Math Unit Template
El Rancho Unified School District
Topic/Main Idea:Integers / CCSS:CCSS: 6 NS.
C5Understand that positive and negative numbers are used together to describe quantities having opposite directions or values. Use positive and negative numbers to represent quantities in real-world contexts, explaining the meaning of 0 in each situation.
C6, C6a-c Understand a rational number as a point on the number line.
Extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes to represent points on the line and in the plane with negative number coordinates.
Timeline: 1ST QUARTER – 7 DAYS
Objectives/Concept/Skill (DOK): Level 2/3
Understanding signs of numbers in ordered pairs indicate locations in quadrants of the coordinate plane. / Connections to earlier and next grade levels:
Grade 7 NS.1a-d Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers: represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram.
Performance Task/Activity (DOK): Level 2/3
Students will use negative and positive numbers for plotting coordinates in a four-quadrant grid constructing a city. They will distinguish between negative and positive numbers as a way to move the bus in a particular direction in order to reach their destination. See attached PT and Rubric / Relevance/Rationale:
Negative and positive numbers are key elements in comprehending directions (north, south, east, west) and plotting coordinates in the appropriate quadrant.
SBAC Assessment Item References:None available for this standard, additional online references below.
(go to lesson and activities to number sense to integers)
(pick Math tab go to Multisensory Teaching Positive and Negative Integers)
(go to Grade 6 Mathematics Unit 7 Rational Explorations) / Academic Vocabulary:
positive, negative, opposite, integer, coordinate points, quadrants, axes, ordered pairs, neutral field, zero pairs,
compare, origins, graphs, plot, north, south, east, west
Textbook References (i.e., Homework Resources):
Use worksheets from the links for homework.
Use link to CCGS Mathematics –Grade 6-Unit 7 pages 10-30 / Materials/Manipulative:
integer tiles, number lines, thermometer, 4 quadrant graph paper, grid paper, map, red and blue pencils
Mathematical Practices
__X_ 1. Makes sense of problems and persevere in solving them. ____ 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. ____ 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. ____ 6. Attend to precision.
____ 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. ____ 7. Look for and make use of structure.
__X__ 4. Model with Mathematics. ____ 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
1. They will monitor and evaluate their progress and change course if necessary, using their grids and data and asking “Does this make sense”
4. They will design a plan and apply what they know to simplify the complex scenario and use the tools provided to come up with a conclusion to their trip.
Lesson Topic: / LOL (Learning Objective with Language): / Resources (Instructional Strategies, Textbook References, etc.):
Representing numbers on a number line / Students will plot integers on a number line and thermometer using a blue colored pencil to represent colder temperatures (negative) and use red color pencils to represent warmer temperatures (positive) / • negative #s represented in blue
• positive #’s represented in red
• pair activity (3A, 3B, 4A, 4B) worksheets
• red & blue pencils
Absolute Value / Student will find the integer’s absolute value by finding the distance between both sides of the number line and the origin. Students will know how to read absolute value sign through practice. / • moving right means positive(use red pencil for +)
• moving left means negative(use blue pencil for -)
• worksheet on #lines (#1-20)
Opposites / Students will understand what opposite numbers are by plotting the opposites of a given integer on either side of the origin. Students will add the integer number and its opposite on a number line. / • worksheets of a number line
• model examples
Coordinate System / Students will plot coordinates using a four quadrant grid and directional language. / • east = right = positive numbers
• west = left = negative numbers
• north = up = positive numbers
• south = down = negative numbers
Represent rational numbers on a number line. / Students will plot negative and positive fractions, decimals, and integers using a number line / • page 19 of the CCGS
• model examples