Lesson 2
Title: Our State Needs Rules
Unit of Study: Third Grade Michigan’s Citizens and Government
C1.0.1 Give an example of how Michigan state government fulfills one of the purposes of government (e.g., protecting individual rights, promoting the common good, ensuring equal treatment under the law).
C5.0.1 (Introduction) Identify rights (e.g., freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to own property) and responsibilities of citizenship (e.g., respecting the rights of others, voting, obeying laws).
Abstract: Students will explore why governments are created and what role citizens play.
Key Concepts: citizenship, rights, responsibilities
Sequence of Activities: (This lesson will take approximately five 45 minute lessons.)
Day 1:
1. Students will list rules they feel are important for their school, community, and state. Have them share and explain their list to a friend. (Protection, safety, order) Have students add how our government protects individual rights, promoting the common good, ensuring equal treatment under the law).
2. Discuss the Core Democratic Values of Common Good (Good for all) and Justice (Fairness). What do these have to do with making laws and rules?
Some possible books for these CDVs are:
· Baseball Saved Us by Ken Mochizuki
· Abe Lincoln’s Hat by Martha Brenner (Look at the trials in the story.)
Common Good:
· The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
· Just a Dream by Chris Van Allsburg
· The River Ran Wild by Lynne Cherry
· A Freeway Story http://www.americanepic.org/freewaystory/index.html
3. Have students brainstorm (in small groups) rights and responsibilities of citizenship such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to own property, respecting the rights of others, voting, and obeying laws.
4. Have students list rules that apply to different places (home, school, library, playground, gym).
5. Students will compare state and local differences with school specialized rooms (example: school = state, library within a school = local/city).
6. (Optional) Students can explore dumb laws and why we still have them (It costs money to “fix” a law.)
Days 2- 5:
1. Introduce the phrase “Core Democratic Values” defined as:
“Core democratic values are the fundamental beliefs and constitutional principles of American society, which unite all Americans. These values are expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution and other significant documents, speeches, and writings of the nation.”
2. Students have already worked with Common Good and Justice. Use the posters (included) and discuss Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, equality, diversity, and popular sovereignty.
***As always when using YouTube videos, preview them and use full screen.
Some possible resources for these CDVs are:
o I am Rosa Parks by Rosa Parks
o A Picture Book of Martin Luther King Jr. by David A. Adler
o http://storycorps.org/listen/stories/taylor-and-bessie-rogers/ Story Corps: Taylor and Bessie Rogers on MLK Jr.
o The Butterfly by Patricia Polacco
o The Araboolies of Liberty Street by Sam Swope
o The Wimp by Kathy Caple
Pursuit of Happiness:
o Coming to America by Betsy Maestro
o Dreaming of America, An Ellis Island Story by Eve Bunting
o Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes
o A Picture Book of George Washington Carver by David A. Adler
o You Be the Judge http://www.americanepic.org/YBTJ/YBTJ1.html
o Goin’ Someplace Special by Patricia McKissack and Jerry Pinkney
o Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt by Deborah Hopkins
o Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott You Tube Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6aUVVUXGZc&feature=related
o Equality http://www.americanepic.org/cdv/CDV_1_equality.html
· An activity sheet to go with the video.
**NOTE: By clicking on the index button, these topics are available:
o Equality
o Right to Petition
o Right to Assemble/Freedom of Speech
o Majority Rule
o Truth/Free Inquiry
o Personal Property
o Pursuit of Happiness/Common Good
o Minority Rights
o How My Parents Learned to Eat by Ina R. Friedman
o Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
o Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52WHpsJCrwM
Popular Sovereignty:
o Vote by Eileen Christelow
o The Berenstein Bears Big Election by Jan and Brett Berenstein
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FY5o8ukcH0&feature=related part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE7RFcRiSs4&feature=related part 2
o Thank You Soldiers - Veteran's Day/Memorial Day Song
Rule of Law:
o Joe’s Joe Café
English Language Arts Students can write a letter to the librarian, lunch supervisor, or bus driver about rules for each location. Compare their lists with other students’ lists.
Instructional Resources:
Student Resources
Teacher Resources
Chart paper or whiteboard, markers
Name ______
Our State Needs Rules (C1.0.1)
Tell who is responsible for each job.
C = Citizens (you and me and everyone)
M = Michigan government
_____ Helping out our neighbors
_____ Taking care of the State Highways
_____ Protecting our Great Lake borders
_____ Taking care of the Mackinaw Bridge
_____ Cleaning up the litter along the front of our homes
_____ Making laws
_____ Voting
_____ Obeying the State laws
_____ Provides training our police officers
_____ Responding to tornado, fire, floods, winter storms, and terrorism
_____ Practicing your fire escape plans
_____ Investigating crime scenes
_____ Writing to our congress workers about our concerns
Name ______KEY______
Our State Needs Rules (C1.0.1)
Tell who is responsible for each job.
C = Citizens (you and me and everyone)
M = Michigan government
__C__ Helping out our neighbors
__M__ Taking care of the State Highways
__M__ Protecting our Great Lake borders
__M__ Taking care of the Mackinaw Bridge
__C__ Cleaning up the litter along the front of our homes
__M__ Making laws
__C__ Voting
__C__ Obeying the State laws
__M_ Provides training our police officers
__M__ Responding to tornado, fire, floods, winter storms, and terrorism
__C__ Practicing your fire escape plans
__M__ Investigating crime scenes
__C__ Writing to our congress workers about our concerns