Grandview Antique Tractor & Machinery Club

Regular Meeting Minutes - 2 - October 28, 2010

Grandview Antique Tractor &

Machinery Club

Monthly Meeting Minutes

October 28, 2010

Willie Williams, President, called the meeting to order at 7:22 p.m. and thanked everyone for coming and those who had brought and prepared food. Eleven members, spouses, and guests were present. Tommy Williams won half the $16 pot.


Charlene Williams read the minutes of the September 30 meeting. Buddy Barrington motioned to accept the minutes as read. Don Hestand seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report for period ending 10/28/10 was read indicating a balance as of 9/30/10 of 833.66, with income of $13 and $10 in expenses, leaving a balance as of 10/28/10 of $836.66. Rickey Jewell motioned to accept the report as presented, seconded by Tommy Williams. Motion carried.

Membership Report

Charlene Williams gave the Membership Report stating that the number of members to date is 36. Deloris Barrington motioned to accept the report as read. Buddy Barrington seconded.

Committee Reports


Old Business

Buddy Barrington reported that five members participated in the 10/16/10 trail ride from Grandview to Covington. Willie thanked Buddy for doing a great job.

A clean-up day was scheduled for November 6 at 8 a.m. Rickey Jewell volunteered to make breakfast. A discussion followed regarding how to get more members to attend meetings and functions.

ACTION: Charlene Williams will divide membership list by the number of families at the meeting and provide a list of 2-3 members to each family which will be used to call and remind members of meetings and other functions.

Willie Williams advised the binder had been picked up. Tommie Poteet stated we need a way to load and haul it. He will investigate and talk to AB Manis and report back. Buddy Barrington stated we need to get boards to repair the binder. Willie advised he had located some but would need to pick them up.

Tommy Williams reported he has people lined up for the appreciation music. He suggested it be outside for perhaps 2 hours in the afternoon.

ACTION: Tommie Poteet and Willie Williams will contact Donna with the Grandview Retirement Village to decide a date.

Tommie Poteet stated the club trailer needs to be painted

New Business

Willie Williams reported on the Hillsboro show stating it was a good show and getting bigger every year.

The November and December meeting dates were discussed. Tommy Williams motioned to hold the November meeting on November 18 and the December Christmas party on December 30 with a white elephant gift exchange. Tommie Poteet seconded. Motion carried.

Willie Williams reminded everyone that election of offices and board members will be held in January and advised he would no longer serve as president.

Tommie Poteet advised that the Grandview Christmas parade was coming up. It was the general consensus of those present to participate.

Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business, Rickey Jewell made a motion to adjourn. Buddy Barrington seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m.

Charlene Williams



Approved: ______, 2010