ABWE logo (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism)
PO Box 8585, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8585 (717-774-7000)
WORD Ministries: ABWE’s international ministry of Translation, Literacy and ESL (English as a Second Language)
Providing training and consultant help to all 76 ABWE fields world-wide
WORD logo (brochure cover pic that you designed for us, Wes?)
Motto: ‘Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”
Foundational verse: Psalm 119:105 “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
Personnel: Bill and Vicki Ivester, Ministry Coordinators ()
Dr. Lynn Silvernale, Translation Coordinator ()
Dr. Michael Pasquale, ESL Coordinator ()
Mr. Reid Minich, ESL Consultant ()
Dr. Vladimir Dervishi, Translation Consultant (www.albanianbible.com)
Heidi Davis, Translation Consultant ()
More than 30 part-time consultants scattered around the globe
The goal of WORD Ministries is to ensure the production of accurate, natural and understandable mother-tongue Scriptures and other evangelism and discipleship tools, and to promote the development of effective translation, literacy and ESL programs on all ABWE fields as a vital part of church-planting efforts. With a team of more than thirty trained and experienced consultants, we provide help to ABWE colleagues undertaking translation, literacy and ESL projects. This help takes many forms: initial survey work, planning and guidance in projects, hands-on consultant help and training of missionaries and nationals, help with production of materials (printing, graphic arts, etc.), promoting use of materials, seeking funding for major projects, follow-up consultation, and evaluation of translation, literacy and ESL programs.
If our evangelism and discipleship efforts are to bear fruit, we must use tools that touch the hearts of the people we are trying to reach. Producing effective literature and audio materials in the heart language of the people we serve should be an integral part of any church planting effort. ABWE’s International Translation, Literacy and ESL Ministry (WORD Ministries) stands ready to help both missionaries and nationals to produce needed materials in support of church-planting endeavors.
Translation: More than 380 million people today have no Scriptures available to them in their mother tongue. The need of these millions is one of the reasons that the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism has initiated WORD Ministries, a world-wide translation, literacy and ESL outreach effort. WORD’s purpose is to promote effective translation, literacy and ESL programs on ABWE fields around the world, as a vital part of church-planting efforts. WORD projects include not only Bible translation but also literature and recordings for evangelism and discipleship. By putting effective tools of evangelism, discipleship and leadership-training into the hands of missionaries and national believers around the world, strong local churches can be planted, where well-trained leaders and believers are grounded in the Word of God and where evangelism and discipleship are carried out with fervor.
Literacy: Having God’s Word written in their own language does not benefit the more than 2 billion people in the world who cannot read. More than one-half of the world’s adults cannot read; in some places as many as 90% of adults are illiterate! This is why we provide Scripture portions on cassette tapes and also develop literacy materials to be used through local churches to teach adults to read. God’s Word works in human hearts in a way nothing and no one else can, for it is “living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword….”
ESL: Teaching English as a Second Language opens doors to many places closed to the Gospel message. Through classes, relationships are formed and individuals are reached for Christ. In almost every country of the world ESL is being used as an effective outreach tool. WORD provides training and consultant help in establishing programs and choosing appropriate materials.
Link to: WORD Ministries provides:
**CONSULTANT HELP - Trained, experienced missionaries offering training and consultant help for translation, literacy and ESL projects such as:
* Bible Translation
* Literature production: translation, adaptation, and original writing
* Printing, Graphic arts
* Literacy primer construction
* Literacy teacher-training
* Literacy programs establishment
* Audio-visuals: videos, cassettes
* ESL teacher-training; selection and use of ESL materials; establishment of ESL programs
* Translation and literacy computer programs
* Project needs survey, planning, scheduling, tracking, assessment
* Training of missionaries and nationals through ITC modules, at WORD Ministries Resource Center and/or on the field
Possible projects:
- Scripture translation - posters, calendars
- songbooks - Bible-reading guides
- tracts - reference materials
- Sunday School lessons - cassettes
- Bible correspondence courses - videos
- women’s Bible studies - literacy primers
- pastoral training materials - new-reader materials
- ESL materials - ESL teacher training
**MATERIALS, housed in the Missionary Resource Center at ABWE home office in Harrisburg , include
+ Samples of useful materials already translated into various languages
+ Samples of materials recommended for translation
+ Samples of materials proven effective in evangelism and discipleship of particular groups
* Simplified English materials which can be used as the base for translation
+ Sources of additional materials
+ Computer programs to expedite translation and literacy projects
+ Reference materials related to translation, literature, literacy and ESL ministries
+ WORD Ministries team member present to answer questions, give information/suggestions
Note that many of these materials are now available on-line. (Link to MRC)
“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!. . .So, then, faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Rom. 10:14,15, 17)
Please, will you join with us? Will you commit to pray faithfully for those involved in Bible translation, literature production, ESL and literacy programs around the world? Will you pray the Lord of the harvest, that He will raise up more workers for His harvest field?
Will you pray that God will open your eyes to needs around the world? Will you commit your time and energy to be a part of those projects prayerfully and financially?
Link to: Current Personnel needs:
Literacy Coordinator
The position of Literacy Coordinator is vital to the literacy aspect of WORDMinistries. This person will be the final authority within WORD Ministry for any questions related to literacy. The person to hold this position must be thoroughly trained and capable in literacy methods and all aspects of literacy programs, from initial survey work through primer construction, training teachers, and setting up of programs in local communities. Experience in literacy in cross-cultural situations would be very helpful. This person must be personable, able to work with the facilitators and with nationals he or she would train and help. The Literacy Coordinator must have a servant’s heart and a heart for teaching literacy to illiterates around the world with the goal of giving them the skills necessary to enable them to read God’s Word. This person will be responsible for keeping abreast of current trends in literacy work, being aware of literacy materials already developed or in development world-wide, developing materials needed for WORD Ministry projects around the world, and training missionaries and nationals in literacy principles and methods. Some overseas travel will be required.
- Thoroughly trained and capable in literacy methods and all aspects of literacy programs, from initial survey work through primer construction, training teachers, and establishing programs in local communities (preferably a Masters in Literacy or MA in Applied Linguistics)
- Experience in literacy in cross-cultural situations would be very helpful.
- Personable, able to work with the facilitators and nationals he or she would train and help, with other members of the WORD team and with literacy personnel of other like-minded mission groups
- Must have a servant’s heart and a heart for teaching literacy around the world with the goal of enabling them to read God’s Word.
- Appointed by ABWE as full-term missionary and fully supported
Funding Coordinator
Job Description:
- Maintain good communication and liaison with ABWE Finance Dept.
- Maintain records of funds coming into WORD Ministries
- Maintain records of funds spent through WORD Ministries, on a per-project basis when appropriate
- Track fund-raising information/needs and share with other WORD team members; possibly fund-raising efforts through campaigns and through local church partnerships
- Conduct on-going financial planning, share info about funds needed with those ministry team members charged with fund-raising
- Develop programs for local church/VBS/SS and other groups to be involved through prayer and giving for projects as needed
- Accepted by ABWE as volunteer or appointed as missionary
- Ethical, honest
- Organized and self-motivated in own work methods and able to organize info and materials, procedures, etc.
- Skilled in communication
- Skilled in record-keeping and bookkeeping - preferably trained and experienced in similar types of work
- Able to work well with those in ABWE Finance Dept.
Resource Center Coordinator
Job Description:
- Maintains the Resource Center by:
- organizing materials in library
- fashioning displays of materials
- adding to materials in library
- becoming fully acquainted with materials
- Is present at the Resource Center during its hours of operation and shares information with those who come in, referring them to the appropriate member of the WORD team as needed
- Works with computer programs related to WORD Ministries if possibleand trains others
- Maintains stock of materials to be sold, keeps accounting records, and re-orders as needed
- Accepted by ABWE as volunteer or appointed as missionary
- Personable, good communications skills, able to talk with those who come into resource center seeking advice, information or help
- Good knowledge of materials in resource library
- Organized and able to organize materials logically
- Knowledge of computers and computer programs would be very helpful
- Library knowledge and skills would be very helpful
Computer Coordinator
Job Description:
- Finds existing programs that would benefit this ministry, learns to use them and makes them known among ABWE missionaries
- Trains those who would benefit from the use of computer programs - missionaries, nationals, consultants, etc.
- Adapts programs as needed and develops others to further the work of WORD Ministries)
- Works with Communications Coordinator to update WORD web site and expand as needed
- Accepted by ABWE as volunteer or appointed as missionary
- Good knowledge and experienced in computer usage
- Proficient in computer networking skills
- Proficient in computer programming, creation of fonts, etc.
- Able to develop resources for WORD Ministries as needs are made known
- Proficient in data-base programs (Lotus, Access, etc.)
Communications Coordinator
Job Description:
- Shares information about WORD Ministries and its projects with donors, potential donors, prayer supporters, all ABWE family, etc.
- Shares information about WORD Ministries among consultants/coordinators within WORD ministry
- Promotes WORD Ministries through web site and updates info on web site as needed
- Promotes WORD Ministries through Message articles, audio-visuals, etc as appropriate
- Accepted as ABWE volunteer or appointed as missionary
- Good communicator (written and oral)
- Organized, able to store and retrieve information quickly and accurately
- Efficient, dependable
- Able to discern needed info flow for each piece of information coming to him/her and make sure the info is received by those who need it
Read more about each area of ministry and current projects. :
Links to: Translation (our page, see following)
Bible Translation (our page, see following)
Literacy (our page, see following)
ESL (to Pasquales’ site,.daughter page about ESL www.pasquale.abwe.org )
MRC (on ABWE site, as above)
Our Scala presentation (Wes, is this even possible?)
Contact us: (e-mail link to )