Henrietta Township Planning Commission
February 7, 2012
Henrietta Township Planning Commission was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Chairman Paul Larson with the pledge of allegiance.
Other members present were: O’Dean Hokanson, Russell Johnsrud, Duane Goeden, Arnold Leshovsky and Wanita Nosbush
Ø Minutes from the Oct 4, 2011 meeting were read. Motion made by Duane, second O’Dean, to approve the minutes as read.
Motion passed.
Old Business:
Ø Henrietta Property Classification breakdown is attached.
Ø The Board is continuing to locate the previously approved Vision Map.
Ø Mary Ann (township assessor) has forwarded the list of Residential/Commercial parcels in township to O’Dean. There are approx.40 parcels included. O’Dean is going to get additional information regarding owners and business names.
Ø The Zoning Ordinance draft has been updated with recommended changes by the Planning Commission. All recommended changes are highlighted and deleted items are made by strikeout and highlighted. (Attached)
New Business:
Ø Request for Zoning Change from Wayne and Martha Pike for 6.32+- acre parcel from Ag to Rural Residential (RR) Kevin Lindow (Pikes representative was given the Zoning Application form by Russ and was told to complete and return to Gary Korsgaden with the fee of $625.
Ø Public Hearing on above Zoning Change shall be held on Monday Feb. 27, 2012 at 6:30 PM in addition to the Planning Commission, other that should attend are: Kevin Lindow and Gary Korsgaden.
Ø Gary Korsgaden shall notify the two (2) property owner within the ¼ mile. They are John Thompson and Bob & Kelly Schmitz. (per section 120-080)
Ø Deb Anderson shall publish notice of Public Hearing on Zoning Change on Feb 18, 2012 (See Section 120-080)
Ø The Planning Commission shall take the information and vote regarding recommendation from the public hearing either on Feb 27 or at our March 6th meeting
Ø It is suggested that the Town Board act on the Planning Commissions recommendations at their regular meeting March 8.
Ø Duane made a motion,2nd by Paul to request the Town Board make all forms and applications available on the township website. Motion passed.
Ø Russ will talk to Troy regarding the timeline and checklist for the Public Hearing and adoption of the Henrietta Township Zoning Ordinance Revision.
Motion made to adjourn made by Wanita, Second by Paul. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanita Nosbush, Clerk