Name:Munir Aziz Noah Turk

Place and Date of Birth: Amman, Jordan. April, 1, 1953

Nationality: Jordanian

Marital Status:Married with three children

Field of Specialization:Field Crops (Agronomy & Ecology of Forage crops)

Department: Crop Production

Faculty: Agriculture

University: Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST), Irbid, Jordan

Position: Professor

Mailing Address: Crop Production Department

Faculty of Agriculture

Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST), Irbid, Jordan

Tel.(962-2) 7201000 Ext. 22251 (Office)

(962-6) 5810105 (Home)


P.O. Box & Postal code:3030, Irbid, 22110 Jordan.

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  1. Educational qualifications
Degree Field of Specialization University Place Year of Graduation

1978 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Crop Production and Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jordan.

1981Master of Science, Crop Production and Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jordan.

1989Doctor of Philosophy, in Pasture & Forage Agronomy/ Ecology, University of Sheffield, England.

2. Professional experience (Position, Date, Place)

  1. Professor:Jordan University of Science & Technology, FacultyofAgriculture. 2004 – present
  1. Dean: Faculty of Agriculture. Jordan University of Science & Technology, Faculty of Agriculture. 2013 – 2015
  1. Visiting Scientist, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. (2008-2009)
  1. Visiting Scientist, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA. (2004-2005).
  1. Associate Professor: Jordan University of Science & Technology, Faculty of Agriculture.


  1. Assistant Professor: Jordan University of Science & Technology, Faculty of Agriculture.

(1991– 999)

  1. Head of Department (Plant production Department), Faculty of Agriculture, Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST), (1999-2000) and 2012-2013
  1. Research Associate: Pasture, Forage and Livestock Improvement Program. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). Aleppo, Syria. (1984-1991)
  1. Research Associate: Food Legume Improvement Program. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). Aleppo, Syria. (1981–1984).

3. Awards

  1. Fulbright Post-Doctoral Scholar Research Award. 2004-2005
  1. The Arab Fund Research Fellowship Program. The Arab Fund for Economical and Social Development. Kuwait, 2008-2009

4. International activities

  1. Editor of theJournal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science. 2009 to date
  1. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Research on Crop” (2000- to date). International Journal.
  1. Associate Editor of the journal “Asian Journal of Plant Sciences” (2004– to date). ANSInet. Asian Network for scientific Information.
  1. Member of the International Terminology Revision Committee for Grazing lands and Grazing Animals. Mississippi State University. USA.
  1. Member, Research Board of Advisors, American Biographical Institute, USA 2002
  1. Member, the Weed Science Society of Japan (WSSJ), Tokyo, Japan.
  1. Assistant editor of theInternational Journal of Agriculture, food and Environment(2005- to date).
  1. Regional editor ofJournal of Agriculture and Social Sciences(ISSN 1813-2235) (2004- to date).
  1. Member of the Editorial Board of theWorld Journal of Agricultural Sciences(ISSN: 1817-3047). 2005 to date.
  1. Publication in International Journals
  1. Saxena, M. C., Murinda, M. V., Turk, M.A. and Trabulsi, N. 1983. Productivity and water use of Lentil as affected by date of sowing. LENS 10, 26-28
  1. Turk, M.A and Al-Jamali, A. 1998. Effects of varying nitrogen supply at different stages on yield and yield components of barley in semi-arid conditions. Crop Research. 15(1): 11 - 20.
  1. Turk, M. A. 1997. Comparison betweencommon vetch and barley to phosphorus fertilizer. Legume Research. 20 (3/4): 141-147.
  1. Turk, M. A. 1998. Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus levels on Barley cultivars grown in semi-arid conditions. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 181 (4): 257-262.
  1. Munir A. Turk. 1998. Oldman saltbush seed treatment for germination improvement. Agricultura Tropica et subtropica. 31:53-59.
  1. Turk, M. A. 1999. Effect of sowing rate and irrigation on dry biomass and grain yield of Bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia ) and Narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences.69 (6): 438-43.
  1. Turk, M. A. 1999. Effect of sowing date and plant population on seed and herbage yield in common vetch (Vicia sativa). Legume Research. 22 (2): 71-76.
  1. Hani Z. Ghosheh, Khalid, H. Hameed, Munir, A. Turk, and Abbas, F. Al-Jamali. 1999. Olive (Olea europea) Jift Suppress Broomrape (Orobanche spp.) Infection in Faba bean (Vicia faba), Pea (Pisum sativum), and Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Weed Technology. 13: 457-460
  1. Munir A. Turk. 2000. Productivity of barley and common vetch under different cropping systems in a Mediterranean type environment. Crop Research. 19 (2): 175 - 183.
  1. Turk, M. A. and M. K. Shatanawi. 2001. Effect of timing nitrogen application at different development stages on the yield and yield components of barley. Crop Research 21 (3): 253-260
  1. Tawaha, A. M. and M. A. Turk, 2001. Effects of dates and rates of sowing on yield and yield components of Narbon vetch under semi-arid condition. ActaAgronomica Hungarica, 49(1) : 103-105
  1. Turk, A. M. and A. M. Tawaha 2001. Common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) productivity as influenced by rate and method of phosphate placement in Mediterranean environment. Agricoltura Mediterranea. 131:108-111
  1. Tawaha, A. M. and Turk M. A. 2002. Response of Tetragonolobus palaestinus Boiss to several frequencies of hand weeding. Acta AgronomicaHungarica.50 (1):91-93.
  1. Turk, A. M. and A. M. Tawaha 2001. Effect of time and frequency of weeding on growth, yield and economics of chickpea and lentil. Research on Crop 2(2): 103-107.
  1. Tawaha, A. R., Turk, M.A. and G. A. Maghaereh. 2001. Field pea response to several frequencies of hand weeding under Mediterranean environment. Crop Research. 22 (2): 161-163.
  1. Tawaha, A. M., M. A. Turk and G. A. Maghaireh. 2001. Morphological and yield traits of Awnless barley as affected by date and rate of sowing under Mediterranean condition. Crop Research 22 (3): 311-313.
  1. Tawaha, A. R., Turk, M.A. and G. A. Maghaereh. 2002. Response of Barley to herbicide versus weed control under semi-arid conditions. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science.188 (2):106-112
  1. Tawaha A. M. and M. A. Turk. 2001. Crop-weed studies in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) under rainfed conditions. Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 49(3): 299-303.
  1. Turk, M. A. 2001. Effect of phosphorus application on narbon vetch and barley under open and controlled conditions. Agricoltura Mediterranea. 131:112-117.
  1. Turk, M. A. 2001. Population density of six row barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in semi-arid conditions in Jordan. Crop Research. 22(1): 1-3
  1. Turk, M.A. and A. M. Tawaha.2001. Wheat response to 2, 4-D application at two growth stages under semi-arid conditions. Acta Agronomica Hungarica.49(4): 387-391
  1. Turk, M.A. and A. M. Tawaha. 2001. Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) response to seeding rate, seeding date, rate and method of phosphorus application in a Mediterranean type environment. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences.7 (6): 615-621
  1. Turk, M.A. and A. M. Tawaha.2002. Onion (Allium cepa L.) as influenced by rate and method of phosphorus placement. Crop Research. 23(1): 105-107
  1. Turk, M.A. and A. M. Tawaha.2002. Crop-weed competition studies in garlic (Allium sativum L.) under irrigated condition. Crop Research. 23(2): 321-323
  1. Turk, M.A. and A. M. Tawaha.2002. Effect of dates of sowing and seed size on yield and yield components of local faba bean under semi-arid condition. Legume Research. 25(4):301-302
  1. Turk, M.A., A.F. Al-Jamali, and A. M. Tawaha.2002. Effect of seeding rate and ethrel spray on the morphology and the yield traits of irrigated faba bean [Vicia faba (L) major]. Crop Research. 23(2): 305-307
  1. A.T. Munir. 2002. Influence of varying seeding rates and nitrogen levels on yield and yield components of barley (Hordeum vulgare Rum) in the semi-arid region of Jordan. Austrian Journal of Agricultural Research.53 (1): 13-18
  1. Turk, M. A., A. M. Tawaha and N.H. Samarah. 2003. The response of wild oats (Avena fatua L.) to sowing rate and herbicide application. African Journal of Range and Forage Science.20(3): 239-242
  1. Tawaha, A. M. and Turk M. A. 2002. Lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) productivity as influenced by rate and method of phosphate placement in a Mediterranean environment. Acta Agronomica Hungarica.50(2): 197-201
  1. Turk, M. A., A. M. Tawaha and M. Shatnawi 2003. Response of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) to plant density, sowing date, phosphorus fertilization and Ethephon application in the absence of moisture stress. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 189:1-6
  1. Turk, M.A. and A. M. Tawaha.2002. Effect of sowing rates and weed control methods on winter wheat under Mediterranean environment. Pakistan Journal of Agronomy. 1(1): 25-27
  1. Turk, M.A. and A. M. Tawaha.2002. Inhibitory effects of aqueous extracts from black mustard (Brassica nigraL.) on germination and growth of wheat. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 5(3): 278-280
  1. Turk, A. M. and A. M. Tawaha 2001. Lentil response to several frequency of hand weeding. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research.36(2):137-140
  1. Turk, M.A. and A. M. Tawaha.2002. Inhibitory effects of aqueous extracts of black mustard(Brassica nigral.) on germination and growth of lentil. Pakistan Journal of Agronomy. 1(1): 28-30
  1. Turk, M.A. and A. M. Tawaha.2002. Response of sorghum genotypes to weed management under Mediterranean conditions .Pakistan Journal of Agronomy.1 (1): 31-33
  1. Turk, M.A. and A. M. Tawaha.2002. Responses of winter wheat to seeding rate with or without Ethrel spray under irrigation. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 8(1): 37-42
  1. Al-Jamali, A. F., Turk, M. A. and A. M. Tawaha. 2002. Effect of Ethephon spraying at three developmental stages of barley planted in arid and semi-arid Mediterranean locations. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 188 (4):254-259
  1. M. A. Turk and A. M. Tawaha. 2002. Effect of variable sowing ratios and sowing rates of bitter vetch on the herbage yield of barley-bitter vetch mixed cropping. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences. 1(4):467 - 469
  1. M. A. Turk and A. M. Tawaha. 2002. Response of winter wheat to applied N with or without Ethrel sprays under irrigation planted in semi-arid environments. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences. 1(4):464 - 466
  1. Tawaha A. M. and M. A. Turk. 2002. Effect of dates and rates of sowing on yield and yield components of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) under semi arid conditions. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 5(5): 531-532
  1. Turk, M. A. and A. M. Tawaha. 2002. Awnless barley response to hand weeding and 2,4-D application at two growth stages under Mediterranean environment. Weed Biology and Management. 2: 163-168.
  1. Turk, M. A. 2002. Genotype x Environment interaction of seed yield and seed index in better vetch. Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 50(2): 203 - 207
  1. M. El-Shatnawi and M. Turk. 2002. Dry matter accumulation and chemical composition of saltbush (Atriplex halimus L.) grown in Mediterranean desert shrub lands. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 45: 139-144
  1. Munir A. Turk, and Abdel-Rahman M. Tawaha. 2002. Impact of seeding rate, seeding date, rate and method of phosphorus application in faba bean(Vicia faba L. Minor) in the absence of moisture stress. Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment.6 (3): 171-178
  1. M. El-Shatnawi, M. Turk and H. Soub. 2003. Effect of sowing rate on growth and protein contents of wall barley grown under Mediterranean conditions. African Journal of Range and Forage Science. 20(1): 53-57
  1. Turk, M. A. and A. M. Tawaha. 2003. Weed control in cereal in Jordan. Crop Protection.22:239-246
  1. Turk, M. A., M. K. Shatnawi, and A. M. Tawaha. 2003. Inhibitory effects of aqueous extracts of black mustard on germination and growth of alfalfa.Weed Biology and Management. 3(1): 37 - 40
  1. Turk, M. A., A. M. Tawaha and N. Samarah. 2003. Effects of seeding rate and date, and phosphorus application on growth and yield of narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis). Agronomie. 23:355-358
  1. Turk, M. A. and A. M. Tawaha. 2003. Allelopathic effect of black mustard (Brassica nigra L.) on germination and growth of wild oat (Avena fatua L.).Crop Protection. 22: 673-677
  1. Turk, M. A. and A. M. Tawaha. 2002. Irrigated winter barley response to seeding rates and weed control methods under Mediterranean environments. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 8: 175-180
  1. Turk, M. A. and A. M. Tawaha. 2002. Response of six- row- barley crop to seeding rate and weed control methods under moisture stress.Agricoltura Mediterranea. 132(3-4): 208-214
  1. Turk, M. A, A. M. Tawaha, H. Taifor, A. Al-Ghzawi, I. W. Musallam, G.A. Maghaireh, Y. I. Al-Omari. 2003. Two row barley response to plant density, date of seeding and rate and method of phosphorus application in the absence of moisture stress. Asian Journal of Plant Science. 2(2):180-183.

53.Turk, M. A, A.M. Tawaha, N. Samarah and N. Allataifeh.2003. The Response of Awnless Six Row Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) To Nitrogen Fertilizer Application and Weed Control Methods in the Absence of Moisture Stress. Pakistan Journal of Agronomy. 2(2):101-108

  1. Turk, M. A. and A. M. Tawaha. 2002. Seed germination and seedling growth of two barley cultivars under moisture stress Research on Crop. 3 (3): 467- 472
  1. Moh'd Khair J. El-Shatnaw, Louy Z. Al-Qurran, Khalil I. Ereifej and Munir Turk. 2003. Defoliation of wall barley under sub-humid Mediterranean condition. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 54: 53-58
  1. Turk, M. A., Hameed, K.M., Aqeel, A. M. and Tawaha, A. M. 2003. Nutritional status of durum wheat grown in soil supplemented with olive mills by-products. Agrochimica.Vol. XLVII- 5(6): 209- 219
  1. Samarah, N.H., Allataifeh, N., Turk, M.A. and Tawaha, A.M. 2004. Seed germination and dormancy of fresh and air-dried seeds of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) harvested at different stages of maturity. Seed Sci. & Technol., 32, 11-19
  1. Tawaha A. M. and M. A. Turk. 2003. Allelopathic effect of black mustard (Brassica nigra L.) on germination and growth of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum). Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 189:298-303
  1. Tawaha A. M. and M. A. Turk. 2004. Field pea seeding management for semi-arid Mediterranean conditions. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 190: 86-92
  1. Turk, M. A. and A. M. Tawaha. 2001. Influenced of rate and method of phosphorus placement to Garlic (Allium sativum L.) in a Mediterranean environment. Journal of Applied Horticulture. 3(2): 115-116
  1. . Tawaha A. M., Singh, V. P.,Turk, M. A. and Zheng, W. 2003. A review of growth, yield components and yield of barley as influenced by genotypes, herbicides and fertilizer application. Research on Crops, 4(1): 1-9
  1. Turk, M. A., A. M. Tawaha, O. Nikus and M. Rifaee. 2003. Impact of cultural practices on yield variability of semiarid wall barley (Hordeum murineum L). International Journal of Agriculture & Biology.5 (4):432- 434.
  1. Turk, M. A., A. M. Tawaha, O. Nikus and M. Rifaee. 2003. Response of six-row barley to seeding rate with or without Ethrel spray in the absence of moisture stress. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology.5 (4):416- 418.
  1. Samarah, N. H., N. Allataifeh, M. A. Turk and A. M. Tawaha.2003. Effect of maturity stage on germination and dormancy of fresh and air-dried seeds of bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia L.). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 46: 347-354
  1. Rifaee, M, M. A. Turk and A. M. Tawaha.2004. Effect of seed size and plant population density on yield and yield components of local faba bean (Vicia faba L. major). International Journal of Agriculture & Biology. 6(2): 294-299
  1. Turk, M. A, 2003. Pasture Legume Biodiversity in the Northern Areas of Jordan. Proc. 25th EUCARPIA Fodder Crop and Amenity Grasses Section Meeting. Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed. 39, (Special Issue): 255-257
  1. Turk, M. A., A. M. Tawaha and K. Dong Lee. 2004. Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Three Lentil Cultivars under Moisture Stress. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 3(3): 394-397
  1. O. Nikus, A. R. M. Al-Tawahaand M. A. Turk. 2004.Effect of manure supplemented with phosphate fertilizer on the fodder yield and quality of two sorghum cultivars (Sorghum bicolor L.). Bioscience Research, 1(1): 1-7
  1. A.R.M. Al-Tawaha, Munir A. Turk, K.D. Lee, W.J. Zheng, Mohammad Ababneh, Girma Abebe and Iyad W. Musallam. 2005. Impact of fertilizer and herbicide application on performance of ten barley genotypes grown in North-eastern Part of Jordan. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology 7(2): 162-166
  1. Lee, K.D, M.A. Turk, and A.M. Al-Tawaha. 2005. Nitrogen fixation for rice based farming system. Bioscience Research, 2(3): 130-138.
  1. Abdel R.M. Tawaha, Munir A. Turk and Kyung Dong Lee. 2005. Adaptation of Chickpea to cultural practices in a Mediterranean Type Environment. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences.1(2): 152-157
  1. M.A. Turk, K.D. Lee and A.M. Tawaha. 2005. Inhibitory effects of aqueous extracts of black mustard on germination and growth of radish. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences 1(3): 227-231, 2005.
  1. Tawaha, A.R, M.A.Turk, K.D.Lee, Supanjani1, O.Nikus, M.Al-Rifaee, R. Sen. 2005. Awnless barley response to crop management under Jordanian environment. Bioscience Research, 2(3): 125-129.
  1. Assaf, T. A., K.M. Hameed, M.A. Turk and A.M. Al-Tawaha. 2006. Effect of Soil Amendment with Olive Mill By-products under Soil Solarization on Growth and Productivity of Faba Bean and Their Symbiosis with Mycorrhizal Fungi. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2 (1): 21-28.
  1. Turk, M.A., T.A. Assaf, K.M. Hameed and A.M. Al-Tawaha. 2006. Significance of Mycorrhizae. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2 (1): 16-20.
  1. Rawashdeh, N.K., Haddad, N.I.,Al-Ajlouni, M.M. and Turk, M.A.2007. Phenotypic diversity of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) from Jordan. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 54 (1):129-138.
  1. Mua’d Abdul Al-Kiyyam, Munir Turk, Mohsen Al-Mahmoud, Abdel Rahman Al-Tawaha, 2008. Effect of Plant Density and Nitrogen Rate on Herbage yield of Marjoram under Mediterranean conditions. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. 3(2):153-158
  1. Abdel Rahman M. Al-Tawaha, Nidal Odat, Abudel Latif Gzawi,Muhammad M.Al-udatt , Munir Turk, Faisal Ababneh. 2008. Genomic and chemical approaches to weed control in pasture. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. 3(2):187-193
  1. Assaf T A, Turk, M A and Hameed K M. 2009. Impact of olive pomace wastes and fungicide treatment on indigenous arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi associated with chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)under field conditions. Australian Journal of Crop Science.31):6-12
  1. Al-Tawaha, A. M, M. Turk, K. Hameed, T. Assaf, R. Tahhan and A. F. Al-Jamali. 2010.Effects of application of olive mill by-products on lentil yield and their symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi under arid conditions. Crop Res. 40 (1, 2 & 3): 66-75
  1. Samarah, N.H, M.M. Al-Mahasneh, H.Z. Ghosheh, A.M. Alqudah and M. Turk. 2010. The influence of drying methods on acquisition of seed desiccation tolerance and the maintenance of vigour in wheat (Triticum durum). Seed Sci. & Technol.,38,193-208

6. Publications in non refereed journals

1.Munir A. Turk, Tamimi, S and N. Haddad. 1996. Field Crops. 2323, Textbook, Publication of Al-Quads Open University, Amman, Jordan. In Arabic. First edition 1994

  1. Munir A. Turk. 1998. Effect of actual and simulated grazing on the yield and its components of barley. The 38th science Week. Nov.7-12. Homs, Syria
  1. Munir A. Turk and Rania Esso. 1998. Barley: common vetch productivity under different cropping systems in Mediterranean environment. The 38th science Week Nov.7-12. Homs, Syria
  1. Munir A. Turk. 2002. Jojoba, the suitable shrub for semi-arid area. Agricultural Engineers Journal. 71:55-56. In Arabic
  1. Munir A. Turk. 1999. Maintain Arable lands for providing food. Agricultural Engineers Journal. 65:89-93. In Arabic
  1. Munir A. Turk. 2002.Comparative study of two forages legume species for their performance at different levels of organic manure. China International grassland conference. The conference of the Chinese grassland society. May 20-24. Beijing. China.
  1. Haddad, N and M. Turk, 2002. Medicinal and herbal plants cultivation. Technical report. Ministry of Agriculture, National Center for Agricultural Research and Technology transfer (NCARTT). Conservation of Medicinal and herbal Project preparation grant/GEF TF 023719. التقرير الفني لمشروع جمع و حفظ النباتات الطبية و العطرية
  1. Munir A. Turk. 2003. Pasture legume biodiversity in the Northern areas of Jordan. The 25th EUCARPIA Fodder crops and Amenity grasses. September, 1-4. Brno, Czech Republic.

7. Conferences and Training courses

  1. Water Harvest Technology Training Course. Ministry of Agriculture, Jordan University of Science and technology. 15-22 May, 2006
  1. Utilization of Expert Systems in Agricultural Research and Production. Regional Training course. Cairo, Egypt. 8-19 October 2000. The Central Laboratory for Agricultural Expert Systems (CLAES, Cairo, Egypt) and The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) Aleppo, Syria.
  1. Utilization of Expert Systems in Agricultural Research and Production. Follow-up Training Workshop. Cairo, Egypt. 12-16 October 2002. The Central Laboratory for Agricultural Expert Systems (CLAES, Cairo, Egypt) and The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) Aleppo, Syria.
  1. Comparative study of two forages legume species for their performance at different levels of organic manure. Munir Turk.China International grassland conference. The conference of the Chinese grassland society. May 20-24., 2002. Beijing. China.
  1. Productivity of barley (Hordeum vulgare L) and common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) under different cropping systems. Rania Butros and Munir Turk. 38 The Science Week, 7 – 12, November, Homs, Syria. 1998. Book 3, part 1.pp 355- 367.
  1. Effect of simulative and real grazing on yield and yield components of six row barley (Hordeum vulgare L). Munir Turk. The 38th Science Week, 7 – 12, November, Homs, Syria. 1998. Book 3, part 1.pp 63- 75.
  1. Evaluation of two barley cultivars in terms of their responses to herbicide applications at several growth stages. Tawaha, A.R, and M.A.Turk The 5thScience Day, Faculty of Agriculture. Jordan University of Science & Technology. 14, May, 2002. Irbid, Jordan.
  1. Botanical compostion, distribution and adaptation of natural vegetation in Humrit Al- Sahin.Al-Adamat, A. and M.A. Turk. 2003.The 6th Science Day, Faculty of Agriculture. Jordan University of Science & Technology. 15, May, 2003. Irbid, Jordan.
  1. The effect of plant density and nitrogen rate on the yield of Marjoram (Origanum syriacum) under field condition. Al-Qyyam, M.and M.A. Turk. 2003. The 6th Science Day, Faculty of Agriculture. Jordan University of Science & Technology. 15, May, 2003. Irbid, Jordan.
  1. Pasture Legume Biodiversity in the Northern Areas of Jordan. Turk, M. A. Proceedings. 25th EUCARPIA Fodder Crop and Amenity Grasses Section Meeting. Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 39, 2003 (Special Issue).
  1. Effect of variable sowing ratios and sowing rates of bitter vetch on the herbage yield of oat-bitter vetch mixed cropping. MUNIR TURK AND ABDEL RAHMAN TAWAHA. Proceeding 7th International Oat Conference. 17-22 July 2004, Helsinki, Finland.
  1. . Using Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) in urban and Peri Urban Horticulture 2005. M.A. TURK, R. SEN, A.M. TAWAHA.National Seminar on: Peri Urban Agriculture: Rural – Urban Synergy in Enhancing Food Security. Amity School of Rural Management in Collaboration with NABARD, June 9-10, 2005, New Delhi, India. Page 69-73.
  2. The effect of water imbibitions during germination of jojoba [Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider] seeds and seedling emergence on oil and protein content.Turk, M. A and Edghaim, A.2007. EUCARPIA. Oil and Protein Crops Section Meeting. 7-10 October, 2007 - Budapest, Hungary.
  1. Introducing Triticale in Jordan.Munir A. Turk. The 7th International Triticale Symposium. CIMMYT. Ciudad Obregón, Sonora State, Mexico, 23-26 March,2009
  1. Effect of moisture stress on germination and seedling growth of Lentils.MUNIR TURK AND ABDEL RAHMAN TAWAHA. 2010. The 5thInternational Food Legumes research Conference. 26-30 April, 2010. Antalia. Turkey
  1. Effect of the Amino Acids PHENYLALANINE, ORNITHINE AND TRYPTOPHAN on Growth and chemical constituents of Rosemary. Munir Turk, 2013. The 1st Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 17-20 April , 2013. Gazimagosa. The Northern Cyprus
  1. Effect of amino acids phenylalanine, ornithine and tryptophan on growth and chemical constituent of lavender. MUNIR TURK. 2014. InternationalConference of Agriculture and Food, 5–9 June, 2014, Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria.
  1. Effect of priming treatmets on seed germination and seedling growth of two Medicago Species. Munir Turk. 2nd International Conference on Agriculture and Forestry. Agriculture for life. 10-12 June, 2015 Colombo, Sri lanka
  1. Global Trends in Agriculture and food system: from farm to plate. Ragamangala University of Technology. Tawan-ok (RMUTTO). 21-24 April, 2014. Chanthaburi. Thailand
  1. Points to be considered in making good presentation. Munir Turk. Ragamangala University of Technology. Tawan-ok (RMUTTO). Training course, 13-19 February, 2015. Chanthaburi. Thailand.

8 . Teaching