BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Reports

BEDS Day Determinations

  • “BEDS Day” is always the first Wednesday in October.
  • BEDS Day provides a point in time when student enrollment counts should be complete, unduplicated and comparable. Every enrolled student is counted only once.
  • Students are counted in the school or district where they were enrolled as of BEDS Day, regardless of where the student lives. The student could be the reporting responsibility of one district but enrolled in another.

BEDS Day ImportantMiscellaneous Facts

  • BEDS enrollment does not include preschool (PS) students, and GED enrolled students (GD)
  • Subgroup data is provided for your information only. Only counts displayed on the “All Students” line will be used for State Aid Purposes.
  • If a student was a member of a subgroup or program category (e.g., race/ethnicity, disability, LEP, etc.) at any point in the school year, then that student will be counted as a member of that subgroup or program category for accountability purposesthat school year, provided the student was enrolled on BEDS Day.


  • determine accountability status
  • make State aid calculations
  • generate targeted federal program aid,
  • provides the source of LEP counts for Part 154
  • reporting enrollment counts in New York State Report Cards
  • providing data to the media and general public upon request


  • Review: check and scrutinize data for reasonableness and internal consistency without necessarily looking to underlying or external data sources.
  • Verify: follow up to review where data are checked against underlying and external data sources to ensure completeness and accuracy.
  • Certify: attest to the verification process by acknowledging that data are either complete and accurate, or not complete and accurate and in need of remedial action. (Will be the January Snapshot)
  • Confirm: compare data against a prior snapshot of the data and, if changes are found, verify that the changes are both intended and correct, else attest to the correctness of no change. (Will be the April Snapshot)


  1. SIRS-313 BEDS Enrollment Verification Report by Location of Enrollment and Student Subgroup
  2. SIRS-314 BEDS Enrollment Verification Report by District of Residence
  3. SIRS-312 BEDS Enrollment Verification Report for State Aid
  4. SIRS-316 BEDS Enrollment Verification Report for District Pre-K
  5. SIRS-323 Free and Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students Enrolled on BEDS Day

/ Curriculum, Instruction and Technology: Student Support Services
One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590
Phone: (516) 608-6673  Fax: (516) 832-2814 
  1. SIRS-313 BEDS Enrollment Verification Report by Location of Enrollment and Student Subgroup

This report shows the counts of students enrolled in your school district on BEDS Day, Pre-K -12, including ungraded elementary and ungraded secondary.

  • The counts include enrolled students who reside in the district, as well as students who reside inother districts but are enrolled and attend school in this district.
  • Verification and certification of “All Students” line by grade will be required by early January
  • Confirmation of the“All Students” line by grade will be required in early April
  • Subgroup and program data will remain open to update through the end of the school year and will not be transmitted to State Aid.
  • Data in the “All Students” row will be recognized as official BEDS Day grade-by-grade enrollment for all schools.
  1. SIRS-314 BEDS Enrollment Verification Report by District of Residence

This report allows districts to verify student counts of enrolled students by grade (Pre-K -12, including ungraded), and by their District of Residence.

  • District of Residence is used in calculations for textbook and transportation aid, and provides insight into from where charter schools, magnet schools and nonpublic schools draw their students.

  • You will see a row of “All Students” who are residents of your district.
  • You may have other rows which show counts of students enrolled in your district, but who live or reside in other districts. If students are from multiple districts of residence, the report will show multiple rows displaying counts of students for each district of residence.

*District of Residence is used to determine which students should be counted in the following

general categories that appear with more specificity in the “BEDS Enrollment Verification Report of

Supplemental Counts for State Aid Calculations:”

  1. SIRS-312 BEDS Enrollment Verification Report for State Aid

(previously namedSupplemental Counts for State Aid)

This report shows the counts of Resident and Non-Resident students as of BEDS Day that are used in State aid calculations.

  • The majority of state aid is determined for students based on where they are enrolled; however, textbook and transportation aid is determined based on the district of residence.
  • In determining textbook and transportation aid, resident students enrolled outside of the district are included, while non-resident enrolled students are excluded.

  • Column (a) - Incarcerated youth in correctional facilities for whom this district is providing education services regardless of DOR. Only for those districts who have jails or correctional facilities within their borders.
  • *Columns (b) and (c) – Resident students not on any regular day school register enrolled in AHSEP programs. (The data in these columns will not be transmitted to the State Ad office)
  • Columns (d) through (g) - Resident students educated outside the district for whom the district may be paying tuition – other school districts and BOCES.
  • Column (h)- Homebound - Last four digits of Location Code=0777
  • Columns (i) and (j) – Non Resident students - CSE placed in your district or parental choice students
  • Column (k) - Inter-District Urban-Suburban Transfer program

* Although districts must certify the entire report, data in these 2 columns will not be transmitted to State Aid.

  1. SIRS-316 BEDS Enrollment Verification Report by District Pre-K
  • This report allows districts to verify student counts of Pre-K, Half Day and Full Day enrollment, including Universal Pre-K (UPK) funded students, as of BEDS Day.
  • Data in this report are used to monitor the Universal Pre-kindergarten program and for “maintenance of effort” and other funding considerations.

*Questions about UPK enrollment data should be directed to the .

*Questions about the UPK Grant Applications should be directed to the office of Early Learning (OEL) at 518-474-5807 or .

  1. SIRS-323Free & Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students Enrolled on BEDS Day
  • This report allows districts to verify FRPL eligible student counts calculated as of BEDS Day.
  • BEDS Day FRPL eligible counts are used for many purposes including:
  • State Aid calculations
  • Targeted federal program aid
  • Reporting in New York State Report Cards
  • Reporting to the media
  • To be included in the FRPL eligible count, the student must also be included in the SIRS-313 BEDS Day Enrollment Report by Location of Enrollment & Student Subgroup.
  • Beginning Enrollment Code on BEDs Day
  • 0011
  • Program Service Code with a beginning date on or before BEDS day and ending date on or after BEDS Day (or has no ending date)
  • 5817 (Free Lunch) Program Service code OR
  • 5806 (Reduced-Price Lunch) Program Service code
  • Carryover of previous year’s eligibility is for up to 30 operating days into the current school year. If a new eligibility determination has not been made by BEDS day and it is within the 30-day carryover period, then that student should be reported as qualifying as either free or reduced-priced lunch.

Curriculum, Instruction and Technology: Student Support Services
One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590
Phone: (516) 608-6673  Fax: (516) 832-2814 