Mickey’s Fan-atics 2018 Renewal Instructions
Hello Mickey’s Fanatics !
It is time to renew your membership in this great club for 2018. Please fill out the attached form, 1 per family please, and the attached questionnaire, and return all with your check made out to Mickey’s Fanatics. You can do this in 1 of 2 ways. Either drop it off in an envelope in the Orange Bucket with the renewal sign on it that will be outside the doors before the September, October or November meetings, OR mail it to me at:
Mickeys Fanatics
c/o Rich Harinsky
836 Silver Oak Avenue
The Villages, FL 32159
There will be NO renewals done in person, but I will have blank forms for you to take home and fill out. You can also find the form on our web site,
If you wish to postdate your check to Jan 1st, it will not be deposited until the new year, but your membership will be insured. All others will be deposited when received. All forms and payment MUST be to me NO LATER THAN Saturday, December 30st, 2017. When we get to 750 renewals, the remainder will go on the wait list. Anyone renewing after that date will be put on the waiting list.
Any questions, please email me at . Don’t miss out on the fun, renew early !!
Rich Harinsky
Mickey’s Fan-atics 2018 Renewal Form
Please complete the following information, 1 per family, and include a check for $10.00 per member. Make checks payable to “Mickey’s Fanatics”. Membership will be active once this form and dues are received.
Email Address:
Home phone:
Cell Phone:
Would you be willing to be contacted by the Daily Sun when they are looking for Disney fans:
What is your favorite Disney experience:
Mickey’s “Fan”atics 2018 Questionnaire
Return with your 2018 membership form
Please complete all the questions below so the board can plan future meetings that meet the needs of the members and also use some of the statistics gathered for club trivia.
Name ______
Years you have been a member?______
Have you volunteered at Disney World? Yes No Have you been on a club bus trip? Yes No
Have you purchased raffle tickets at the meetings? Yes No Have you taken a Disney Cruise? Yes No
Have you taken a Disney tour? ______
A special event ? ______
Your favorite Disney Park? ______
Your favorite Disney ride? ______
Your favorite Disney character? ______
Favorite Disney song?______
Your favorite Disney Movie?______
Who is your favorite villain?______
Who is your favorite princess?______
Your favorite place to eat in the Disney Parks? ______
Your favorite place to eat in Disney Springs?______
Are you a Disney pin collector? ______
Approximately how many pins do you have?______
What type of Disney thing (s) do you collect? (dolls, hats, ears, etc)______
In the last 6 months how many times have you visited our website mickeysfanatics.com ? ___
Favorite club meetings you attended in the last three years ( list up to 5)
Do you know anyone who works at Disney? Yes No
What do /did they do at Disney?______
Suggestions for future meetings
Additional Comments