MAA Secretary ** P.O. Box 1282 ** Westminster, MD 21158 Phone: (410) 346 – 6127 MAA – PO BOX 414, Herndon, VA 20172 – (703) 476-1755 – Website -

MAA Secretary – Kim Wise – (301) 293- 3565 – Email

Email: [email protected]

May Newsletter

May 28th2004June 8, 2007


Within the month of May, the Maryland Archery Assc .took two GREAT losses to our close MAA family. Don Sampson passed on away on May 1st, 2007 and later in the month, Bill Sprecher, passed away on May 20, 2007. These were two of our “OLD School” archers on both the state and national levels. They will be missed by many.

Printable Schedule on MAA Website.

Check out the MAA website – for the printable version of the 2007 schedule. You can print off as many copies as you would like using the link Alex Dodin our web master has set up for our use. Colleen McGowan, Pres. MAA, will have some hard copies with her as she travels through the state, if you do not use the internet.

Oriole Archers add 3 additional 900 Round shoots to their schedule:

In preparation for the up coming National FITA championship tournaments and the MD State Senior Olympic championship. OA added three 900 round shoots to their schedule. Ted Light called all the Seniors that he had contact info for during the week of the June 8th. He held the first on this past Sunday, June 10, the other two are July 15and August 19.




Many Thanks to the new Co-Editors of the 2007 MAA Archery Guide. They are all new to the jobs that they have taken on. They have all tried their very best this year. Once again the 2007 MAA Archery Guide looks great. If you find any omitted info or anything that needs to be corrected please contact Larry Worrill. They are looking for someone to do the photo collages for 2008. Many thanks to Mike

The official MAA email address has changed to: the same as printed above. The old one expires at the end of May 2004.

The FITA Field State Championship tournament date has been moved from Sunday, July 11th 2004 TO September 6th 2004, Labor Day Monday. Location, Mayberry Archers and advertised times remain the same.

Pettrey, for taking on the job the last two years. Anyone wishing to help out with the Guide you can also contact Larry Worrill, Faye Wise, Winnie Paris, Vicki Clem, Barb Cavelius, and Judy Specht????? If we are forgetting anyone, we are sorry.


As with any new or old job there will always be some “oops”. The MAA would like to apologize to Lit’l Jeri and Danny Shuck for some of the errors in reporting the 2006 results in the 2007 Archery Guide. We are very sad when things get goofed up and feel even worse about it when it is one of our kids. The MAA is extremely sorry and we shall try harder next year to get it right.


As of June 1, 2007, ALL membership fees for the NFAA have gone up. Ind. Adult - $35.00, 2nd or 3rd member joining $5.00, 4th member joining $2.00. Independent Youth - (under the age of 18) $15.00. New applications have been sent to all clubs.

MAA State Championship Applications:

Attached are the registration forms for the next three state championships, the Un-Marked 3-D, Marked 3-D and State Outdoor. The last three state tournaments, the FITA Field, the Animal and the FITA Target will be included in a newsletter that will be sent out in the beginning of July. Please remember to include all the information requested on all of the applications. Phone numbers, email addresses, style, class, division and score average are all important information that makes the tournament committee able to do most of the work prior to each tournament. The main delay of starting each state tournament is the lack of pertinent information on pre-registration forms and late registration in general. If at all possible please pre-register even if it is to call the VP of Tournament (Sue Blickenstaff) the day before the tournament.Con’t

Con’t – page 2


For those of you who are MAA Only members and are not a member of the NFAA, your renewal application was attached to your January newsletter. We received only a few renewals. MAA Only membership dues now run the same as the calendar year, from January to December. Your 03’ membership renewal dues were pro-rated to reflect a December 31st 03 expiration date. You may pay your MAA only dues at anytime, but after this past January 31st it will no longer be pro-rated and the full amount will be due when renewing after the January 31st deadline for each year.

Please remember that due to enforcement of our charter agreement with the NFAA as an “MAA only” member you now are only eligible to compete for state awards at the UnMarked and Marked 3-D Championship Tournaments. Weekly shoots or any of our promotional shoots such as the MAA Annual Charity Shoot on May 2, 2004 are unaffected.

If you have any questions about your MAA membership, about joining the NFAA or filling out the application properly for either MAA or NFAA membership please contact the state secretary, Dave Blickenstaff at (410) 346-6127, or your own club’s officer that handles your club’s membership applicationsMAA State Championship Applications:

Attached are the registration forms for the rest of the state championships for 2006. The Outdoor Field, the FITA Field, the Animal and the FITA Target championships. Please remember to include all the information requested on all of the applications. Phone numbers, email addresses, style, class, division and score average are all important information that makes the tournament committee able to do most of the work prior to each tournament. The main delay of starting each state tournament is the lack of pertinent information on pre-registration forms and late registration in general. If at all possible please pre-register even if it is to call the VP of Tournament (Colleen McGowan) the day before the tournament. There is no registration form for the “Maryland State 3-D Challenge. A flyer is attached and there is no pre-registration needed


The MAA Annual Charity Shoot

Our annual Charity shoot benefiting “Camp Sunrise” a camp for kids with cancer was held on April 29, 2007. The total income to date is $2854.00. This year all those who donated in any way by either shooting the event, general donation or participating in several drawings and auctions received a “Guardian Angel Pin” Anyone who did not received theirs please contact Colleen McGowan, Pres.

The 2007 charity shoot still turned out well even though there were a lack of donations from some our former contributors. Donations from suppliers were way down. Trent Arledge, from Autumn Sky Archery, offered to use his contacts to acquire some donations from the bigger name companies. Autumn Sky also donated a bow and Trent used the pledge sheet that was sent out at the archery shop to collect $190.00. Kelly Hickey, Secretary for EFA offered to help Bob out with communications with our donators. If you know of anyone who might want to donate ANYTHING OF ANY KIND, please let Bob know ASAP. They will make sure they get a letter. I want to thank each and everyone that donated items and a special thanks to everyone for the gracious support at the auction. Thanks to all the wonderful companies that made donations. A letter of thanks will be sent to those that made a donation to this year’s event. For the kids at Camp Sunrise we thank you for your kindness. To all those that helped with the shoot and auction Thank you for making this years MAA Charity Shoot one to remember.

Our annual Charity shoot benefiting “Camp Sunshine” a camp for kids with cancer was held on May 2, 2004. The total income to date is $3,821.24. Since the funds will not be turned over to the ACS until the June Banquet. We will still accept donations. Please make check out to the “American Cancer Society” and send them directly to Our Charity Shoot Chairperson is Bob Sales. I would call or email him to let him know it is coming. Your canceled check will be your receipt for tax purposes.

Instructors CoursesMAA SHIRTS AND HATS

MAA sportswear is in stock and also special items can be ordered. Colleen McGowan, MAA President has the inventory and will have it at most Sunday shoots and State shoots. You can buy your own apparel and give it to Colleen to get the logo sewn on for just $6.50(front chest) and a full back logo for $15.00. Reg. t-shirts in both Men’s and Ladies sizes are $12.00 to $15 for specialty. All Hats are $12.each, Collard shirt for both men and women run between $15 - $42. Tank tops, dressy T-shirts and sleeveless T-Shirts are also available. If we do not have your size it can be ordered very easily.

Ted Light, our NAA Representative is conducting a Level II NAA instructor course on June 26, 27, and 28th.

LOCATION- Genesee Valley Camp and Ridgley Middle School.

Classes will begin each day at 8:00 AM. The cost is $120.00 per person, which includes the 2 course books.


Ted Light

1107 Greenway Rd.

Cockeysville, MD. 21030

For more information please call: (410) 252-8292 or


Incentive awards:

Please note that applications for our annual incentive awards are due on Saturday, August 2825th 20042007, which is the first day of the State Outdoor Championships. You may get applications from the VP of Awards, Jim McDonaldGeorge Light, Jr.

Bowmen of the year due:

Bowmen of the Year nominations must be submitted in writing by August 1st 2007. Please send a written letter stating as to why you think this person should be the 2006 Bowman of the year to Jerry Wenzel (to are due tolast years recipient). Wes Reeves address is: PO BOX 126, Frederick, MD 21705-0126. Phone # 301-898-5488, Wes does not have email at this time.

Moving ON:

Clownie and Janice Wallace, some of our Sr. MAA members, will be moving to WV the 1st weekend of June. They have been only shooting a small fraction of what they used to in resent years. They have still been around TA, both indoors leagues and some outdoors. If we receive their new contact info we shall pass it on to all those who are interested.


Con’t - page 3

Sue Weinstein by August 15th, 2004. Applications will be processed by the Bowmen of the Year committee on the weekend of the State Outdoor.

Deadline for Agenda Items for the November MAA Meeting:

Agenda Items for the November MAA Council meeting, on November 12th, 2004 at Eutaw Forest Archers in Waldorf, MD, are due by August 21st, 2004. Please submit them to the MAA Secretary, Dave Blickenstaff by mail or email.

Agenda Items for the November 2007 MAA Meeting:

Agenda Items for the November MAA Council meeting, on November 11th, 2007 at Twelfth Precinct Archers at 1:00pm (after the 10am shooting line is finished), are due by September 12, 2007. If possible, PLEASE have them in by August 25th, 2007. Since the majority of the MAA Executive Board are together at the outdoor state championships it makes it easier to go over anything submitted prior to sending it out to the Clubs for discussion and vote. Please submit them to the Kim Wise, MAA Secretary, by mail or email. Please email or call to confirm receipt.

MAA Semi-Annual May 2007 Council Meeting

The May 2007, Sfollowing is the outcome from the agenda items voted on by the membership at the MAA Semi Annual Spring Meeting that was to be held on May 14th 2004 at Mohican BowhuntersTwelfth Precinct Archers on May 12th, was canceled partially due to either no response as to whom was coming and many could not attend due to family commitments. The meeting was rescheduled for the following Sunday, May 20th, at Mayberry Archers after shooting was over for the day.

The following clubs were present or had submitted a vote(s) to the President for the meeting.

> AAA(1) – X , CB(1) – X , EFA(1)- X , GPB(1) - __ , HB(1)- X , HMB(1) – ___, MA(1) – X ,

MOB(1) – X , OA(1) - ___, SMA(1) –X , TA(2) – X , TPA(1) – X , VNB(1) – X .

.The only agenda item on the table was the on sent to all club representatives in the April newsletter. It pertained to the money split between the MAA and the Host club holding the current 3-D Challenge. During a discussion prior to the meeting about the agenda item between Colleen McGowan, Pres. MAA and Sue Blickenstaff, (prior VP of Tournaments) and Pres. of Mayberry Archers. Sue Blickenstaff gave some additional input on subject which included that if the MAA membership should decide to revert the current 3D Challenge tournament format back to a State Championship format the current pay split will be once again be correct. It was agreed by both that the current wording works for either tournament format the way it currently is written in the by-laws. The agenda item was then withdrawn by Colleen McGowan, Pres. MAA at the meeting (of who submitted the agenda item).

There was also a request in the email canceling the May 12th date for the meeting, that each club bring input on the current Charity shoot format and date placement. There was total agreement on changing the Dot format back to 28 targets and that the 3-D start time would be best moved later in the day so the 3D shooters would be finished around the same time as the Dot shooters. It was also agreed that it should be held at one centrally located location. Moving the date of the tournament later in the year seem to also be agreed on but an actual date would need further discussion and research as to where it could be moved too. Some felt after the state field championship would be good idea, Labor Day weekend was suggested. Please forward your thoughts to both your club for discussion and to Colleen McGowan, Pres/VP of Tournaments.