Welcome to Cub Scout Pack #613!

Den Meetings: Wednesday 3–4 p.m. at the LDS Stake Center

Pack Meetings: 4th Wednesday 7-8 p.m. at the LDS Stake Center (Families invited)*

* L.D.S. Stake Center: 10115 172nd Ave NE Redmond, WA 98052, 425-881-7488

As a general rule, there will be no Scout activities on days when school is not in session. Scout leaders will contact you if there is an exception to this schedule. Also, on occasion other days of the week (ie. Saturdays) may be scheduled to accommodate field trips or special activities.

Responsibilities of Cub Scout

·  Do his best.

·  Be helpful to others.

·  Be prepared by coming to Cub Scout activities on time and in uniform with his Cub Scout book.

·  Be courteous and respectful to Scout leaders and other Cub Scouts.

Responsibilities of Parents

·  Provide a home for your son where he finds love and security.

·  Help your son with Cub Scout achievements and advancement.

·  Take an interest in his Cub Scout activities.

·  Assist the den and pack as needed.

·  Provide and/or arrange for transportation of your son to and from Scout meetings.

Responsibilities of Leaders

·  Be on time and prepared with activities.

·  Provide a safe environment and follow guidelines established by the Boy Scouts of America.

·  Be registered and trained through the Boy Scouts of America.

·  Communicate with families about Cub Scouting activities and plans.

System for awards and advancement

·  Awards will be presented at monthly pack meetings.

·  Books will be checked on the 3rd Wednesday (be sure things are signed off!)

·  Cards will be used for documentation and record keeping.

Supplies for Cub Scouts Provided by Families:

1st YEAR Prices as of 7/05

·  Blue Cub Scout Shirt (short sleeved) 22.95

·  Wolf Neckerchief (yellow) 4.90

·  Cub Neckerchief Slide 2.20

·  Wolf Book 5.30

·  Number patches 6, 1, & 3 (3@$.90) 2.70

·  Council patch 1.95

·  Rounder patch 1.70

·  World Crest patch 1.50


2nd YEAR

·  Bear Book 5.30

·  Bear Neckerchief (blue) 4.90


3rd YEAR

·  Webelos book 6.50

·  Webelos colors 3.85

·  Webelos neckerchief 5.65

·  Webeolos slide 2.20

Optional (or if outgrown blue shirt)

·  Tan Shirt (short sleeved) 24.25

·  Number patches 6, 1, & 3 (3@$.90) 2.70

·  Council patch 1.95

·  Rounder patch 1.70

·  World Crest patch 1.50



·  Hat, pants, shorts, belt, etc.

Items can be purchased at

·  Puget Sound Scout Shop: 3120 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98144 or by phone 206-721-5945

Some items are available at the following retailers

·  Sir Plus, Inc: 17524 131st Ave NE, Woodinville, WA 98072, 425-483-1761

·  The Grange Supply: 145 NE Gilman Blvd., Issaquah, WA 98027, 425-392-6469

·  Jerry’s Surplus: 2031 Broadway Everett, WA 98201, 206-252-1176

Sample Den Meeting Agenda

·  Welcome

·  Prayer

·  Weekly Activity

·  Prayer

·  Refreshments

Sample Pack Meeting Agenda

·  Gathering Activity

·  Welcome

·  Opening Prayer

·  Flag Ceremony

·  Calendar Review

·  Special Presentation of Past Month Activities

·  Award Ceremony

·  Closing Prayer

·  Refreshments

Sample New Parent Orientation Agenda

·  Welcome

·  Prayer

·  Introduction of Leaders

·  Review Calendar, Roster & Contact List

·  General Parent Guidebook

·  Specifics of our Pack

·  Additional Q&A (as needed)

·  Prayer