My Favourite Place

Scotland has many places you can talk about whether it is up the highlands or anywhere else around the Scottish Borders. My favourite place is the place I have lived for 50 years. As a child being brought up here was just simply the best. I know a lot of people here. My mum and dad are buried here and most of my family still live here. I went to school here and of my three children one of them still goes to the school here. The other two go to Duns now but did go here till primary seven. The place I’m talking about is Coldstream. Right on the edge of the Scottish Borders very close to England. You can walk into England from Coldstream, it’s not that far.

Coldstream is a beautiful place. There are lots of places to go for walks.You can go down by the Lees which brings you around by the river Tweed.It’s a wide open space with farm land and you can take your dog for a walk. There is also the Hirsel where there is a big house you can go and see. There is a big lake that you can watch the birds from and also walk round Dundock. It has lots of walks in the wooded area and beautiful flowers to look at. Coldstream is and has always been my home. To me there is nowhere like it. There are a few things that go on in the year.

The Border Gaithering is a musical event that happens for a weekend every year at the end of May beginning of June. There are lots of people come into the town and play all different types of instruments and it’s lovely to hear them playing. The sound of the music is lovely.

On the first week in August we have our Civic Week. There are lots of things going on in that week for children and adults, it’s fun for everyone. We have horses and riders that go out three times in the week. One goes to Norham one goes to Birgham and the other goes to Flodden and it’s the biggest one. It has had over three hundred horses before. It commemorates the battle of Flodden where the English and the Scottish had a massive battle in the year 1513 and they go and lay a wreath at the memorial. We also have a torch light and fireworks and also a fancy dress parade. Lots of people join in and it makes it a very memorable week for everyone.

Coldstream also has a regiment with the same name. The Coldstream Guards are based in London. This year it was their turn for the Trooping of the Colour in front of the Queen so they are guarding BuckinghamPalace. Some of them come up every year at Civic Week and help out with some events.

Coldstream will always mean the world to me. I hope my children will continue to stay here and enjoy all that I love about Coldstream.

