Domestic Violence and MARAC Information Exchange
Bournemouth and Poole LSCB have put into place a process to exchange information on incidents of Domestic Violence attended by and therefore recorded in a Police incident report,known as a Public Protection Notice (PPN), with the Schools, Colleges, Children’s Centres and Registered Early Years Settings attended by those children and young people who have been involved or potentially impacted on by the incident.
These information exchange arrangements, detailed in the “Joint Procedures for Sharing Information on Domestic Abuse with Bournemouth and Poole Schools, Children’s Centres and Early Years Settings” – September 2014 (updated April 2017), are in addition to the current processes for exchanging MARAC information.
A Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) is a local, multi agency victim focused meeting where information is shared between different agencies, on the highest risk cases of domestic violence and abuse.
These agencies include the police, criminal justice, health, social care, housing and the specialist domestic violence service sector.
The MARAC aims to:
- Manage and increase the safety of high risk victims of domestic violence and abuse.
- Reduce risk and prevent further harm.
- Enable the safeguarding of adults and children.
- Reduce repeat victimisation.
- Reduce crime and disorder.
Sharing relevant information with other agencies is crucial in order to reduce the risk of harm to very high risk victims.
Any decision to disclose or share information must be necessary, justified and proportionate to risks.
Legislation, including The Data Protection Act 1998, The Human Rights Act 1998 and The Children Act 1989 and 2004 provides the statutory powers for the sharing of information.
The information shared under MARAC includes:
- Personal details such as name, date of birth, address, ethnicity, sexuality.
- Employment details.
- Housing information.
- Financial information, including receipt of benefits.
- Criminal offence or alleged offences, particularly those involving violence.
- Physical or mental health conditions. Relevant history of domestic violence or associated behaviour.
Bournemouth Early Years’ Service will exchange PPN and MARAC Information with Children’s Centres and Early Years Providers including Childminders, using its secure “Clear swift” E Mail system.
Information will only be exchanged with providers who have “signed up” to the process. The signatory should be the Designated Safeguarding Lead in their setting. The signatory will take responsibility for the information received. They will be required to link with relevant professionals where appropriate, manage and store the highly confidential information securely, in accordance with current data protection legislation and the Dorset Information Sharing Charter.
For further information, advice and a response to any questions please contact;
Kay Errington –Service Manager – Children, Young People and Families
Telephone: 01202 456204
Sue Goddard- Early years safeguarding Officer
Tel: , 01202 456278
To “sign up” please complete and return the form below
- hand signed by post to:Suse Goddard, E3, Bournemouth Town Hall, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth, BH2 6DY
or by E Mail from the E mail address that will be used to receive any PPN or MARAC information to:
Domestic Violence and MARAC Information Exchange RETURN
Children’s Centre/EY Setting/Childminder Business:E mail address that PPN and MARAC Information will be sent to:
Designated Safeguarding Lead or Nominated Person who will be responsible for safely and securely receiving, managing, responding to and storing the highly confidential information received:
Signed :(not a requirement if this form is being submitted by E mail)
Date: **/**/****
Please note that it will be the responsibility of the above signatory to ensure that appropriate procedures are in place to safeguard that there is no delay in information being received in their absence.
Domestic Violence and MARAC Information Exchange RETAIN
Children’s Centre/EY Setting/Childminder Business:E mail address that PPN and MARAC Information will be sent to:
Designated Safeguarding Lead or Nominated Person who will be responsible for safely and securely receiving, managing, responding to and storing the highly confidential information received:
Signed :(not a requirement if this form is being submitted by E mail)
Date: **/**/****
Please note that it will be the responsibility of the above signatory to ensure that appropriate procedures are in place to safeguard that there is no delay in information being received in their absence.