May14, 2014

Town Hall

1766 Union Avenue, 2nd Floor

Hazlet, NJ07730

The WORKSHOPMEETING was opened by Chairman Acevedoat 7:00 PM at the Town Hall, 1766 Union Avenue, Hazlet, NJ07730. Chairman Acevedo led the PLEDGE TO THE FLAG, followed by a MOMENT OFSILENCE. Chairman Acevedo read the following STATEMENT:

In compliance with the OPEN PUBLIC MEETING ACT of the State of New Jersey, adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following manner:

On March 29, 2014 advance written notice of this meeting was posted at Town Hall, 1766 Union Avenue, Hazlet, NJ;

On March 29, 2014 advance written notice of this meeting was sent to the Newark Star Ledger and the Asbury Park Press; and

On March 29, 2014 copies of the advance written notice was mailed to all persons who requested and paid for such notice.

I direct the Fire District Clerk to enter into the minutes this announcement and the advance written notice of this meeting.

Chairman Acevedo called for a ROLL CALL:

Commissioner Bauman- PRESENT

Commissioner Preston- ABSENT

Commissioner Beslanovitz- PRESENT

Commissioner Sheldrick- ABSENT

Commissioner Acevedo- PRESENT

Also Present:

Richard Braslow- Attorney

  • Comm. Acevedo spoke to Comm. Beslanovitz and told him to forget about speaking with the police dept. re: fingerprinting. Comm. Acevedo will take care of this.
  • Comm. Acevedomentioned that he spoke with the MORPHTRAC people and they said that they don’t do groups unless it is done on a weekday and during normal business hours. This obviously cannot be done because we all have jobs during normal business hours. They can be sent in 1 at a time at a cost of $40. per person. You should follow the criteria of the state police. When the state police were contacted Comm. Acevedo was told that the local PD should take care of this at no cost. Comm. Acevedo met with deputy chief of police Phil Meehan at Touch a Truck and discussed this further. The board feels that the attorney should speak to the township administrator. Discussion followed.
  • Rich noted that he received a check from the homeowner for the damage to JB’s car from the basketball hoop falling on it. Discussion followed.
  • Comm. Bauman noted that Peter Jefferies called and asked if JB is employed full time. The board said yes. Asked about Michelle Powers’ employment Comm. Bauman thought she worked part time but she actually works full time.
  • Comm. Bauman noted that he received an email asking if he filled out a Financial Statement being a Fire Commissioner. Rich Braslow explained. Discussion followed.

Comm. BeslanovitzMOVED THAT THEMEETING BE ADJOURNED,Commissioner Bauman seconded the motion. ALL VOTED IN FAVOR.The meeting was adjourned at 7:16 PM.

The next scheduled workshop meeting is June 11, 2014 at 7:00pm.


Tito Acevedo, Chairman


Michael Beslanovitz,Clerk