employee:

Procedure the Selaction of Employee:

There are many procedure of selsction the employee.Thuse are given below.

Ø  Internal Justification

Ø  Recommendation

Ø  Justification the outside

Ø  Published Advertisement

Ø  Surch the School, College & University

Ø  Surch the propesionaly

Ø  Unaccepted Application

Minimum Age:

Any employee can not be joining below the 18 years.

Provision Period: Before the permanent employee must be completed succefully probation period. At this moment deeply justification.

Increase the Provision Period: Only 6 month increasing the provition period.

23. Salary Payment period:

Salary payment period is not be ago 25 date or after 30 date unless the unable signature the Chife executive.

24. Working Period:

Head office/Branch office/Filed office

Head office are employee for fixed salary in the month & working period schedule are made.Weekly 48 hours ,6 days, monthly 26 days & annuly 312 hours.

25. Approved weekly day off:

Head office or Brance office only Friday is off day.

26. General Schidule:

Organization all schedule given below:

Head Office / Branch office
9 am to 1 pm
30 minute of time
1.30 pm to 6 pm / 9 am to 1 pm
30 minute of time
1.30 pm to 6 pm

27. Different Schedule:

Top lavel Staff & Branch Staff:

Help saport officer or other all time can not be stay the office. For the different situation any employee did this work with out extra salary.

28. Adjustment the time:

This schedule are make CEO by the notice change time because Ramadhan, strick, natural claimate or any other unexpected situation etc.

29. Present Regularly:

Eatch employee must be sing every day in the present registered. This registered present, absence, visit, sick etc mater the justification. Without the sing employee absence the considered.

30. Deducted the salary:

For this reason deducted the salary reserve the organization.thus are given below:

v  Absence in without inform

v  Employee lost anything such as money, document, file etc

v  Declared the Govt. income tax are deducted the salary

v  For the provident fund

31. Advanced salary or lend:

In the general salary can not be pay any advanced salary by the oposit of reserve salary. Infact on emergency employee can be apply and accept the 50% in advanced salary.

32. Increment of Salary:

Increments of the salary are involving the performance. One step increment justified the performance. Post & position are increment more position it’s fully depends the satisfaction of the organization. But CEO & MD are make the desition before consider the present salary and present position.

33. Festival Allowance:

Every employee is given by One month salary equal festival allowance. But Muslim employee half of the Eid-uk-Fitor & half of the- Eid –ul – Ajha. Festival allowance pay in minimum 10 days ago of the festival.

v  Muslim Eid-uk-Fitor & Eid –ul – Ajha

v  Hindu Durga Puja

v  Buddist Boddho Purnima

v  Chirstrien Chrismas Day

34. Transfort Allowance:

Transfort allowances are pay the employee. But without official work transfort allowance can not be pay the organization.

35. Filed officer allowance:

Regular field officer taken some extra money which is the expense in visite the field.

Which is the employee just taken by this allowabce they are not the official staff.

36. Income tax:

In the act of income tax in 1984 which are the income scope the income tax from the income deducted the income tax. Accounting department each year published the provisional assessment of income tax.Submit the income tax reture depands self of the employee. Organization just support the rady for income tax teturn & perper the document.

37. Provident fund:

For provident fund employee or officer mouthly 10% salary deducted. Name of the organization officer/employee same amount of money pay. In the event minemum one year job organization from retired, regignation, suspend, vulontary retird

38. Lone from provident fund:

Which is the employee regular pay the organization provident fund they are able to 80% provident fund below the condition

Ø  Self or any family members medical treatment

Ø  Marrige or any family culture

Ø  Buying land or made building

39. Gratuity:

He/She will be right the gratuity he/she continue one year job after regicnation.

40. Advance in Accident:

In any accident any physical injuried of employee all medical treatment bear executive director. This is the adjustment after treatment employee salary.

41. Suspend Employee:

One month notice for employee. With out notice suspend employee must be pay one month salary.

*** END***