Beausale Haseley Honiley & Wroxall Parish Council
Meeting held on Tuesday 23rd April 2013 at Wren Hall - Wroxall
1. Welcome
The Chair extended a welcome to the following attendees:-
CllrR Slatem(Chair), CllrABeaumont, CllrDClapp, Cllr J Gee, CllrRWood, Cllr H Jordan, Cllr D Silvester. WCC Cllr J Compton, WDC Cllr S Gallagher. Clerk S Green.
Visitors: T Truelove, C Walkingshaw, G Stevenson, Mrs Leanne Holgate.
2. Apologies
Cllr S Large, Cllr E Cantwell
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Public Forum
Cllr Slatem welcomed Chris Walkingshaw representing Hundred Percent Group the owners of Former Honiley Airfield, and Grant Stevenson. They presented a proposed temporary change of use planning application for vehicle storage at Honiley, and to discuss this with Cllrs. Hundred % Group have been asked by Jaguar/Landrover to provide for workshop and storage space on the Honiley site. The workshop use and storage around the existing buildings would be a continuation of activity taking place on the site recently. The proposed use by JLR is inextricably linked to the launch of their Range Rover Sport model next month, and there is a need to carry out remedial work on certain vehicles. JLR require additional capacity, as there is none on their existing sites to fix and store vehicles, hence the areas around the test track would be used. This proposed development would not prejudice the long term plans for the site. JLR would staff the site from 6.00 – 21.00 Monday to Friday and 7.00 – midday on weekends. JLR anticipate 12 transporters a day (Monday to Friday and less on weekends). These hours of operation tie in to the manufacturing line at their Solihull plant which runs 7 days a week.
a. Transporter route. This would be via A4177 from Balsall Common, and Fen End road, the existing route to the site.
b. Staff numbers. 2 shifts daily of 40 staff each shift.
c. Number of vehicles stored on the site. Max of 3000 but probably 1000. This depends on the success of the launch and number of vehicles needing adjustments.
d. Area to be used. About 10% of the site, mostly existing hard standing but some rough grass land.
e. Vehicle testing. Only the Squeak and Rattle test on a short bumpy strip.
f. Value of cars. £125,000 each. There will be added security and Prodrive support Neighbourhood Watch. The site is shielded by trees and a banked bend so visibility will be low and no extra lighting will be installed. Cllrs were invited to visit the site, and the Chair thanked Chris Walkingshaw.
5. Minutes of March 12th having been previously circulated were signed as a true record.
6. Matters Arising
Rural Footway Lighting. The Clerk had responded to WDC’s request for funding. The PC could not
fund the replacement lighting, no provision had been made in the precept.
Local list of Historic Buildings in Warwick District. The Clerk had asked Alan Mayes if any buildings
apart from listed ones are recorded in this parish. No reply at present.
Identifying a site for Traveller use. A reply to PC request for update was received from Lorna Coldicott.
Planners are working to identify suitable sites which will form part of WDC local plan. The ‘Call for
Sites’ asks for possible sites to be sent in and a consultation will be held in June & July.
Notice Board at Honiley. Cllr Slatem will collect this from Gough’s Joinery and erect it at Honiley.
Computer security for PC computer. Currently with MacAfee but needs renewal. Cllr Jordan suggested
using Microsoft. The Clerk will ask Cllr Large to look at this.
Complaint about planning meeting on Feb 5th. A reply has been received from G Leach stating who can
speak at planning meetings, as PC was refused permission on Feb 5th to speak, despite the fact that they
had registered to do so. The review of WDC Planning Committee final report will be considered by the
WDC Executive on April 17th. Cllrs did not agree with the response. The complaint against Cllr Blacklock
will be decided as a separate matter.
7. Community Forum & Police
Cllr Clapp had attended the meeting on March 20th. He said that all the information is well reported in
‘Behind the Scenes’. The presentation on Neighbourhood Planning was good.
The grant for Wren Hall switch gear of £500 has been received. New replacement grant forms issued.
Next meeting June 27th with the presentation of projects funded by forum grants. Photos needed to share.
8. WCC
Cllr Compton said that due to the WCC elections on May 2nd she could not give a report. She noted items
needing attention by WCC Highways (bollards and damaged sign poles at Five Ways island and 50mph
signs obscured by overgrown hedging).
9. WDC General Matters
Cllr Gallagher reported. Kites Nest Travellers site. A second appeal will be heard on June 11th. If this
appeal is lost the site must be vacated. It is vital that WDC finds an official traveller site, and the success
of the Local Plan depends upon this. The Travellers broke the injunction at Kites Nest with 3 more
caravans at the weekend. Cllr Wood has been helping FROG to identify sites. The Clerk will write to
WDC to ask for progress on these sites.
Recycling. Following reports in the press on household recycled waste being dumped or sent aboard,
Cllr Gallagher said that all local recycled material is processed locally.
Electoral review of Warwick final recommendations. A full report and an interactive map are available
Invitation to Annual Meeting of the Council in Town Hall on May 5th. To attend inform the Clerk.
Chairman’s Charity Dinner on June 21st, Civic Service on June 30th at St Nicholas Kenilworth.
10. Parish Council
Cllr Vacancy. No applications for cooption received. Leanne Holgate attended this meeting and will
consider putting her name forward for cooption.
Neighbourhood Watch. Cllr Slatem had nothing to report.
Parish Plan. Cllr Silvester reported that the Plan has now been printed; it entailed a huge amount of work
Preparations for presentation are underway, hopefully in mid May. The Lottery grant file has now closed.
The Plan could be presented to PC at their June 11th meeting.
Planning Committee Issues. Graham Leach had replied to the PC complaint about not being able to speak
at the planning meeting on Feb 5th despite having registered to do so. He interpreted his decision
differently to that of the PC. He will take forward a review of these procedures to remove the lack of
clarity. The complaint against Cllr Blacklock is being considered separately. Cllr Slatem was
disappointed by the reply and disputed the decision taken
Annual Parish Forum. The agenda will be sent out this week. Janet Jenkinson has agreed to serve coffee
before the meeting (Clerk will buy coffee and biscuits). Invitations have been sent to local organisations.
Annual Return for March 31st 2013. Form received from Grant Thornton Auditors, to be returned by June
30th. Cllr Slatem read out the Annual Governance Statement which was approved by Cllrs and signed.
Christine Silvester has been asked and has agreed to do the internal audit.
Cheques to approve: - WALC subscription £174.00, Zurich Municipal insurance £243.80, Clerks
expenses £100. Proposed by Cllr Clapp 2nd by Cllr Wood and unanimously approved.
Cheques received: - £500 grant for switchgear, VAT reclaim £181.72.
Cllrs asked the Clerk for a sheet showing actual expenditure against budgeted expenditure.
Accounts for year ending March 31st 2013. Having been circulated these were approved by Cllrs.
11. Planning Matters
Decisions by WDC: - W13/0330 Falcon Barn Haseley – refused
Falcon Inn Haseley, a smoking area. Cllr Clapp said that this was initially refused but the decision was
Reversed in line with the PC comments.
Decisions by PC: - Appeal by Mrs Askew at Five Ways Nurseries. Written statement sent in.
Kites Nest Travellers site. High Court Hearing in Birmingham on April 23rd. Second appeal submitted to be heard in June. FROG Friends of the Greenbelt have an informative’ Cheese & Wine’ evening on April 26th to highlight their work in preventing unauthorised development in the Greenbelt.
Fieldgate at Haseley Knob. Cllrs noted the detrimental impact of the large barn built here on the openness
of the landscape and the neighbouring property.
Formation of a Planning Subcommittee. Cllr felt that this needed careful consideration as it would change
The way decisions are made. The Clerk will write to WALC to see if they can send someone to speak
on ways of considering planning applications.
12. WALC Publications received will circulate.
13. A.O.B.
Cllr Beaumont had been contacted by A Jeffries of the Smithy Beausale. An enforcement Officer had called after a complaint about the untidy state of the property, and had asked for it to be cleared up.
Cllr Gallagher asked for a litter pick on the A4177. Cllr Slatem encouraged everyone to pick up litter.
Cllr Slatem had applied and received permission to cut the overgrown hedge near Wren Hall.
14. Date of next Meeting will be on Tuesday May 7th the ANNUAL PARISH FORUM
Meeting closed at 9.25pm
Sylvia Green, Clerk to the Parish Council.
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